WWF Sunday Night Heat August 23, 1998

Taped from Des Moines, IA

Airdate: August 23, 1998 (taped 8/11)

Attendance: unknown

Hosted by Jim Ross & Shane McMahon

Will Droz get revenge against Jarrett? Can Scorpio defeat Michinoku for the Light Heavyweight title? How will the Headbangers fare against Owen and Severn? What’s on the Rock’s mind? You’d better adjust the thermostat, ‘cuz Heat is ON!

Prior to the opening match, the Rock emerges with a ladder.

Match 1: Southern Justice versus Golga & Kurrgan (w/ the Oddities)


  • For those unaware, Golga was portrayed by John Tenta, a.k.a. Earthquake. He should have recaptured his role as Earthquake rather than perform like this.
  • Kurrgan reversed an Irish whip and clotheslined the BEJEEZUS out of Knight.
  • When Golga tagged in, he no-sold turnbuckle shots to a decent pop.
  • Canterbury tagged in and suplexed Golga for 2. Impressive!
  • As Dustin Runnels walked through the Des Moines faithful with his unusual support for the Ultimate Warrior, Knight tagged in, got reversed on a cross corner whip, and ate an avalanche.
  • Golga attempted an Earthquake Splash but came up empty.
  • After Canterbury tagged in, he clotheslined and dumped Golga with a Problem Solver a.k.a. Slop Drop for 2.
  • With all four wrestlers in the ring, Luna jumped into the ring as well as Canterbury’s back.
  • Referee Tim White called for the bell, and Southern Justice won by DQ at 4:09.


Rating: *

Summary:  The only star this match earned was that suplex to Golga. The rest was utter tripe.

After the match, Jarrett storms the ring and threatens to cut Luna’s golden mane. Instead, Silva saunters into the ring to chase him off. Next, he chokeslams Canterbury to pop the Des Moines faithful. Allegedly, the Oddities’ theme plays while the Des Moines faithful dances. Due to copyright issues, the song has been scrubbed.

Upon Animal’s introduction, Hawk joins him albeit in street clothes. Animal instructs him to leave, so Hawk makes his way through the ropes. Meanwhile, Mark Henry appears and blasts the “in no condition to perform” Hawk down to the floor. Nefarious! He splashes Hawk on the floor, joins Brown in the ring, and they feed Animal a double back elbow. As Henry slams Animal, Brown mounts the top turnbuckle and uncorks a Lo Down. Droz hightails it to the ring to chase off the NoD.

Match 2 for the WWF European title: D’Lo Brown (champion) versus Animal


  • No match.


Rating: NONE

We revisit highlights from the Brawl 4 All series as the finale airs tomorrow on RAW.

During the Headbangers’ entrance, Edge was shown amongst the Des Moines faithful.

We revisit RAW when Severn ultimately cost Shamrock the match by choking him out.

REAL Match 2: Owen Hart & Dan “The Beast” Severn versus the Headbangers


  • Thrasher reversed an Irish whip, leapfrogged Owen, and followed with a hip toss.
  • As Thrasher dropkicked him, Owen tagged out to Severn who bulldozed Thrasher down to the mat.
  • Thrasher ducked a clothesline and hip-tossed Severn.
  • When Mosh tagged in, he mounted the top turnbuckle and lowered the boom onto Severn.
  • Mosh fed Severn a knee crusher and tagged in Thrasher.
  • After the Headbangers double-guillotined Severn, Owen tagged in and dealt Thrasher a spinning heel kick.
  • Owen suplexed Thrasher, gave him a cross corner whip, but came up empty on his follow-through.
  • While Mosh tagged in, he delivered a back elbow to Owen followed by a back drop.
  • He whipped Owen into the corner and hit a running body block.
  • Slamming Owen, Mosh powerslammed him for 2.
  • With all four wrestlers in the ring, Mosh and Severn got rammed together.
  • Severn dumped Thrasher over the top rope to the floor, and Owen locked a chokehold on Mosh.
  • Since Mosh was incapacitated, Owen and Severn won at 3:50.


Rating: **

Summary:  Showcase match for Owen and Severn.

The Rock reemerges, grabs the ladder he’d previously set up, and strolls to the ring. When we revisit RAW, HHH ate a shitload of ladder for dinner. After the Rock sets up the ladder in the ring, he trolls the Des Moines faithful and cuts a promo on HHH. When exactly did HHH challenge Rock to a ladder match?

Regardless, Rock accepts and informs HHH that he’ll retain the Intercontinental title. Solid promo work with Rock laying out a laundry list of his catchphrases.

Promo airs for a confrontation between the Rock and Chyna tomorrow night.

Match 3 for the WWF Light Heavyweight title: Taka Michinoku (w/ Mr. Yamaguchi) versus 2 Cold Scorpio


  • Michinoku leapfrogged Scorpio and followed with a spinning heel kick.
  • When Scorpio sought refuge on the floor, Michinoku scored with an Asai moonsault. Woohoo!
  • He held Scorpio for Mr. Yamaguchi, but heel miscommunication ensued.
  • As Scorpio laid out Mr. Yamaguchi with a superkick, Mrs. Yamaguchi stood in his way.
  • Scorpio gave Michinoku a cross corner whip followed by an avalanche.
  • After he powerbombed Michinoku, Scorpio landed a thrust kick.
  • He fed Michinoku a Death Valley Driver, mounted the top turnbuckle, and launched a spectacular moonsault.
  • While Mrs. Yamaguchi distracted referee Mike Chioda, Scorpio only earned a false pin.
  • Both Mr. and Mrs. Yamaguchi distracted Scorpio allowing Michinoku to dropkick him.
  • Michinoku planted Scorpio with a Michinoku Driver and pinned him at 3:32.


Rating: **

Summary:  Good chemistry, but Kaientai chicanery gave Michinoku both a significant advantage as well as the victory.

Following the match, Val Venis stands at the entrance and cuts a promo on Michinoku.

Video airs featuring Mario Lopez from Pacific Blue.

We revisit RAW when Austin hijacked the episode in his pursuit of the Undertaker. When the two intersected, Kane impersonated Undertaker, yet Austin tossed him into the hearse. Austin tried to open the door, but it was locked due to Undertaker being behind the wheel. According to JR, Austin must eliminate either Kane or Undertaker prior to the PPV next Sunday.

Match 4: “Double J” Jeff Jarrett versus Droz


  • Droz stormed the ring, and the match was ON.
  • As Jarrett fed him a Stroke, Droz rebounded with a flying back elbow.
  • He clotheslined Jarrett over the top rope to the floor while Shane mentioned that due to his involvement in the Brawl 4 All Droz had a torn left bicep. OUCH!
  • Nevertheless, the match segued to the floor, and Jarrett made Droz HIT THE POLE.
  • Through the Des Moines faithful, X-Pac jumped into the ring and blasted Jarrett with a leg lariat.
  • Referee Tim White called for the bell and disqualified Droz at 1:30.


Rating: NONE

Summary:  Mere backdrop for the upcoming match at the PPV.

Afterward, Droz holds Jarrett so that X-Pac can return the sheering favor. He cuts a few strands until Southern Justice runs both Droz and X-Pac off.

Conclusion:  Summerslam ’98 is right around the corner, and things are shaping up. Jarrett and X-Pac continued their saga leading up to their match. Also, Owen and Severn prepared for Owen’s showdown with Ken Shamrock.

What’s my recommendation? It’s not must-see TV this week, but the Rock’s promo is worth checking out.

TV Rating: 3.62

Stay tuned for WCW Monday Nitro 08-24-98!

Comments? Suggestions? Send them to me at rsg@rockstargary.com and follow me on Twitter (@rockstargary202).