WCW Monday Nitro September 7, 1998

Live from Pensacola, FL

Airdate: September 7, 1998

Attendance:  6,379 (sold out)

Hosted by Tony Schiavone, “Iron” Mike Tenay, & Bobby “The Brain” Heenan

Can Malenko topple Hennig in a STEEL CAGE? Does DDP have an answer for Nash about the Wolfpack? What’s the latest between Hogan and Warrior? Does Goldberg retain? Get all this and a bag of chips!

We head backstage, and nWo Hollywood is in its dressing room. On the wall is the Warrior logo marked oWn. A perturbed Hollywood Hogan leads them on a search for Warrior. Next, they encounter Vincent while an ambulance pulls away. They head directly to the ring, and Eric Bischoff, Disciple, and Giant search under the ring for Warrior.

Bischoff grabs the microphone, and he and Hogan call out Warrior. As Hogan reveals that both Adams and Norton were in the ambulance, he substitutes Giant for Bret at the PPV on Sunday. A paranoid Hogan wants Warrior to go through nWo Hollywood. In the meantime, the Pensacola faithful chants “Hogan sucks.”

Opening montage.

Happy Birthday, WCW Monday Nitro! It’s the third anniversary of the program.

Prior to the opening match, Konnan grabs the microphone and runs through his catchphrases.

Match 1: Konnan versus Bull Pain


  • Konnan hip-tossed Pain and followed with a somersault clothesline.
  • When he fed Pain a seated dropkick, Konnan got dumped to the floor.
  • Pain launched a clothesline from the apron and dealt Konnan a head butt.
  • As he mounted the top turnbuckle, Pain connected with a frog splash for 2.
  • Pain mounted the second turnbuckle but missed a flying elbow drop.
  • After Konnan leapfrogged him, he delivered a thrust kick.
  • He rammed Pain face-first into the mat and hooked a Tequila Sunrise.
  • While Pain submitted, Konnan won at 2:50.


Rating: **

Summary:  Showcase match for Konnan.

We revisit last week when Hogan announced that Bret was on his WarGames team. Afterward, Piper challenged Bret to stand on his own two feet. In the main event, Bret prevented Hogan from using the weight belt. Is there dissension within the nWo? Next, Warrior made another spectacular entrance and flattened nWo Hollywood. Hogan ran like he’s scurred.

At the entrance, “Mean” Gene Okerlund interviews JJ Dillon who states the contract is rock solid, and Bret won’t be replaced.

In the ring, the Nitro Girls dance in red and silver.

Following a commercial break, Okerlund’s in the ring and interviews DDP who has “mixed emotions.” He reminds Nash about the attempt to recruit DDP almost two years ago and how that unfolded. When he discusses their latest pitch, DDP “will not be threatened.”

Nash emerges and joins DDP in the ring. As he puts DDP in his path, Nash gets put in his place. Luger and Sting arrive, and Luger queries DDP about joining the Wolfpack. After DDP questions the Wolfpack’s loyalty, Sting sanctions a tag match for TONIGHT. It’ll be DDP-Piper versus Sting-Luger. Woohoo!

After another commercial break, Okerlund remains in the ring and interviews Piper who takes exception to being thrown into the main event without being asked. He informs DDP that “diamonds are for women, and real men wear kilts.” HA! He ultimately agrees to tag tonight, but he’ll be on his own on Sunday.

Video airs featuring the Nitro Girls.

Match 2: Wrath versus Lenny Lane


  • Wrath hurled Lane across the ring and rubbed his face in the mat.
  • As he fed Lane a tilt-a-whirl backbreaker, Wrath countered a sleeper by yanking him over his head.
  • He gave Lane a cross corner whip and followed with a flying shoulder block.
  • When he hooked a Meltdown, Wrath pinned Lane at 2:41.


Rating: *

Summary:  Showcase match for Wrath.

Castrol sponsors the replay.

Backstage, Vincent notifies Bischoff and Hogan that Disciple’s OUT COLD and been hung upside down in Hogan’s dressing room.

Bret heads to the ring. Soon afterward, Stevie Ray, Curt Hennig, and Vincent join him. Suddenly, Sting rushes the ring with a bat to chase off nWo Hollywood. Sting uses the bat as a barometer of trust with him, and Bret drops the bat.

HOUR #2!

Promo airs featuring Rick discussing BPP.

Prior to the next match, BPP summons Bagwell to the broadcast table, and Bagwell takes Tenay’s place. In the ring, BPP takes the microphone and refers to Rick as a “tag-along.” He cuts a promo on Rick and chastises Karagis for being “in the wrong place at the wrong time.”

Match 3: Big Poppa Pump (w/ Buff Bagwell) versus Evan Karagis


  • With microphone in hand, BPP beat up Karagis and requested Bagwell to “do some real commentating.” HA!
  • BPP clotheslined Karagis, military-pressed him, and dropped him.
  • When he fed Karagis a double underhook slam, BPP applied a Steiner Recliner.
  • Karagis submitted; therefore, BPP won at 1:44.


Rating: DUD

Summary:  Showcase mauling by BPP.

At the entrance, the Nitro Girls dance in red.

Schiavone shills the Nitro Party contest, and this week’s winner is Stephanie Brown from Albuquerque, NM. Her video follows.

Match 4 for the WCW Cruiserweight title: Juventud Guerrera (champion) versus Hector Garza


  • This was Garza’s first match in WCW since January.
  • As they leapfrogged one another, Guerrera took Garza down with a flying headscissors.
  • Garza fed Guerrera a tilt-a-whirl backbreaker, got reversed on an Irish whip, and dealt him another one.
  • When he gave Guerrera a cross corner whip, Garza came up empty on his follow-through.
  • Guerrera delivered a spinning heel kick that sent Garza flying over the top rope to the floor.
  • After Guerrera mounted the top turnbuckle, he launched a tope at Garza. Neat!
  • He tossed Garza back into the ring, mounted an adjacent top turnbuckle, leaped, but ate a dropkick from Garza for 2.
  • While he flattened Guerrera with a spinebuster, Garza got another 2.
  • He applied a Boston crab and converted to a rocking horse.
  • On the other hand, Guerrera countered with a sunset flip for 2.
  • Garza clotheslined him for 2.
  • Hooking la magistral cradle, Garza got another 2.
  • Garza reversed an Irish whip and flapjacked Guerrera.
  • Dropkicking Guerrera, Garza got reversed on a cross corner whip and vaulted him to the apron.
  • Guerrera mounted the top turnbuckle and connected with a missile dropkick for 2.
  • Hoisting Garza atop the top turnbuckle, Guerera joined and attempted a super huracanrana.
  • Garza blocked it and powerbombed the BEJEEZUS out of Guerrera.
  • Do we have a new champion?
  • 1-2-NO!
  • Garza slammed Guerrera but missed an Asai moonsault.
  • Destroying Garza with a Juvi Driver, Guerrera pinned him at 6:50.


Rating: ***½

Summary:  Very competitive match where Garza had a solid chance before succumbing to Guerrera.

At the entrance, Okerlund interviews Hennig along with Rude. Hennig refers to Arn as a coward while Rude insinuates that the Four Horsemen are ancient history. Afterward, Hennig cuts a promo on Malenko.

Match 5: Ernest “The Cat” Miller versus Kenny Kaos


  • When Miller tossed him between the ropes to the floor, Kaos returned to the apron and fed him a springboard clothesline for 2.
  • He leapfrogged Miller and scored with a cross body block.
  • As he dealt Miller a swinging neckbreaker, Kaos missed a springboard double axe handle.
  • Miller delivered a spin kick and pinned Kaos at 3:07.


Rating: ½*

Summary:  Showcase match for Miller, but the Pensacola faithful couldn’t care less.

After the match, Miller takes the microphone and inflates his ego.

Match 6: Stevie Ray (w/ Vincent) versus “Gentleman” Chris Adams


  • Much improved attire for Stevie Ray.
  • As Adams attempted a cross body block, Stevie Ray caught and slammed him.
  • Stevie Ray missed an elbow drop, so Adams dropkicked him.
  • When Adams attempted a ten-punch count-along, Stevie Ray countered with an inverted atomic drop.
  • Stevie Ray distracted referee Billy Silverman leading to shenanigans by Vincent upon Adams. SNEAKY!
  • After he fed Adams a big boot, Stevie Ray slammed him again.
  • He dealt Adams a knee drop and got 2.
  • While he gave Adams a cross corner whip, Stevie Ray came up empty on his follow-through.
  • Adams delivered a belly-to-back suplex and scored with an enziguri.
  • Mounting the second turnbuckle, Adams launched a flying clothesline, but Vincent jumped onto the apron before Adams could secure a pin.
  • Adams nailed Vincent, but Stevie Ray flattened him with a thrust kick.
  • Demolishing Adams with a Slapjack, Stevie Ray pinned Adams at 3:54.


Rating: **

Summary:  Showcase match for Stevie Ray.

Video #2 airs featuring the Nitro Girls.

Prior to the next match, Raven slumps in the corner, grabs the microphone, and instructs Lodi to insert Saturn in Kanyon’s place. Saturn is none too pleased with this last-second change.

Match 7: Saturn (w/ Raven, Kanyon, & Lodi) versus Riggs


  • Riggs blasted Saturn before the bell and dropkicked him.
  • When he gave Saturn a cross corner whip, Riggs followed with a shoulder block to the midsection.
  • Riggs sandwiched Saturn in the corner while Raven feigned support for his upcoming opponent at the PPV.
  • As Riggs gave him another cross corner whip, he fed Saturn a knee to the midsection.
  • The Pensacola faithful notified Lodi that he indeed “sucks,” and Saturn rebounded with a thrust kick.
  • After he dealt Riggs a head-and-arm suplex, Saturn delivered a bicycle kick.
  • He leveled Riggs with a series of kicks in the corner and dumped him down to the floor.
  • While Saturn joined him, he rammed Riggs shoulder-first into the steps.
  • He sent Riggs into the other set of steps as the Pensacola faithful cast its ire toward Raven.
  • Back in the ring, Saturn planted Riggs with a Death Valley Driver.
  • 1-2-3.
  • Saturn won at 4:28.


Rating: **

Summary:  Showcase match for Saturn.

Following the match, Raven instructs Lodi to advise Saturn to break Riggs’ fingers. He ups the ante by telling Saturn to either “break (Riggs’) fingers or your honor.” When Saturn objects, Raven changes it to breaking either Riggs’ or Saturn’s fingers. Kanyon hammers Saturn from behind, and Raven “breaks” Saturn’s fingers on his left hand. OUCH! Trainer Danny Young approaches the ring, but Saturn refuses his services.

At the entrance, Nitro Girls dance in either red or silver depending on the dancer. Meanwhile, Schiavone shills the Nitro Party contest.

HOUR #3!

Prior to the next match, Jericho grabs the microphone and speaks to his Jericholics.

Match 8 for the WCW World TV title: Chris Jericho (champion) versus Jim “The Anvil” Neidhart


  • Neidhart flapjacked Jericho, reversed an Irish whip, but ate a dropkick.
  • As Neidhart migrated to the apron, Jericho fed him a springboard dropkick.
  • He dealt Neidhart a baseball slide and rammed him back-first into the steel railing.
  • When Jericho attempted a slam, Neidhart fell atop him for 2.
  • He suplexed Neidhart, displayed an arrogant cover, and got 2.
  • After Jericho missed a Lionsault, Neidhart clotheslined him.
  • He gave Jericho a cross corner whip, dropped the straps, and gave him another one.
  • While Jericho used momentum and the tights to send him to the floor, he attempted a plancha.
  • Neidhart, instead, caught and rammed him back-first into the ring post.
  • Mounting the second turnbuckle, Neidhart leaped but came up empty.
  • Jericho hooked a LionTamer and ultimately earned a submission from Neidhart.
  • As a result, Jericho retained at 4:42.


Rating: **

Summary:  Showcase match for Jericho.

Wearing a t-shirt with a not symbol over a pencil, Eddie Guerrero emerges and calls out “Uncle Eric.” He mentions that he “enjoys wrestling…in WCW since” he’s not “allowed” to wrestle “anywhere else.” Pointing with a pencil, he acknowledges a back injury suffered against Bryan Adams last week. In the process, the t-shirt reads “Free Me Please.” Real subtle.

Next, he states that per his contract it’s WCW’s responsibility to cover medical expenses should he become injured while working. Well, he’s not wrong. Nevertheless, he says that while Bischoff may have “the power and the pencil,” Eddie’s taking the night off and visibly tells him to kiss his ass.

Match 9 (cage): Curt Hennig (w/ “Ravishing” Rick Rude) versus Dean Malenko


  • Malenko entered the cage, but Hennig attacked him instantaneously.
  • When Malenko reversed an Irish whip, he fed Hennig a drop toe hold.
  • Hennig sought something from Rude allowing Malenko to deal him a belly-to-back suplex.
  • As Malenko delivered a spinning heel kick, Hennig thwarted a back drop attempt.
  • Hennig climbed the roof of the cage, but Malenko yanked him down HARD.
  • After Malenko gave Hennig a cross corner whip, he came up empty on his follow-through.
  • Hennig worked on Malenko’s shoulder and even stooped to using the bottom rope for leverage. Clever!
  • While Rude tried to pick the lock to the cage door, he muscled the cameraman away.
  • Hennig gave Malenko a cross corner whip but ate knee on his follow-through.
  • Leveling Malenko with a double axe handle, Hennig got 2.
  • Hennig tried to ram him into the cage, but Malenko blocked it.
  • Pounding Malenko with a heart punch, Hennig got another 2.
  • A mid-ring collision put both wrestlers down on the mat, yet Hennig cut off a Malenko comeback while talking trash to him.
  • Behind a chant by the Pensacola faithful for the “Four Horsemen,” Hennig spoiled their hero’s comeback with another double axe handle for 2.
  • A chop to the chest with Malenko on the mat led to another 2-count for Hennig.
  • Subduing Malenko with a knee lift, Hennig applied a cross arm breaker.
  • Hennig released the hold and sent Malenko into the cage.
  • Once again, Hennig turned his attention to Rude allowing Malenko to catapult him face-first into the cage.
  • He sent Hennig into the cage again and attempted a Texas Cloverleaf.
  • Making the ropes, Hennig blocked it, reversed a cross corner whip, and slammed Malenko.
  • In doing so, Malenko’s legs knocked down referee Scott Dickinson.
  • Malenko kicked Hennig sending him to the cage for a third time and applied a Texas Cloverleaf.
  • Suddenly, nWo Hollywood swarmed the ring, and Bischoff unlocked the cage.
  • Rude infiltrated the cage and smothered Malenko.
  • Furthermore, Dickinson remained OUT COLD.
  • Rude hurled Malenko into the cage, and a dazed Dickinson recovered enough to call for the bell.
  • As a result, Malenko won by DQ at 12:18.


Rating: ***

Summary:  Plodding middle aside, Hennig used his size and strength to his advantage while Malenko’s comebacks built momentum from simmering to boiling by the end. There must be more to this story, right?

Afterward, Rude demolishes Dickinson by making him eat some steel and counts Hennig’s “pin.” Stevie Ray joins them to smash Malenko’s head in the cage like they did to Ric Flair last year. Before that can happen, Arn Anderson barrels to the ring to save Malenko’s bacon. He enters the cage, and both he and Stevie Ray remove their shirts. As Arn sends him into the cage, he beats up Stevie Ray so badly that the latter slithers out of the cage to escape. What a moment!

Match 10 for the WCW World title: Goldberg (champion) versus Scott Putski


  • You’re kidding me, right? This was either a joke or a contractual obligation for Putski.
  • As the World champion made an escorted entrance backstage, the Pensacola faithful showered him with a “Gold-berg” chant.
  • Goldberg flattened Putski immediately and followed with a hip toss.
  • When Putski escaped a powerslam attempt, he suplexed Goldberg.
  • No-selling, Goldberg rose to his feet and speared Putski.
  • He fed Putski a Jackhammer and pinned hm at 0:51.


Rating: *

Summary:  Showcase match for Goldberg. Schiavone and Tenay claim he’s 141-0, but that’s his stat from last week. Was there a correction?

At the entrance, the Nitro Girls continued to dance in red and/or silver.

Match 11: “Rowdy” Roddy Piper & Diamond Dallas Page versus Sting & the “Total Package” Lex Luger


  • Buffer rambled and rumbled.
  • When Piper tagged himself in, he stormed Luger like he owed him money.
  • The match segued to the floor, and Piper made Luger taste the steel railing. It must have tasted like the Rueben Sierra at Sidelines.
  • As he rammed Luger face-first into the steps, Piper yelled at DDP: “It’s war!”
  • DDP tagged in and fed Luger a belly-to-back suplex for 2.
  • After he dealt Luger a swinging neckbreaker, DDP got another 2.
  • Luger ducked a clothesline and obliterated DDP with a flying forearm.
  • While Sting tagged in, he rammed DDP face-first into the mat.
  • He delivered an inverted atomic drop and followed with a jumping DDT.
  • Attempting a hip toss, Sting got demolished when DDP countered with his own DDT.
  • Piper tried to interfere, but referee Mark Curtis intervened.
  • On the other hand, Luger freely interfered by annihilating DDP.
  • Piper came in regardless, and all four wrestlers were in the ring.
  • Nailing Luger down on the SOUTH side of Chicago, Piper sauntered after Luger at ringside.
  • Concurrently, a double clothesline put both DDP and Sting down on the mat.
  • Nash jogged to the ring and made Piper HIT THE POLE.
  • Both Sting and DPP were destined to bounce over the top rope to the floor; however, Nash grabbed DDP and hit a knee lift.
  • As a result, Curtis called for the bell, and DDP and Piper won by DQ at 4:59.


Rating: *

Summary:  Disguised as yet another main event schmozz, this match featured some solid chemistry between DDP and Sting that I hope to be seeing in the near future.

After the match, Nash plants DDP with a jackknife powerbomb, rips off his shirt, and dumps it on top of him.

Wielding a chair, Hogan emerges alongside Giant and enters the ring. Upon grabbing the microphone, Hogan runs down Warrior and forces him to face Giant. The cage lowers, and Hogan promises to get HIS belt back. As the cage is set in place, smoke fills the ring, and Warrior appears. Giant is OUT COLD. With nowhere to go, Hogan’s scared shitless.

Bischoff runs down to ringside while Warrior removes his robe and covers Giant with it. When he tries to end Hogan’s career with a chair, Warrior comes up empty. Hogan does not. No-selling the chair shot, Warrior energizes the Pensacola faithful. Like a timid mouse, Hogan scurries out of the cage. Bischoff relocks the cage leaving Warrior trapped. Again, smoke fills the ring, and Warrior vanishes. Hogan and Bischoff stand befuddled to end the show.

Conclusion:  Warrior appears to have Hogan’s number, so that sets up their confrontation at the PPV. Nash tells DDP where to go after being turned down. Speaking of being turned down, Eddie cuts another worked shoot promo. Goldberg, Jericho, and Guerrera retain their titles much to Neidhart’s chagrin. Piper has his working boots on while DDP and Sting give us a hint of their future encounters. Finally, ARN FUCKING ANDERSON puts nWo Hollywood in its place and rocks the house.

Definitely check this one out.

TV Rating: 5.5

Stay tuned for WCW Thunder 09-10-98!

Comments? Suggestions? Send them to me at rsg@rockstargary.com and follow me on Twitter (@rockstargary202).