World Class Wrestling Association June 13, 1987

Taped from Dallas, TX

Airdate: June 13, 1987 (taped 05/29)

Attendance: unknown

Hosted by Bill Mercer & the “Modern Day Warrior” Kerry Von Erich

Can the Fantastics overcome the threat of Embry and Tony? How will Madril fare against a “newcomer”? Plus, Perez, Simpson, the RPMs, Kevin, & Fritz! Who’s ready for some fun?

Opening montage.

Match 1: Rock’n’Roll RPMs (w/ Percy Pringle) versus Steve Simpson & Steve Doll


  • Simpson leapfrogged Lane and followed with a slam.
  • When Doll tagged in, Lane fed him a back elbow.
  • Tags were exchanged on both sides, and Simpson mounted the top turnbuckle.
  • As he lowered the boom onto Davis, Simpson dealt him a cross body block for 1.
  • Davis slammed Simpson and got 2.
  • After he scored with a standing dropkick, Davis got another 2.
  • Lane tagged in, delivered a back elbow, but couldn’t get 3.
  • While he suplexed Simpson, Lane earned another 2-count.
  • Davis tagged in while the Dallas faithful chided Pringle about his alleged bedroom choices.
  • Reversing an Irish whip, Simpson backdropped Davis.
  • He dropkicked Davis and tagged in Doll.
  • Dropkicking Davis, Doll got 1.
  • Lane interjected himself only to eat a dropkick.
  • Planting a back elbow, Doll got 2.
  • Simpson chased Pringle around the ring causing referee Bronko Lubich to be distracted.
  • Meanwhile, Doll hooked an abdominal stretch on Davis, but Lane crept in and blasted him. SNEAKY!
  • 1-2-3.
  • Rock’n’Roll RPMs won at 4:39.


Rating: **

Summary: Showcase match for the RPMs as Doll was the obvious choice to eat the pin albeit in protected fashion.

Match 2: Al Perez (w/ Gary Hart) versus Perry Jackson


  • Perez noticed Kerry at the broadcast table and dared him to jump into the ring. If you ask me, Kerry could kick his ass.
  • Nevertheless, Perez applied a spinning toe hold and pinned Jackson at 2:39.


Rating: DUD

Summary: Showcase match for Perez whose focus was more on Kerry than his opponent.

KERRY’S KORNER: Kerry discusses his photography hobby, and photos of Mike, Kevin, and David are shown. What kind of camera does Kerry use? A Minolta 9000 he obtained while on tour in Japan.

FRITZ’S SCRAPBOOK: Fritz bores us with some minutia until Toyohua Sugita and Ken Tajima from New Japan Pro Wrestling offer us some words in both Japanese and English. Next, Fritz praises the Israeli faithful and mentions Kevin’s tour there. Quite the cure for insomnia there, folks.

Match 3: Al Madril versus “Dynamite” Len Denton


  • For those unaware, Denton was the former Grappler and hailed from Cut and Shoot, TX. Believe it or not, the town name is real and approximately 200 miles south/southeast of Dallas.
  • WCCW chaplain Gary Holder joined the broadcast table for this match.
  • When Madril popped him like a zit, Denton rebounded with an inverted atomic drop.
  • He clotheslined Madril and got 2.
  • As he fed Madril a pair of short-arm clotheslines, Denton got another 2.
  • Denton missed an elbow drop, and Adias approached ringside to taunt his former partner.
  • After Denton held Madril at bay, Adias stormed into the ring to pounce on him.
  • Referee Bronko Lubich called for the bell, and Madril won by DQ at 6:22.


Rating: **

Summary: More angle than match as it serves as an appetizer for next week’s main event.

After the match, Denton and Adias double-team him until Madril scores with a double clothesline that sends the heels scurrying.

Video airs of Kevin’s time in Japan. Although Kevin misses home, he truly enjoys Japan and the culture. He’s shown walking the streets alongside referee Rick Hazzard and locates a McDonald’s. Afterward, he cuts a promo on Adias.

Match 4 (non-title): WCWA World tag team champions the Fantastics versus “Flamboyant” Eric Embry & Boy Tony (w/o “Gentleman” Jim Holliday)


  • Fulton leapfrogged Tony and followed with a hip toss.
  • As Rogers tagged in, he dropkicked Tony, blocked a hip toss, and fed Tony one of his own.
  • Tags were exchanged on both sides, and the Fantastics double-backdropped Embry.
  • When Tony interjected himself, they double-hip-tossed him.
  • They avoided getting rammed together, yet Fulton took both heels down at once to the delight of the squealing Dallas faithful.
  • After tags were exchanged on both sides again, Fulton mounted the second turnbuckle and dealt Tony a flying fist.
  • Rogers tagged in and dropkicked Tony again.
  • While Embry low-bridged Rogers down to the floor, Tony baited Fulton into the ring.
  • In turn, that prompted referee Ralph Pulley to place him back into the babyface corner, and Embry slammed Rogers on the floor. How dastardly!
  • Tony clotheslined Rogers and got 2.
  • Rejoining the match, Embry delivered a gutwrench suplex, mounted the second turnbuckle, and uncorked a diving head butt for another 2.
  • Embry hit a lariat but couldn’t get 3.
  • Taking his turn, Tony landed a knee drop and followed with a backbreaker for yet another 2.
  • Rogers escaped another backbreaker attempt and spilled Tony onto the mat.
  • Tagging in, Embry missed a clothesline, but Rogers connected with a flying back elbow.
  • Hot tag Fulton.
  • With all four wrestlers in the ring, Fulton backdropped Tony, and Rogers reversed an Irish whip to dropkick Embry.
  • Pulley ushered Rogers back to the babyface corner, so Embry mounted the top turnbuckle and clobbered Fulton with a double axe handle. Nefarious!
  • Despite Tony’s hooking an inside cradle, Fulton used momentum to be on top. In the meantime, Embry believed his team stole one.
  • 1-2-3.
  • The Fantastics won at 7:12.


Rating: ***

Summary: Without question, the Fantastics can take what appears to be a mismatch in their favor and craft it into a frenzy of a match. Bravo, gentlemen!

Before the show ends, Madril cuts a promo on Adias announcing the departure of Holliday. Following that, Adias offers a rebuttal of questionable taste.

Conclusion:  Need a baseline for a good WCCW episode? Look no further than a match involving the Fantastics. They took whatever Tony and Embry threw at them, put their spin on it, and turned it into a worthwhile main event.

Also, the Madril-Adias feud is at a fever pitch as Adias interferes in Madril’s match. Since the Von Erichs can’t jump into the ring, why not have them host segments that broaden the promotion? Sure, Fritz’s clip is nap-worthy, but showing some of both Kerry and Kevin’s personalities in different scenarios keeps them from going stale.

Lastly, the seeds have been sown for a future battle between Perez and Kerry. Lace your shoes tight for that one.

Next week, Madril battles Adias one-on-one in a lumberjack match!

TV Rating: NONE

Stay tuned for WCCW 06-20-87!

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