Taped from Dallas, TX
Airdate: November 8, 1998 (taped 11/03)
Attendance: 13,684 (sold out)
Hosted by Michael Cole & Jim Cornette
How does Rock respond to Mr. McMahon? Can Jarrett defeat Droz? Or will Hawk have something to say about it? Who wins when Mero and Godfather square off? What’s the newest faction in the WWF? Better cool off, ‘cuz the temperature is rising!
Prior to the opening match, Scotty 2 Hotty professes his love for Christopher. Aw. We revisit RAW when Mankind lost both Mr. Socko and HIS DAMN MIND costing his tag team match with Snow. Back in Dallas, when Snow hoists Head overhead, no pun intended, Mr. Socko acts as a headband for it. Snow grabs the microphone and announces the JOB squad—Bob Holly and 2 Cold Scorpio.
Match 1: The JOB Squad (w/ Al Snow) versus Too Much
- Scotty leapfrogged Holly, blocked a hip toss, and fed Holly one of his own.
- When Holly delivered a pumphandle powerslam, he got 2.
- All four wrestlers were in the ring, and Christopher dumped Scorpio to the floor.
- As Holly attempted to suplex Scotty, Christopher shut that shit down and clotheslined him.
- Holly escaped a Veg-O-Matic attempt and hooked an inside cradle on Scotty.
- 1-2-3.
- The JOB Squad wins! The JOB Squad wins! The JOB Squad wins…at 1:40.
Rating: *
Summary: More shenanigans than match, but a new lower card faction has been created at the expense of Too Much.
We revisit last week when Terri announced her pregnancy much to the dismay of Val Venis.
Backstage, Kevin Kelly interviews Venis who describes Terri as “conniving, manipulative, and…a liar.” OUCH! Venis explains that he had a vasectomy due to the nature of his adult film work. That would counteract Terri’s claim that the baby is his.
Sunday Night HeAT is sponsored by Starburst, WWF: The Music, Volume 2, and Edge Pro Gel.
Match 2 for the WWF European title: X-Pac (champion) versus Steven Regal
- In lieu of Regal, Undertaker and Paul Bearer emerged.
- Bearer called him “X-Punk,” so X-Pac swiped the microphone from him.
- As X-Pac offered Undertaker respect, he wanted his TV time against Regal.
- X-Pac threatened Bearer, so Undertaker beat him up.
- When Undertaker chokeslammed X-Pac, Bearer got the last word.
Rating: NONE
We revisit RAW for the second time as the Big Boss Man destroyed the Stooges.
A black limousine arrives, and Mr. McMahon emerges. As the Stooges are all too happy to see him, Mr. McMahon emphasizes discipline as a corporate strategy.
WWF Survivor Series ’98 will be LIVE on PPV on 11/15. Order NOW!
Prior to the next match, Godfather advises Shane to talk to him later if you catch his drift. He refuses to offer any ho’s to Mero due to his “luck with women.”
REAL Match 2: The Godfather (w/ ho’s) versus “Marvelous” Marc Mero (w/ Jacqueline)
- Keen minds will recall that this match marked the RETURN of Shane McMahon as a referee.
- Before the match began, Mr. McMahon and the Stooges were shown backstage watching the match on a monitor. Should Shane perform poorly, he’d be further demoted to ring crew.
- Mero fed Godfather a back elbow and backdropped him over the top rope to the floor.
- As he retrieved Godfather, Mero launched a springboard splash for 2.
- He distracted Shane so that Jacqueline could give Godfather the business. SNEAKY!
- When he gave Godfather a cross corner whip, Mero slammed him.
- The Dallas faithful chided Jacqueline with a “Sa-ble” chant, and Mero mounted the top turnbuckle.
- Since Mero took HIS DAMN SWEET TIME, Godfather crotched him.
- He dealt Mero an atomic drop followed by a clothesline.
- After he gave Mero a cross corner whip, Godfather followed with a corner clothesline.
- He delivered a leg lariat and got 2.
- While Mero reversed an Irish whip, Godfather countered a back drop attempt with a DDT for another 2.
- Mero reversed another Irish whip and attempted a TKO.
- Instead, Godfather escaped and planted him with a Pimp Drop.
- 1-2-3.
- Godfather won at 3:49.
Rating: **
Summary: Could have gone either way, but I sense Godfather’s getting a mini-push.
After the match, Jacqueline enters the ring and slaps the BEJEEZUS out of Godfather. Since Godfather’s probably used to stuff like that, he no-sells it. Jacqueline and Mero quickly scurry from the ring.
SABLE TRAINING VIDEO! Yep, she’s physically fit and well-conditioned among other things.
Backstage, Kelly interviews X-Pac who challenges Undertaker to a match on RAW.
The New Age Outlaws arrive, and Road Dogg recites his well-rehearsed spiel to a great reaction. Unfortunately for them, Mr. McMahon along with his entourage interrupts to announce their upcoming participation in a triple-threat match at the PPV against the Headbangers as well as Brown/Henry.
We revisit RAW for a third time when Mr. McMahon scheduled Austin versus Bossman in the first round of the tournament at the PPV. Next, we witness Bossman’s assault against Austin.
Prior to the next match, we revisit Owen’s destruction of Dan Severn. After Blackman attacked Owen, the Blue Blazer saved his bacon much to the surprise of many. Following Jarrett’s entrance, Hawk’s demons reappeared on RAW, so his match against Droz didn’t occur.
Match 3: Jeff Jarrett (w/ Debra McMichael) versus Droz (w/ Animal)
- Owen joined the broadcast table for this match.
- When he placed a knee into the midsection, Jarrett fed Droz a swinging neckbreaker.
- Droz reversed an Irish whip and powerslammed Jarrett.
- As Jarrett backdropped Droz over the top rope to the floor, Hawk approached ringside.
- He attacked Droz and pummeled him in the ring.
- After referee Earl Hebner called for the bell, Droz won by DQ at 1:12.
Rating: NONE
Summary: More angle than match as the Droz-Hawk feud continues.
Afterward, Animal comes to Droz’s defense, and he and Droz double-team Hawk. They decimate Hawk with a Doomsday Device and leave him laying. Bye, bye, Road Warriors.
MAIN EVENT INTERVIEW: Rock demands the return of his spot in the WWF title tournament much to the delight of the Dallas faithful. As Mr. McMahon re-emerges, he cites a popular quote from The Godfather. He refers to Rock as “another piece of meat on the WWF roster.”
Nevertheless, he sanctions a match on RAW between Rock and Mark Henry. Should Rock not win by pinfall or submission, he’ll be FIRED. However, should he win, he’ll be reinserted into the tournament. Furthermore, McMahon mentions that Rock is the “people’s ass.”
Rock rebuts with he’d “rather be the people’s ass than to kiss yours.”
Conclusion: The drama between Rock and Mr. McMahon was extremely solid. The wrestling on this show…well…not so much. We see the destruction of the Road Warriors, matches set up for both the PPV and RAW, a new tag team, and..oh, let’s not forget Venis’ vasectomy.
Check out this episode for the main event interview. The rest might see daylight tomorrow night.
TV Rating: 3.3
Stay tuned for WCW Monday Nitro 11-09-98!
Comments? Suggestions? Send them to me at rsg@rockstargary.com and follow me on Twitter (@rockstargary202).