World Class Wrestling Association October 3, 1987

Taped from Dallas, TX

Airdate: October 3, 1987 (taped 09/18)

Attendance: unknown

Hosted by Marc Lowrance

Who wins when Sheik and Madril collide? Can Kevin overcome the “Thumper,” or will Tony interject? We have a contract signing! Get your pens and papers ready for this one!

Opening montage.

Match 1 (non-title): WCWA Texas champion Ted Arcidi (w/ Percy Pringle) versus Billy Burt


  • Who?
  • The Mexican Connection joined the broadcast table for this match.
  • When Madril asked him who their mystery partner will be in the coming weeks, Villalobos answered: “Speedy Gonzalez.”
  • Actually, it’s Mil Mascaras.
  • Arcidi reversed an Irish whip and fed Burt a knee to the midsection.
  • As he dealt Burt a knee lift, Arcidi distracted referee John Keaton.
  • Meanwhile, Pringle used his cane and BLASTED Burt with it. How dastardly!
  • Arcidi slammed Burt and sent him reeling between the ropes to the floor.
  • After he joined Burt, Arcidi guillotined him with the apron. OUCH!
  • He gave Burt a cross corner whip but came up empty on his follow-through.
  • While Burt missed a clothesline, Arcidi didn’t.
  • 1-2-3.
  • Arcidi won at 3:26.


Rating: DUD

Summary: Showcase match for Arcidi.

WORLD CLASS WRESTLER PROFILE: The Mexican Connection tout their newest partner—Mil Mascaras—who’s “on the way.”

Following a commercial break, we revisit the Parade of Champions when Mascaras defeated a then-heel Madril to the delight of the Irving faithful. You can find my review here.

Match 2: Kevin Von Erich versus the “Thumper” Frankie Lancaster (w/ Cowboy Tony)


  • Kerry joined the broadcast table for this match as Kevin sported a bandage across the bridge of his nose. Apparently, Kevin’s nose was BROKEN.
  • As Kevin countered a wrist lock with a pair of dropkicks, he fed Lancaster a knee lift.
  • He dealt Lancaster a knee drop and a face full of turnbuckle, and his opponent celebrated with a Lancaster flop.
  • When Kevin slammed him, he splashed Lancaster for 1.
  • He slammed Lancaster again and applied an Iron claw.
  • After Cowboy Tony leaped from the second turnbuckle to interfere, Kevin trapped him in an Iron claw too.
  • Referee Bronko Lubich called for the bell, and Kevin won by DQ at 3:59.


Rating: *

Summary: Kevin really outshined Lancaster who needed Tony to overcome Kevin’s greatness.

After the match, both Tony and Lancaster are BUSTED OPEN. Ring announcer Ralph Pulley interviews Kevin who cuts brief promo on Al Perez.

Promo for the Cotton Bowl Extravaganza is shown. It will be LIVE on 10/17. The main event will feature Al Perez defending the World title against Kevin. Get your tickets NOW!

WORLD CLASS SPECIAL REPORT: During a meeting of the WCWA Board of Governors, Kevin mentions that the World title match at the Cotton Bowl will be no-DQ. He also disputes that a no-time-limit provision isn’t included in the contract. In rebuttal, Gary Hart states that an hour should be enough time, or Perez remains champion.

They argue over how Perez became champion, and the Chairman dictates that there will be a sixty-minute time limit. For reasons that only Kevin believes, he requests that Brian Adias be in Perez’s corner. To counter two people in the champion’s corner, Kevin will have both Fritz and Kerry in his corner. When Hart argues against it, Kerry unceremoniously interrupts the meeting to stand behind his family.

While the Chairman ejects Kerry from the meeting, he establishes that two people will be in each corner and a second referee will be stationed on the turf.

Prior to the main event, Sheik sings the Iranian national anthem but gets booed out of the Sportatorium. Madril screams nationalism and prompts a “U-S-A” chant from the Dallas faithful.

Match 3: The Iron Sheik (w/ Gary Hart) versus Al Madril


  • Sheik hip-tossed Madril but missed a somersault leg drop.
  • When he blocked a boot, Madril fed Sheik an atomic drop.
  • Sheik rebounded with a clothesline, spat on Madril, and sent him reeling between the ropes to the floor.
  • As he joined Madril, Sheik made him HIT THE POLE twice.
  • Sheik applied an abdominal stretch, but Madril ultimately escaped via hip toss.
  • After Madril missed an elbow drop, Sheik attempted a vertical suplex.
  • Madril blocked it and dealt him one of his own.
  • While he rammed Sheik face-first into the mat, Madril got 1.
  • Referee Bronko Lubich warned Madril about Sheik’s presence in the ropes.
  • In the meantime, Sheik loaded up the boot. SNEAKY!
  • He kicked Madril from there to kingdom come, landed an elbow drop, and pinned him at 7:53.

Rating: **

Summary: With the squash match last week and the victory over Madril here, Sheik looks primed for top of the card action in the WCWA.

Following the match, Sheik grabs the microphone and puts Hart and himself over much to the dismay of the vociferous Dallas faithful. Madril grabs a chair and chases them from the ring.

Conclusion: Two weeks in, and Sheik’s usurped the second-best heel spot in WCWA. Also, Kevin looks dominant against lesser competition and prepared for battle against Perez at the Cotton Bowl. While Arcidi has a firm grasp on the Texas title, Mascaras will join the Mexican Connection in their battles against Cowboy Tony and his protégés.

Next week, Perez battles Steamboat!

Sorry, Chester.

TV Rating: NONE

Stay tuned for WCCW 10-10-87!

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