Live from Fort Lauderdale, FL
Airdate: November 2, 1998
Attendance: 15,727 (14,222 paid, sold out)
Hosted by Tony Schiavone, “Iron” Mike Tenay, Larry Zbyszko, & Bobby “The Brain” Heenan
Can Luger win in the main event? Who will be his foe? Can Kidman become a double champion and wrest the TV title from Jericho? Who makes his triumphant return? What’s going on with Bret? Big Poppa Pump? Since the show’s in Florida, be sure to wear some sunscreen, OK?
Promo airs for WCW World War III ’98 which will be LIVE on 11/22. Order NOW!
Match 1: Alex Wright versus Norman Smiley
- Right off the bat, WE HAVE A MATCH!
- Smiley leapfrogged Wright, ducked a clothesline, and fed him a cross body block.
- When he slammed Wright twice, Smiley reversed an Irish whip but fell victim to a flying forearm.
- Wright dealt Smiley a standing heel kick followed by a HARD cross corner whip.
- As he tied Smiley to the Tree of Woe, Wright gave him the business.
- He sent Smiley with another cross corner whip but came up empty on his follow-through.
- After he delivered a double underhook slam, Smiley followed with a cross corner whip.
- He took Wright down with a drop toe hold, wiggled, and landed a leg drop. He might be onto something there.
- While he kipped up, Smiley scored with an elbow drop for 2.
- He powerslammed Wright, mounted the top turnbuckle, but got caught.
- Joining Smiley atop the top turnbuckle, Wright hooked a top rope superplex. Wow!
- Smiley missed a right, so Wright dumped him with a hangman’s neckbreaker.
- 1-2-3.
- Wright won at 4:40.
Rating: **
Summary: Showcase match for Wright, but that superplex was magnificent.
We revisit last week when DDP beat Bret for the US title only for Bret to put him on the shelf.
Opening montage.
At the entrance, the Nitro Girls dance in black.
Match 2: Disco Inferno versus Kaz Hayashi
- Hayashi flipped out of a hip toss, missed a spin kick, but ate a clothesline.
- As he gave Hayashi a cross corner whip, Disco came up empty on his follow-through.
- Hayashi uncorked a flying headscissors and dropkicked Disco.
- When Disco took a powder on the floor, Hayashi annihilated him with a corkscrew tope con hilo. Amazing!
- He guillotined Disco with the top rope, mounted the top turnbuckle, and hit a cross body block for 2.
- After Disco rebounded with a vertical suplex, he mounted the second turnbuckle and launched a flying double axe handle for 2.
- He fed Hayashi a leg drop, mounted the opposite second turnbuckle, leaped, but there wasn’t any water in the pool.
- While Disco reversed an Irish whip, he ate another dropkick from Hayashi.
- Dealing Disco a backbreaker, Hayashi mounted the top turnbuckle and scored with a beautiful moonsault.
- Do we have an upset?
- 1-2-NO!
- At the entrance, Sonny Onoo got a bird’s eye view on Hayashi.
- Disco leveled Hayashi with an elbow smash, mounted the top turnbuckle, but got caught.
- Joining Disco, Hayashi superplexed Disco for 2.
- He slammed Disco, mounted the adjacent top turnbuckle, but noticed Onoo at ringside.
- Chasing after Onoo, Hayashi got blasted by Disco with another double axe handle.
- Disco followed with a piledriver and pinned Hayashi at 4:38.
Rating: **
Summary: Showcase match for Disco as Hayashi took his eye off the ball.
1-800-COLLECT sponsors the replay.
At the entrance, “Mean” Gene Okerlund introduces the returning…Booker T who praises his brother Stevie Ray yet will handle family business at another time. He cuts a promo on Hall and challenges him TONIGHT.
Match 3: Fit Finlay versus Scott Putski
- Putski leapfrogged Finlay and followed with a hip toss.
- When he clotheslined Finlay, Putski slammed him.
- Putski missed an elbow drop, so Finlay fed him a slam of his own.
- As the match segued to the floor, Finlay rammed Putski back-first into the apron.
- He dealt Putski a short-arm clothesline for 2.
- After he delivered a knee drop, Finlay got another 2.
- Putski rebounded with a cross corner whip but ate boot on his follow-through.
- While Finlay charged, Putski powerslammed him.
- He backdropped Finlay and followed with a clothesline.
- Missing the Polish hammer, Putski succumbed to a somersault slam.
- Finlay demolished and pinned Putski at 3:56.
Rating: *
Summary: Showcase match for Finlay.
Raven offers another soliloquy until Kanyon interrupts and berates him.
Retrospective airs on Jericho’s quest to beat Goldberg. Will there EVER be a match?
Prior to the next match, Miller grabs the microphone and challenges anybody. Wait a minute! Will Warrior emerge and decimate Miller? Nope, it’s Scott Armstrong. Nevertheless, Miller does his usual spiel so Armstrong pulverizes him.
Match 4: Ernest “The Cat” Miller (w/ Sonny Onoo) versus Scott Armstrong
- Scott dropkicked Miller but received a cross corner whip.
- As Scott took a sternum-first bump, Miller leaped to the top turnbuckle and devastated him wih a Feliner.
- 1-2-3.
- Miller won at 0:25.
Rating: DUD
Summary: Showcase match for Miller.
After the match, Miller brutalizes Scott until Steve arrives to pull him off. Upon checking on his brother, Steve gets nailed by Miller. Steve takes Miller down and beats him six ways to Sunday. As he tries to blast Onoo, Steve eats a thrust kick from Miller. For some odd reason, referee Mickey Jay counts another pinfall for Miller. Taking the microphone again, Miller touts his conquering of the Armstrong family. That doesn’t seem like a difficult mountain to climb.
Match 5: Wrath versus Kendall Windham
- In case you’re wondering, Kendall’s no longer sporting a bald head and black trunks.
- Wrath gave Kendall a cross corner whip but ate boot.
- As Wrath reversed an Irish whip, he fed Kendall a sidewalk slam for 2.
- Kendall dealt him a swinging neckbreaker, but Wrath no-sold it.
- When he gave Kendall another cross corner whip, Wrath scored with a flying shoulder block.
- He planted Kendall with a Meltdown and pinned him at 1:46.
Rating: *
Summary: Showcase match for Wrath, and the Fort Lauderdale faithful rejoices.
Video airs of Bret’s path of destruction.
In the ring, Okerlund interviews Bret who “hobbles” with a bad leg. Bret claims a groin pull and backs out of the main event. While Okerlund disputes this, Bret’s PISSED about losing to DDP last week. He also runs down Sting for bringing a baseball bat. Although Bret’s crying about being “hurt,” Luger approaches the ring to question him. He accuses Bret of lying, calls him a “coward,” and steamrolls him with a clothesline. In the process, Okerlund becomes collateral damage. To add insult to injury, Luger places Bret in the Torture Rack until WCW officials arrive.
Well, you can’t accuse WCW of not having wrestling matches in the first hour. Whew!
HOUR #2!
Due to the power of WCW President Eric Bischoff, the Flair-Hogan match from Halloween Havoc ’94 is shown. Like last week, it’s mostly clips of Hogan on offense. My review of the match is here.
Back in Fort Lauderdale, the Four Horsemen approach the ring. A recovered Okerlund interviews Arn who cuts a promo on Bischoff and accuses him of “kids’ games.” As he runs down Hogan for “hiding” behind Bischoff’s power, Arn calls him out. Flair gets his turn at Bischoff and says he doesn’t respect him because he’s never been a true wrestler. Malenko quickly tells them he’ll join the party after taking care of Raven. Afterward, Benoit believes the Four Horsemen are the “standard.” Mongo angrily chews out Bischoff to finish the segment.
TV Rating: 3.9
Video airs of the Nitro Girls.
At the entrance, the Nitro Girls dance in gold.
Schiavone announces that J.R. Nicholas from Worthington, OH won this week’s Nitro Party pack. His video follows.
Video airs of Goldberg.
Where’d the wrestling go?
Match 6 (non-title): IWGP Champion Scott Norton (w/ Vincent) versus Van Hammer
- Norton gave Hammer a cross corner whip followed by a corner clothesline.
- As he clotheslined Hammer over the top rope to the floor, Norton joined and rammed him back-first into the apron.
- He suplexed Hammer back into the ring on the second attempt, but Hammer responded with a cobra clutch slam for 2.
- When Norton reversed an Irish whip, he fed Hammer a Samoan drop.
- He powerbombed and pinned Hammer at 1:59.
Rating: DUD
Summary: Showcase match for Norton.
Backstage, WCW trainer Danny Young tapes up Bret’s “injured” ribs thanks to Luger.
Prior to the next match, Saturn grabs the microphone and calls out Eddie who remarkably comes out alone.
Match 7: Eddie Guerrero versus Saturn
- When Eddie stepped into the ring, Saturn vaulted him face-first into the top turnbuckle.
- He dealt Eddie an overhead belly-to-belly suplex and mauled him in the corner.
- As Eddie reversed an Irish whip, Saturn planted him with a wheelbarrow facebuster.
- Saturn attempted a Death Valley Driver, but Eddie countered with a flying headscissors.
- After he fed Saturn a brainbuster, Eddie mounted the top turnbuckle.
- Saturn caught, joined, and launched a T-bone superplex. Incredible!
- While Saturn mounted the adjacent top turnbuckle, he decimated Eddie with a guillotine leg drop for 2.
- He delivered a Falcon Arrow, but the lWo stormed the ring.
Rating: NONE
Summary: Not really a match but instead payback for Saturn. Perhaps these two could square off at the PPV?
Following the confrontation, the lWo gangs up and obliterates Saturn. Suddenly, Konnan, dressed to dance in South Beach, approaches the ring. He calls off Saturn and chews out Eddie. Speaking of Eddie, he questions Konnan’s heritage. En español, Konnan declares his Cuban and Puerto Rican roots to the delight of the Fort Lauderdale faithful. A feud has begun!
As Konnan returns down the aisle, Seattle Mariners shortstop Alex Rodriguez joins him.
TV Rating: 3.7
We revisit last week when Big Poppa Pump and Buff Bagwell took out J.J. Dillon.
BPP and Bagwell head to the ring. When Kenny Kaos emerges, Dillon stops him. BPP makes a beeline for him and shoves him. In no uncertain terms, BPP has LOST HIS DAMN MIND. Despite Dillon’s joining the broadcast table, we head to commercial.
TV Rating: 3.6
Match 8: Rey Mysterio, Jr. versus Psicosis
- Psicosis reversed an Irish whip, and Mysterio applied the brakes between the ropes.
- As he charged, Psicosis ate boot.
- Mysterio unleashed a huracanrana that sent Psicosis down to the floor.
- With Psicosis down in the corner, Mysterio fed him a Bronco buster to ZERO reaction.
- He gave Psicosis a cross corner whip but got caught and powerbombed.
- When the match segued to the floor, Psicosis slammed Mysterio, returned to the ring, and landed a springboard guillotine leg drop.
- He rolled Mysterio back into the ring and got 2.
- After he gave Mysterio a cross corner whip, Psicosis followed with a corner senton splash.
- He flapjacked Mysterio who attempted an Asai moonsault.
- While Psicosis leaped to the second turnbuckle, he attempted a cross body block but came up empty.
- Mysterio migrated to the apron and launched a springboard senton splash for 2.
- Annihilating Mysterio with a sit-out gourdbuster, Psicosis got 2.
- He gave Mysterio a cross corner whip followed by a corner clothesline.
- Hoisting Mysterio atop the top turnbuckle, Psicosis uncorked a super huracanara for another 2.
- Mysterio conned Psicosis to dive at him and miss.
- With Psicosis draped between the ropes, Mysterio hit a springboard moonsault for 2.
- Psicosis reversed a cross corner whip, but Mysterio connected with a flying headscissors.
- Decimating Psicosis with an X-Factor, Mysterio places him atop the top turnbuckle.
- The lWo sauntered toward ringside while Mysterio joined Psicosis albeit distracted.
- Blocking a super huracanrana, Psicosis pinned Mysterio at 8:35.
Rating: ***
Summary: Always solid work between these two, but the Fort Lauderdale faithful was completely checked out.
At the entrance, Okerlund interviews Jericho who emerges while wearing a Goldberg t-shirt. He respects Goldberg and lies about his “football career.” The lack of sincerity in his promo is priceless.
TV Rating: 3.7
HOUR #3!
Match 9: Dean Malenko versus Raven (w/o Kanyon)
- Raven baited him to keep hitting him until he nailed Malenko WAY DOWNTOWN.
- When Raven attempted an Even Flow DDT, Malenko countered, and both wrestlers spilled between the ropes to the floor.
- Lodi arrived in support of Raven, but Malenko sent his sensei back-first into the steel railing.
- As Mongo arrived, he tanned Lodi’s hide.
- Malenko tried to re-enter the ring, but Raven made him taste the apron which tastes NOTHING like the steel railing.
- After Raven tossed ring announcer David Penzer’s chair into the ring, he sent Malenko into it face-first via drop toe hold.
- Referee Scott Dickenson removed the dented chair from the ring, and Raven got 2.
- While he suplexed Malenko, Raven retrieved the chair and wedged it in the corner.
- Malenko countered a cross corner whip into a sleeper, but Raven countered with a belly-to-back suplex.
- Reversing another cross corner whip, Malenko sent Raven reeling into the chair.
- He fed Raven a spinning heel kick and followed with a suplex for 2.
- Dealing Raven a release German suplex, Malenko made a second effort yet was blocked.
- Malenko countered another Even Flow DDT with a modified spinebuster and almost locked in a Texas Cloverleaf.
- Before Malenko could trap Raven, Kanyon finally stormed the ring only to get hammered by Malenko.
- Raven hooked an O’Connor roll but only got 2.
- Due to Malenko’s kickout, Raven got sent into Kanyon on the apron spilling him to the floor.
- Malenko rolled up Raven and got 2.
- Benoit approached ringside and destroyed Kanyon.
- Meanwhile, Bret also approached ringside and attacked Benoit.
- Dickenson called for the bell because Kanyon annihilated Malenko.
- As a result, Malenko won by DQ at 6:13.
Rating: **
Summary: Too many run-ins to tell a worthwhile story, but what’s the deal with Bret and Benoit?
Afterward, Bret locks Benoit in a hammerlock having already rammed it against the steel railing. Luger arrives, but Bret feigns injury. Before Luger can knock Bret’s block off, Giant jogs to ringside to remove Bret from the ring. Apparently, Giant requests to substitute for Bret in the main event. More on this bait-and-switch later.
TV Rating: 3.6
Match 10 for the WCW World TV title: Chris Jericho (champion w/ Ralphus) versus Kidman
- Kidman leapfrogged Jericho and followed with a hip toss.
- As he dropkicked Jericho, Kidman attempted another leap frog but got caught.
- Jericho launched Kidman over the top rope to the floor, joined, and rammed him face-first into the steps.
- When he suplexed Kidman, Jericho administered an Arrogant Cover for 1.
- Kidman reversed a cross corner whip, and Jericho took a sternum-first bump.
- After Kidman fed him a lariat, Jericho reversed an Irish whip and flapjacked him.
- He dealt Kidman a backbreaker, gave him a cross corner whip, but came up empty on his follow-through.
- While he dropkicked Kidman, Jericho slammed him.
- He mounted the top turnbuckle, leaped, but ate boot.
- Rebounding with an atomic drop, Kidman followed with an Acid Drop for 2.
- Jericho reversed another Irish whip, but Kidman stymied him with a sit-out powerbomb for a 2-count again.
- Blocking a victory roll, Jericho catapulted Kidman into the top turnbuckle.
- He hooked a German suplex with a bridge and got 2.
- Escaping a powerbomb attempt, Kidman rammed Jericho face-first into the mat.
- Positioning Jericho near the corner, Kidman connected with a Shooting Star Press.
- Do we have a new champion?
- Wait a minute! Jericho nailed Kidman in the midsection to counter.
- Jericho secured la magistral cradle and got 2.
- Countering a LionTamer, Kidman rolled up Jericho for 2.
- Jericho took a powder on the floor, but Kidman met him via plancha.
- Tossing Jericho back into the ring, Kidman mounted the top turnbuckle and launched a cross body block.
- The bell rung; thus, Kidman couldn’t achieve a pinfall.
- As a result, referee Charles Robinson ruled the bout a time-limit draw at 8:27, and Jericho retained.
Rating: ****
Summary: Impressive match but without a winner. On the plus side, Jericho did a remarkable job of raising Kidman to his level.
TV Rating: 3.9
At the broadcast table, JJ Dillon states that Buff Bagwell has been fined $50,000 and BPP fined $100,000. Speaking of BPP, he rushes the broadcast table causing Dillon to flee the scene. He hurries to the ring and yanks the microphone away from Penzer. Declaring that “WCW sucks,” BPP calls “Rowdy” Roddy Piper a “skirt-wearing queer” which does NOT get censored.
Before BPP can further swear on live TV, Bagwell wants to work things out with Kaos. As BPP rants about not “kissing butt,” Kaos stupidly joins them in the ring. Bagwell distracts him, and BBP obliterates Kaos into the middle of 2003. After BPP demolishes him with a double underhook slam, he locks Kaos in a Steiner Recliner. BPP releases the hold and claims the nWo is superior.
TV Rating: 4.2
Prior to the next match, Hall grabs the microphone and performs his survey. Since Nash isn’t there tonight, Hall jokes about Nash’s hanging out in a hole-in-the-wall. HA! Furthermore, he calls out Booker T.
Match 11: Booker T versus Scott Hall
- Hall ambushed him before the bell, but Booker T responded with a flying forearm.
- When he guillotined Hall with the top rope, Booker T followed with a leg lariat.
- He clotheslined Hall and got 2.
- As he fed Hall a back elbow, Booker T only got 1 thanks to Hall’s grabbing the bottom rope.
- He dealt Hall a back kick, and Tenay plugged the Nitro Wrap-Up show on
- After Hall reversed an Irish whip, Booker T attempted a cross body block.
- Hall caught and dumped him with a fallaway slam.
- While the match segued to the floor, Hall rammed Booker T back-first into the apron.
- He gave Booker T a cross corner whip followed by a corner clothesline.
- Missing a dropkick, Booker T ate an elbow drop, and Hall got 2.
- Hall hooked a sleeper, but Booker T countered with a jawbreaker.
- In the meantime, the Fort Lauderdale faithful’s attention was drawn elsewhere. Either a fight broke out, or a young woman released the hounds.
- Booker T reversed a cross corner whip but ate boot on his follow-through.
- Also eating a clothesline, Booker T celebrated with a 360°. Woohoo!
- Hall earned another 2-count, but Booker T rebounded with an Axe kick.
- Knocking down Hall with a spin kick, Booker T unloaded a belly-to-back suplex to him.
- He performed the Spinaroonie and mounted the top turnbuckle.
- Launching a missile dropkick, Booker T inadvertently blasted referee Billy Silverman thanks to Hall.
- Referee Charles Robinson stormed the ring instantly and called for the bell.
- As a result, Booker T won by DQ at 7:14.
Rating: ***
Summary: Solid match until the bullshit finish. If anything, Hall elevates Booker T.
After the match, Hall attempts an Outsider Edge, but Booker T backdrops him over the top rope to the floor.
TV Rating: 3.7
Match 12: The “Total Package” Lex Luger versus Giant
- Haven’t we seen this match before?
- Buffer rumbled and rambled.
- As Giant reversed a cross corner whip, he flattened Luger with a big boot.
- He landed an elbow drop and headbutted Luger twice.
- When he fed Luger a side-Russian leg sweep, Giant scored with another elbow drop.
- The Fort Lauderdale faithful rang out a “Gold-berg” chant, but Giant dealt Luger a HARD cross corner whip to injure the back.
- After another HARD cross corner whip, Giant planted Luger with a knee drop.
- The match segued to the floor, and Giant gorilla-pressed Luger back inside.
- While Luger rebounded with a series of clotheslines, Giant didn’t leave his feet.
- Instead, Giant attempted a chokeslam.
- Luger countered with a jawbreaker and slammed Giant. Impressive!
- Decimating Giant with a running forearm, Luger signaled for the Torture Rack.
- Bret sprinted to the ring carrying some steel railing and ambushed Luger.
- As a result, referee Mickey Jay called for the bell and awarded Luger the victory by DQ at 8:00.
Rating: *
Summary: Giant’s deliberate pace, while applicable, completely destroyed the tempo of a main event. In addition, the Bret run-in seemed inevitable.
Following the match, Bret clobbers Luger with a railing shot to the leg. He destroys Luger’s left knee and locks on a Sharpshooter. To a decent ovation, Goldberg zooms to the ring and spears Giant. Bret begs off, but Goldberg’s determined. When Bret evades him, Goldberg mistakenly spears Luger to end the show.
TV Rating: 3.4 (OUCH!)
Conclusion: In subsequent interviews, Eric Bischoff details that he wanted Nitro to be completely different from RAW. In essence, this program fits that description to a T. Whereas RAW has short matches that lead to an angle, Nitro has stronger matches that are more than likely lead to something bigger down the road. If you enjoy a wrestling show that averages four matches an hour, this is the show for you.
The bait-and-switch for the main event, although clever with the injury angle, led to a BORING main event that caused many wrestling fans to change the channel. The Jericho-Kidman match was the highlight of the night whereas the BPP rage brought some sports-entertainment to the show.
On the other hand, without Hogan, Nash, Sting, DDP, and barely any Goldberg, this show lacked serious star power which would also lead fans to switch channels. Another minor gripe I have with this episode was either the crowd wasn’t mic’d properly, or they were too quiet. Either way, the show suffered from heat deficiency despite being in southern Florida.
What’s on RAW is WAR?
Final TV Rating: 4.09
Stay tuned for WWF RAW Is WAR 11-02-98!
Comments? Suggestions? Send them to me at and follow me on Twitter (@rockstargary202).