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WCCW 06-07-86

Taped from Dallas, TX

Airdate: June 7, 1986 (taped 05/30)

Attendance: unknown

Hosted by Bill Mercer

How will Lance and Adams fare against Rude and Kabuki? Will Youngblood survive against Mulligan? Who’s this clown in the opening match? With Gary Hart back in the booking chair, who’s the latest newcomer? Plus, more BREAKING NEWS. Grab all you can from this episode while you still can!

Opening montage.

Match 1: “Killer” Tim Brooks & Matt Bourne versus Brad & Bart Batten


Rating: **½

Summary: While the Battens had about ¼ of the excitement of the Fantastics, Borne brought psychology with his array of suplexes. As you’d expect, Brooks was there to eat the pin.

Holy abandoned ships, Batman! Sections of the Sportatorium look SPARSE.

From Ft. Worth (taped 5/26), Abdullah the Butcher maims Jerry Allen and bludgeons him with the house microphone. Allen is BUSTED OPEN. Gary Hart tempers Abdullah for the moment while Allen bleeds like a stuck pig. As Allen makes a comeback, Abdullah tastes his blood and LOVES it. Ick.

Abdullah slams Allen and lands an elbow drop for 3. Accompanying his charge in the ring, Hart gets his cane stolen. Abdullah WALLOPS Allen with it and follows with a shot to referee Bronko Lubich. How dastardly! After Hart ineffectively tries to stop him, Abdullah annihilates Lubich. Hart uses the cane to subdue Abdullah but only momentarily.

Viciously, Abdullah continues to hammer Allen with the cane despite Hazzard’s, Ralph Pulley’s, and David Manning’s involvement. Ring announcer Joe Rinelli screams for a stretcher to be brought out, yet Abdullah cannot be tamed. He runs over Manning like a freight train and tosses him down to the concrete floor. Since he wasn’t finished wreaking havoc, Abdullah tosses Allen through the ropes to the concrete. Fines and suspensions will be levied for such abominable carnage!

Match 2: Blackjack Mulligan (w/ Percy Pringle) versus Mark Youngblood


Rating: DUD

Summary: Showcase match for the newcomer.

Prior to the main event, Hart grabs the microphone, notes that Abdullah’s been suspended indefinitely, and promises his return. He warns the Von Erich family that the Butcher will return for the July 4 spectacular and disparages them.

Match 3: Lance Von Erich & “Gentleman” Chris Adams (w/ Sunshine) versus “Ravishing” Rick Rude & Kabuki (w/ Percy Pringle)


Rating: ***

Summary: Strong main event with the heels’ use of chicanery to steal a victory from the beloved babyfaces. It makes sense considering next week’s main event.

Following the match, Adams makes Kabuki HIT THE POLE, so Rude joins the fray to give Adams the same treatment.

Conclusion: With another solid main event, WCWA continues to deliver worthwhile entertainment. Rude and Kabuki stole a victory to set up the main event for next week. Both Mulligan and Abdullah the Butcher looked unstoppable. Both Borne and the Batten Twins made their debut, and all three looked solid in the ring. Get ahold of this episode STAT.

Next week, Lance battles Rude in a non-title match.

***BREAKING NEWS*** On 6/4, Kerry Von Erich was involved in a motorcycle accident and will be sidelined for several months. I’m certain that Kerry will never be the same.

TV Rating: NONE

Stay tuned for WCCW 06-14-86!

Comments? Suggestions? Send them to me at rsg@rockstargary.com and follow me on Twitter (@rockstargary202).

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