WCW Monday Nitro October 12, 1998

Live from Chicago, IL

Airdate: October 12, 1998

Attendance:  17, 470 (16,439 paid, sold out)

Hosted by Tony Schiavone, “Iron” Mike Tenay, Larry Zbyszko, & Bobby “The Brain” Heenan

Who will prevail when Hogan and Hart square off against Sting and Warrior? Can Goldberg continue his undefeated streak with a win against Giant in a no-DQ match? What happens between Jericho and Raven? Will Bischoff prevent the Horsemen from partying in Chicago? You’d better hustle, ‘cuz this looks like an action-packed show!

In the cold open, Eric Bischoff informs a United Center security member not to allow Flair and the Four Horsemen into the building. He exits the building, informs Doug Dellinger that he’s incompetent, and supplies him with backup.

We revisit the aftermath of the backstage brawl last week between Sting and Bret including Sting’s receiving assistance from EMTs.

In the ring, the Nitro Girls dance in black.

Allegedly, a promo for WCW Halloween Havoc ’98 aired but was accompanied by one for the cult-classic film Bride of Chucky. Hence, it was deleted by the folks at the WWE Network.

We revisit the brawl itself between Sting and Bret where Sting offered Bret a Pepsi, Bret suplexed Sting through a table, and he crowned Sting with a plastic trash can.

Next, we revisit Thunder when Bret issued a challenge to Sting at the PPV.

Video airs detailing the Bret turn against Sting.

Video airs showing the launch of the WCW Mastercard. Piledrive your credit into submission.

Opening montage.

We revisit Thunder when Meng and Wrath collided at the expense of “Gentleman” Chris Adams. You’d think Adams would know better than to stick these guys with the check.

Match 1: Wrath versus Lodi


  • Before the bell, the Chicago faithful informed Lodi that he indeed “sucks.”
  • Wrath ensured it by clotheslining him.
  • When he gave Lodi a cross corner whip, Wrath followed with a corner clothesline.
  • He gave Lodi another cross corner whip and annihilated him with a flying shoulder block.
  • As he planted Lodi with a Meltdown, Wrath pinned him at 1:32.


Rating: *

Summary:  Showcase match for Wrath who appears to be getting over. Are you listening, WCW?

After the match, Meng emerges and brawls with Wrath in the aisle.

We revisit last week yet again when Bischoff got schooled by ten-year-old Reid Fliehr followed by the Horsemen beatdown of nWo Hollywood.

Remember those “On the Road” reports? WWE Network doesn’t want you to.

Video airs promoting the showdown between Goldberg and DDP at the PPV.

Match 2: Kendall Windham versus Dale Torborg


  • Neither wrestler received an introduction prior to the bell, and this was Torborg’s second ever professional match.
  • As Windham fed Torborg a back elbow, Schiavone detailed Torborg’s outfit as part of the WCW pit crew for NASCAR driver Lance Hooper.
  • Windham dealt Torborg a lariat, dragged him to the floor, mounted the apron, and launched a flying elbow drop.
  • Meanwhile, the Chicago faithful was comatose.
  • Windham delivered a belly-to-back suplex and got 2.
  • When the Chicago faithful grew restless, Windham unloaded a big boot for another 2.
  • He placed a knee into Torborg’s midsection, landed a leg drop, but couldn’t get 3.
  • After he slammed Torborg, Windham missed a pair of elbow drops.
  • Torborg rebounded with a clothesline and followed with a dropkick.
  • While Windham caught him with a swinging neckbreaker, he attempted a bulldog.
  • Torborg shoved him off and laid Windham out with a bicycle kick.
  • 1-2-3.
  • Torborg won at 4:20.


Rating: ½*

Summary:  Not a great match for the rookie who appeared to injure his knee on that kick. He wouldn’t wrestle again until May. Honestly, this was WCWSN material and had no business being on Nitro.

Missing from the telecast is a plug for the WCW/nWo magazine. You mean in print? Who does that? Oh, wait, it’s 1998. Never mind.

At the entrance, the Nitro Girls dance in black and white. Have THEY joined nWo Hollywood?

Schiavone shills the Nitro Party contest. This week’s Nitro Party pack winner is Shane from Black Cat Tattoo in Atlanta, GA. His video follows.

Once more, we revisit last week when Lodi ran interference for Raven who ambushed DDP. After Raven, Kanyon, and Lodi triple-teamed DDP, Goldberg saved his bacon, and they stood nose-to-nose.

Sting emerges, heads to the ring, and grabs a microphone. As he calls out Bret, Sting also wants a piece of that Kit Kat bar “Hollywood” Hogan. Emerging through the entrance without any music or fireworks, Warrior offers to join him against Hogan and Bret TONIGHT. The Blade Runners reunite! Let’s hope they don’t suck like they did in 1985.

Another video airs featuring Goldberg and DDP.

HOUR #2!

Bischoff leads Hogan and Giant to the ring but gets nailed by a flying beverage. When he acknowledges getting doused, he shills both Miller Lite and Coors Light. Who’s thirsty?

Nevertheless, Hogan spews his drivel before he mentions that Giant will challenge Goldberg for the World title tonight. Afterward, he accepts the Blade Runners’ challenge but ALMOST refers to Warrior as Ultimate.

A member of Bischoff’s security team notifies him that the Horsemen have entered the building. As Bischoff exits the building again, a white limousine approaches. Ric Flair emerges along with one of the owners of the United Center—Bruce Wirtz MacArthur. When Bischoff claims “my building,” Wirtz corrects him accordingly. He advises Bischoff that tonight the United Center belongs to the Four Horsemen, and they will occupy a skybox. Despite Bischoff’s objections, MacArthur escorts the Four Horsemen into the United Center. Bischoff’s so pissed that he tells Dellinger that he’ll “give you a corporate box.” HA!

Video airs featuring Hogan/Warrior.

Dear God. We again revisit last week and witness Warrior’s taped promo followed by his image in the mirror. In a stupid twist, Bischoff couldn’t see the Warrior.

Prior to the next match, we revisit the 9/28 episode when Wright and Davey Boy Smith battled to a draw due to a double pin. When we return to Chicago, Wright grabs the microphone and declares that he is “the greatest European wrestler.” He tells Finlay: “You ended my father’s career, tonight I end yours.”

Match 3: Fit Finlay versus Alex Wright


  • Finlay nailed Wright when he stepped between the ropes and dumped him to the floor.
  • When he joined Wright, Finlay rammed him back-first into the apron.
  • Wright re-entered the ring via sunset flip and got 1.
  • As he clotheslined Finlay, Wright slammed him yet ate a clothesline too.
  • Finlay guillotined him with the top rope, gave Wright a cross corner whip, but came up empty on his follow-through.
  • After he mounted the top turnbuckle, Finlay leaped but ate boot.
  • Wright gave Finlay a cross corner whip but ate knee on his follow-through.
  • While he clotheslined Wright, Finlay ate a hot shot.
  • Wright rolled up Finlay with his feet on the top rope.
  • 1-2-3.
  • Wright won at 1:59.


Rating: *

Summary:  Action-packed two minutes where shenanigans by Wright led him to victory.

Following the match, Smith attacks Wright at ringside, and he along with Finlay double-team Wright. Although Smith was fixated on Wright, Finlay blasts him.

10-10-321 sponsors the replay.

Lest we forget, Schiavone reminds us that “a Hollywood star” will appear later.

Prior to the next match, we see a party in MacArthur’s skybox involving the Four Horsemen.

Match 4: La Parka, Ciclope, & Villano V versus Psicosis, Super Calo, & Chavo Guerrero, Jr. (w/ Pepe)


  • La Parka clotheslined Super Calo who celebrated with a 360°. Woohoo!
  • As Super Calo floated over La Parka, V tagged in only to get clocked by his partner.
  • La Parka hoisted him to the top turnbuckle, but Super Calo yanked him to the mat, leaped, and scored with a cross body block to V.
  • When La Parka inadvertently fed V an enziguri, Super Calo got vaulted to the apron.
  • Super Calo dealt V a somersault plancha from the apron, yet La Parka began to strut.
  • Accidentally, HE FELL OFF THE APRON!
  • Psicosis delivered a tope con hilo to La Parka, and Ciclope followed with a tope suicida.
  • After Chavo joined the party with a springboard tope, Super Calo climbed the turnbuckle, leaped, but there wasn’t any water in the pool.
  • V powerslammed Super Calo for 2.
  • While Psicosis mounted the top turnbuckle, he nailed V with a guillotine leg drop for 2.
  • La Parka gave Psicosis a cross corner whip followed by a corner clothesline.
  • Strutting, La Parka charged again but ate boot.
  • Psicosis charged but got powerslammed for 2.
  • Obliterating La Parka with a brainbuster, Chavo got 2.
  • Ciclope demolished Chavo with a SPINEBUSTER and hooked a Boston crab.
  • Disrupting, Psicosis hammered Ciclope with a spinning heel kick.
  • Psicosis came off the ropes but ate a kick from La Parka. SNEAKY!
  • Receiving a whip from La Parka and V, Psicosis collided with Ciclope, and both spilled over the top rope to the floor.
  • Chavo, V, La Parka, and Super Calo remained in the ring, and Chavo and Super Calo got rammed together.
  • Getting whipped by La Parka and V, Chavo got vaulted to the apron by Super Calo.
  • He blasted V, and Super Calo covered for 2.
  • Launching a springboard splash, Chavo dropkicked La Parka to the floor.
  • He and Super Calo destroyed La Parka and V with stereo tope suicidas, and Ciclope caught Psicosis with a thrust kick.
  • Allegedly attempting a running guillotine, Ciclope slid down to the floor.
  • Psicosis mounted the top turnbuckle and wasted Ciclope with a senton splash to the floor. Wow!
  • In the meantime, the lWo wandered to ringside.
  • Chavo planted Ciclope with a tornado DDT and pinned him at 5:29.


Rating: ***

Summary:  Solid lucha libre match with plenty of high-flying and tag team psychology, but what does the lWo want?

Afterward, Eddie complains about the luchadores fighting one another and demands the Latinos unite. They invite Psicosis to join, but Chavo leaves nonchalantly.

At the entrance, the Nitro Girls boogie in black as Chae performs a solo. Yowza!

Big Poppa Pump emerges by himself, heads to the ring, and grabs a microphone. While he disparages Chicago, BPP crows about his masculinity and coins his catchphrase. He subtly mentions Judy Bagwell who “embarrassed Marcus Bagwell.” When BPP states that he and Bagwell are tight, the Bagwells approach the ring.

The Chicago faithful showers Bagwell with a “Buff” chant, and their hero accuses BPP of all their problems. As BPP threatens to remove him from nWo Hollywood, Bagwell challenges him RIGHT NOW. BPP insults Judy by calling her an “old bag” and “scallywag,” so Bagwell mauls him to a tremendous response. After BPP responds by nailing him down in SOUTHERN Illinois, he guillotines Bagwell with the top rope.

Up in the skybox, the Horsemen continue to party. Please pass the Jagermeister!

Prior to the next match, Disco Inferno has a microphone and wants to dance. His music hits, but so does Iaukea.

Match 5: Juventud Guerrera versus Prince Iaukea


  • Iaukea reversed an Irish whip, leapfrogged Guerrera, but fell prey to a flying headscissors.
  • When Kidman approached ringside, he sauntered after Disco with a chair.
  • Guerrera gave Iaukea a cross corner whip but ate a back elbow on his follow-through.
  • As Iaukea leaped to the top turnbuckle, he cradled Guerrera for 2.
  • He unleashed a thrust kick for another 2.
  • After he fed Guerrera a leg drop, Iaukea couldn’t get 3.
  • Iaukea reversed another Irish whip, but Guerrera dealt him a modified Rocker Dropper for 2.
  • While Guerrera missed a dropkick, Iaukea delivered a snap suplex for 2.
  • Disco returned to ringside, yet Guerrera gave Iaukea a cross corner whip.
  • Eating foot on his follow-through, Guerrera reversed a cross corner whip but got vaulted to the apron.
  • He scored with a springboard dropkick, slammed Iaukea, and mounted the top turnbuckle.
  • Nefariously, Disco shoved Guerrera preventing a 450°.
  • Iaukea pounded Disco back to the floor but ate a Juvi Driver.
  • 1-2-3.
  • Guerrera won at 4:03.


Rating: **

Summary:  Though the wrestling was decent, the match centered around the feud between Disco and Guerrera.

After the match, Kidman escorts Disco back to the locker room via a series of right hands.

Wearing FUBU, Kevin Nash approaches the ring, grabs a microphone, and rattles off his catchphrase. Regarding Hall, Nash refers to his background as a bouncer who likes to “beat up drunks.” He yells “last call” to him, and Hall emerges. Hall orders a drink and wants to fight Nash. Chasing Hall backstage, Nash calls him “drunk boy.” They head outside the arena, and Hall hangs out the limousine. In close pursuit, Nash follows in a Cadillac.

Match 6 for the WCW World TV title: Chris Jericho (champion) versus Raven


  • For those curious, this was a battle between superstars whose music was overdubbed.
  • The match immediately segued to the floor, and Jericho sent Raven reeling into the steel railing.
  • As he grabbed a chair, Jericho had difficulty with the microphone cable wrapped around it.
  • Raven dropkicked him for his troubles and wedged the chair into the corner.
  • When Jericho reversed a cross corner whip, Raven ate said chair and barreled down to the floor.
  • Jericho joined and made Raven HIT THE POLE.
  • Upon charging Raven, Jericho also HIT THE POLE.
  • Raven tossed a chair into the ring, set it up, and sent Jericho into it with a drop toe hold.
  • After Raven attempted an Even Flow DDT, Jericho countered with a LionTamer.
  • Raven tapped out; thus, Jericho retained at 3:09.


Rating: **

Summary:  Way too limited to be a great match. Perhaps a rematch at the PPV with more time can be allotted?

HOUR #3!

“Mean” Gene Okerlund is in the ring to interview Rick Steiner who begins to discuss his brother. Suddenly, Chucky laughs again and appears on the Turnertron. As he insults Okerlund, Chucky does the same to Rick. Of course, he plugs Bride of Chucky that opens on 10/16 before warning him of “messing with Scott.” Quite the cross-promotion, no?

TV Rating: 3.57 (Ouch!)

WCW and nWo invade QVC tomorrow at 8pm ET.

Next, Bischoff returns to the ring and refers to the arena as “Bischoff Center.” He summons Dellinger and Dillon who join him in the ring. When they take him through the Chicago faithful to the luxury box, Bischoff gets DOUSED by beer and other concessions. That was NOT smart.

They resurface and enter the hallway near the owner’s luxury box. When he demands the Four Horsemen see him, MacArthur asserts his authority. Bischoff shoves MacArthur, so security takes him down. As Flair dances, he wants Bischoff OUTTA HERE. Security escorts Bischoff into a security elevator.

MacArthur and the Four Horsemen celebrate while security escorts Bischoff into an awaiting car. After Bischoff cries for his lawyer, the car drives away.

Match 7 for the WCW World title (no DQ): Goldberg (champion) versus Giant


  • Goldberg no-sold a chop from him, so Giant dropkicked him.
  • When he gave Goldberg a cross corner whip, Giant followed with a corner clothesline.
  • He fed Goldberg a side-Russian leg sweep and headbutted him.
  • As the Chicago faithful chanted “Gold-berg,” their hero scored with a spin kick.
  • He slammed Giant, and the Chicago faithful erupted.
  • After Stevie Ray jumped into the ring, he whacked Goldberg with a chair.
  • Goldberg no-sold it and pulverized him.
  • While Giant chokeslammed Goldberg, DDP jumped into the ring.
  • DDP saved Goldberg and stymied Stevie Ray with a Diamond Cutter to a ROAR from the Chicago faithful.
  • Attempting to chokeslam DDP, Giant ate a spear from Goldberg.
  • Referee Billy Silverman called for the bell, and Goldberg won by countout at 2:46.


Rating: **

Summary:  What an eye-popping spectacle that was. Goldberg became 150-0.

In the ring, the Nitro Girls dance in black.

Match 8: “Hollywood” Hogan & Bret “Hitman” Hart versus the Blade Runners


  • Buffer rumbled and rambled.
  • Before the bell rang, the Chicago faithful informed Hogan that he indeed “sucks.”
  • Sting ducked a clothesline and fed Hogan one of his own.
  • As he dealt Hogan an inverted atomic drop, Sting pummeled Hogan in the corner.
  • Bret tagged in, but Sting delivered a ten-punch count-along.
  • When Warrior distracted referee Scott Dickinson, Bret belted Sting down near southern Illinois.
  • Bret hit a quick leg drop followed by an elbow smash.
  • After he mounted the second turnbuckle, Bret uncorked a flying forearm smash for 2.
  • Warrior distracted Dickinson again, so Hogan and Bret illegally switched. Crafty!
  • While Hogan ruined any nightcap plans for Sting, Bret tagged in and planted Sting with a DDT for 2.
  • Bret demolished him with a side-Russian leg sweep followed by another leg drop.
  • Attempting a vertical suplex, Bret got countered by an inside cradle from Sting for 2.
  • Bret rebounded with a backbreaker, mounted the second turnbuckle again, but missed a flying elbow drop.
  • Hot tag Warrior.
  • Steamrolling Bret with a series of clotheslines, Warrior got hammered from behind by Hogan.
  • Warrior no-sold it, and nWo Hollywood sprinted to the ring.
  • Just as Warrior got his hands on Hogan, Giant headbutted him down.
  • Dickinson called for the bell, and the Blade Runners won by DQ at 5:40.


Rating: *

Summary:  More of a teaser for the PPV than an actual main event. Warrior was seriously protected here. Let’s hope he can handle himself at the PPV.

Following the match, nWo Hollywood beats up the Blade Runners until smoke fills the ring. Giant tosses Warrior out of the ring, so he can’t vanish. With a baseball bat, Sting clears nWo Hollywood from the ring and decimates Vincent with a Scorpion death drop. Warrior whips Hogan with Hogan’s weight belt as the show ends.

TV Rating: 5.11

Conclusion:  Monster main event acting as a preview for the PPV gets all the love from me. Giant busting his ass against Goldberg also makes this a monumental episode. The Bischoff angle was enjoyable as WCW implements their own employer comeuppance.  Although cross-promotion can be a good thing and the puppet connection with Rick Steiner works as a callback to earlier in his career, Chucky doesn’t belong on Nitro.

Without question, I endorse this episode, so grab some popcorn and dig in!

What’s on RAW is WAR?

Final TV Rating: 4.7

Stay tuned for RAW Is WAR 10-12-98!

Comments? Suggestions? Send them to me at rsg@rockstargary.com and follow me on Twitter (@rockstargary202).