World Class Wrestling Association February 7, 1987

Taped from Dallas, TX

Airdate: February 7, 1987 (taped 01/23)

Attendance: unknown

Hosted by Bill Mercer

Can Warrior and the Von Erichs triumph against Madril, Adias, and Bradley? What happens when Simpson and Abdullah collide? Who is this infamous newcomer?

Opening montage.

Match 1: Scott Casey & Roberto Soto versus “Maniac” Matt Borne & Master Gee (w/ Percy Pringle)


  • Casey reversed an Irish whip and backdropped Borne.
  • When tags were exchanged on both sides, Soto leapfrogged and dropkicked Gee.
  • He slammed Gee and got 1.
  • As Gee connected with a flying shoulder block, Borne tagged in, mounted the top turnbuckle, and scored with a senton bomb.
  • 1-2-3.
  • Borne and Gee won at 5:11.


Rating: *

Summary: Showcase match for Pringle’s boys.

Match 2: Red River Jack versus the Grappler


  • According to ring announcer Marc Lowrance, Jack was making his WCWA debut. Meanwhile, Bruiser Brody’s sipping Cuba libres in San Juan.
  • Jack fed Grappler a big boot, and Grappler sought refuge on the blue floor.
  • As Jack slammed him twice, Grappler rebounded with a cross corner whip.
  • Grappler ate boot on his follow-through, so Jack unloaded another big boot.
  • When he mounted the second turnbuckle, Jack landed a flying knee drop.
  • 1-2-3.
  • Jack won at 2:47.


Rating: *

Summary: Showcase match for the “newcomer.”

At ringside, Mercer interviews Gary Hart who’s not fooled by Silver King’s stocky physique Red River Jack. According to Hart, Brody’s supposed to be wrestling in Florida. He’s not wrong because two days prior to this taping was the infamous steel cage match between Brody and a very young Lex Luger.

Nevertheless, Hart polls the Dallas faithful about who just wrestled. Their response: “Red River Jack.” His response: Governor Mark White’s spending money on education “must’ve not worked.” HA!

Match 3: Tony Atlas versus “Killer” Tim Brooks


  • Brooks ambushed him before the bell, but Atlas rebounded with a cross corner whip that caused Brooks to HIT THE POLE.
  • When he backdropped Brooks, Atlas suplexed him.
  • He fed Brooks a head butt that caused him to be tied up in the ropes.
  • As the Dallas faithful chanted “go, Tony, go,” their hero countered a slam with an inside cradle.
  • 1-2-3.
  • Atlas won at 3:16.


Rating: *

Summary: Showcase match for Atlas. Grappler’s issues in previous weeks must have been contagious because now it’s affecting Brooks.

Match 4: Steve Simpson versus Abdullah the Butcher (w/ Gary Hart)


  • Before Simpson could remove his ring jacket, Abdullah annihilated him on the blue floor.
  • A steel chair was in play, and Abdullah made Simpson HIT THE POLE.
  • As he rammed Simpson into an office chair, Abdullah slammed him face-first into Lowrance’s table.
  • He jammed the microphone into Simpson’s head and sent Simpson directly into another ring post.
  • When they finally got into the ring, Abdullah stabbed Simpson with a plastic knife.
  • Simpson was BUSTED OPEN!
  • After Simpson made a brief comeback, a quick jab to the throat by Abdullah put him down on the mat again.
  • Abdullah tossed Simpson back to the blue floor and distracted referee Rick Hazzard.
  • In the meantime, Hart bounced Simpson’s head off the apron. SNEAKY!
  • The Dallas faithful chanted “go, Steve, go,” but their hero suffered from a pair of headbutts from Abdullah.
  • While Hart distracted Hazzard, Abdullah practiced amateur dentistry on Simpson. Ick!
  • Simpson rebounded with a ten-punch count-along, but Abdullah deviously jabbed him with his plastic knife again.
  • Attempting a cross body block, Simpson got vaulted over the top rope to the blue floor.
  • Hazzard called for the bell and disqualified Abdullah at 6:07.


Rating: -*

Summary: This wasn’t a wrestling match. It was a massacre.

Following the match, an irate Hart grabs the microphone upset about the decision.

Match 5 for the WCWA World Six-Man titles: Dingo Warrior, Kevin Von Erich, & Lance Von Erich (champions) versus Al Madril, Brian Adias, & Bob “The Cat” Bradley


  • Adias reversed an Irish whip, but Kevin leapfrogged every inch of him.
  • As Kevin dropkicked Adias, Madril interjected himself but ate a dropkick.
  • Bradley also joined but got met with a dropkick.
  • When tags were exchanged on both sides, Lance powerslammed Madril for 2.
  • Adias tagged in, and the heels double cross corner whipped Lance.
  • After Lance vaulted over them, he sprinted to the opposite second turnbuckle and uncorked a cross body block to both heels.
  • He backdropped Madril and dropkicked Adias.
  • While tags were exchanged on both sides again, Warrior ducked a clothesline and fed Bradley one of his own.
  • Warrior dealt him a standing choke along with a double noggin knocker to Adias and Bradley.
  • Tagging in, Lance dropkicked Bradley, landed an elbow drop, but couldn’t earn a count due to being in the ropes.
  • Adias tagged in and slammed Lance.
  • Guillotining Lance with the top rope, Adias tagged out.
  • Madril and Lance traded blows, and Lance got the upper hand.
  • Rejoining the match, Kevin mounted the top turnbuckle and lowered the boom onto Madril.
  • With Madril’s distraction of referee Bronko Lubich, Adias guillotined Kevin with the top rope. How dastardly!
  • Adias tagged in, suplexed Kevin, and got 2.
  • Connecting with a back elbow, Adias tagged out.
  • Rapid fire tags by the heels kept Kevin at bay, and Adias delivered a backbreaker to Kevin for another 2.
  • Slamming Kevin, Adias attempted a splash but ate knees.
  • Madril tagged in and clotheslined Kevin.
  • Although all six wrestlers were either in the ring or involved in chicanery, Kevin remained in peril.
  • Adias tagged in and landed a knee drop.
  • Taking his turn, Bradley got stymied by a right hand from Kevin.
  • Hot tag Warrior.
  • He booted Bradley in the midsection, and all six wrestlers were in the ring again.
  • Kevin disposed of Adias while Warrior military-press-slammed Bradley.
  • Mounting the second turnbuckle, Warrior clobbered Bradley with a flying Sledgehammer.
  • 1-2-3.
  • Warrior, Kevin, and Lance won at 9:19.


Rating: ***

Summary: HOT main event with the babyfaces prevailing to the delight of the Dallas faithful. For some reason, Mercer mentioned the babyfaces were six-man champions, so I guess Warrior was substituting for Mike.

Before the episode ends, Mercer interviews Kevin who gives a brief but positive update on Kerry. He’s ready for more battles with Adias and Madril and challenges them to a handicap 1-on-2 match with Kerry in his corner. He may be a fighting champion, but let’s not go haywire, Kev.

Conclusion:  Warrior, Kevin, and Lance won in a well-polished main event that excited the Dallas faithful. In my opinion, they had to after the destructive (or in Mercer’s words “atrocious”) match involving Abdullah and Simpson. Red River Jack’s “debut” followed by Hart’s interview were the only other highlights, but I give my stamp of approval for this episode.

Next week, Warrior squares off against Master Gee.

TV Rating: NONE

Stay tuned for WCCW 02-14-87!

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