UWF Fury Hour 04-29-91
Taped from Orlando, FL
Airdate: April 29, 1990 (taped 04/06)
Attendance: 250
Hosted by Craig DeGeorge and Captain Lou Albano
Wrestling! In Sunny Florida! Who said Abrams couldn’t take us on a mini vacation? With a new venue comes new talent. Who will join us? I’ll give you a hint. There’s women’s wrestling! Let’s unwrap all the gifts!
Opening montage with NEW content.
According to Albano, Bruno Sammarino is on assignment regarding the crowning of a NEW UWF SportsChannel TV champion at Beach Brawl on 6/9.
After Abrams runs down the participants in tonight’s show, he offers us a 30-second video on Universal Studios, Florida.
In a neat visual, the ring is in an outdoor arena. Unfortunately, the quantity of the Orlando faithful is limited.
Match 1: B. Brian Blair (w/o Honey) versus Rico Federico
Rating: DUD
Summary: Showcase match for Blair.
Promo airs for the NY dates in May.
Check out One Good Cop starring Michael Keaton starting Friday and Oscar starring Sylvester Stallone in theaters NOW.
Call Charles Schwab to invest today. Trust me, it’s better than making it rain.
Subscribe to Smithsonian Air & Space and embrace being a space cadet.
Promo airs for Beach Brawl coming 6/9. Order NOW!
ASK THE WRESTLERS: A letter to Orndorff:
A rather subdued Orndorff responds.
Call the Captain Lou Rapline!
Match 2: Malia Hosaka versus Penelope Paradise (w/ Luna Vachon)
Rating: *
Summary: Lots of offense by Paradise, but Hosaka was the star, so she demonstrated her will to victory.
Promo #2 airs for the NY shows.
Ad for the Hotel Pennsylvania airs.
Get your UWF Power Products NOW!
Tolos shills Midnight Express Limousine.
In case you missed it earlier, the plug for Universal Studios Florida airs again.
Promo #2 for the PPV airs.
UWF “news reporter” Brian Ricco discusses the tournament for the UWF TV champion and refers to Abrams as “Dr. Herb Abrams.” HA! Nevertheless, the following results were shown, but no brackets were provided.
Get your tickets now for Beach Brawl on 6/9 at the Manatee Civic Center in Palmetto, FL.
Match 3: Bam Bam Bigelow versus Rusty Brooks
Rating: *
Summary: Showcase match for Bigelow.
At ringside, Ricco interviews Bigelow who’s ready to win the UWF World TV title.
Promo #3 for the PPV airs.
Get your UWF merchandise NOW!
Purchase your subscription to the New York Times today.
Call the UWF PowerLine NOW!
Match 4: The Blackhearts (w/ Luna Vachon) versus Dusty Wolfe & Big Bobby Bitman
Rating: **
Summary: Showcase match for the Blackhearts who used decent tandem offense and high-flying. I wonder if Bitman was behind the launch of Bitcoin.
At ringside, Ricco interviews the Blackhearts and Luna.
Orndorff shills Super Arm Blaster.
Call the LegendLine NOW!
Check out Brian “Boz” Bosworth and his fabuous mullet in Stone Cold in theaters on 5/17.
Call the SportsChannel hotline!
Promo for Universal Studios Florida airs.
Promo #4 for the PPV airs.
CAPTAIN LOU’S CORNER: Albano interviews Bigelow.
Promo #2 airs for tickets to the PPV.
Promo #3 airs for the NY shows.
Orndorff dismisses quiche as “wimp food” while shilling Dynamic Muscle Builder.
Subscribe to Golf Digest today before you get stuck in a trap.
Call the Captain Lou hotline NOW!
Zhukov is happy to be in the UWF.
Match 5: Boris Zhukov versus Big V
Rating: DUD
Summary: Showcase match for Zhukov.
At ringside, Ricco interviews Zhukov.
Visit Alabama!
Get your Powershack Gym gear today!
Order Bruno’s book NOW!
When visiting Universal Studios Florida, the UWF would like for you to stay at TraveLodge.
Conclusion: The outdoor venue alone makes this show a must-see, yet no competitive matches take place. If you’ve never seen the Blackhearts or a young Luna, you owe it to yourself to check this out.
Next week, Bigelow squares off against “Cowboy” Bob Orton.
TV Rating: NONE
Stay tuned for UWF 05-13-91!
Comments? Suggestions? Send them to me at rsg@rockstargary.com and follow me on Twitter (@rockstargary202).