WWF Sunday Night HeAT October 4, 1998

Taped from East Lansing, MI

Airdate: October 4, 1998 (taped 9/29)

Attendance: 9,846

Hosted by Jim Cornette & Shane McMahon

Will Rock defeat Jarrett? What’s Austin up to? Can X-Pac defeat Owen? What happens when Shamrock and Mankind team up against DoA? Break out the oscillating fan, ‘cuz the heat has risen!

Opening montage.

We revisit RAW when Billy Gunn broke up with DX, but who got to keep Fluffy?

Prior to the opening match, a wheelchair bound HHH gets handed the microphone and psyches up the Michigan State faithful. Road Dog has “nothing to say.”

We revisit RAW again when Owen “crippled” Dan Severn with a tombstone.

Match 1 (non-title): WWF European champion X-Pac (w/ Road Dog, Chyna, & HHH) versus Owen Hart


  • The bell rang, and Brown joined the broadcast table for this match.
  • When X-Pac leapfrogged him, he dropkicked Owen.
  • Speaking of Owen, he took respite on the floor, so X-Pac joined and mauled him.
  • Back in the ring, X-Pac slammed Owen and followed with a slam.
  • He gave Owen a cross corner whip but came up empty on his follow-through.
  • As a sullen Owen took respite #2 outside the ring, X-Pac didn’t give a FUCK and hurled him back into the ring.
  • He gave Owen another cross corner whip but ate boot on his follow-through.
  • After Owen tried to leave again, X-Pac rolled him up.
  • 1-2-3.
  • X-Pac won at 3:09.


Rating: *

Summary:  More storyline than match as Owen’s despondence over the Severn incident didn’t put him in the right state of mind to wrestle.

At ringside, Michael Cole interviews HHH about Gunn, but HHH acts like an asshole. I can see why Gunn broke up with them.

For a third time, we revisit RAW when Austin drove a Zamboni into the arena to attack Mr. McMahon. Afterward, Mr. McMahon reneged on his promise to the Brothers of Destruction and flipped them off. The Brothers of Destruction noticed and took their revenge by hobbling him.

“LIVE” via satellite Mr. McMahon sits in a hospital bed with his left ankle heavily wrapped. To milk the situation, he’s wearing a nebulizer. What a scoundrel! Nevertheless, he blames Austin for this situation but is “gutting it out.”

Prior to the next match, we revisit HeAT from last week when the Hardy Boyz destroyed Kaientai with stereo top rope dives onto Funaki.

Match 2: Sho Funaki (w/ Mr. Yamaguchi) versus Matt Hardy


  • Funaki dropkicked Matt who reversed an Irish whip and fed him a tilt-a-whirl slam.
  • As Funaki sought refuge on the floor, Matt dealt him a plancha.
  • He delivered a reverse slam, mounted the second turnbuckle, leaped, but there wasn’t any water in the pool.
  • When Matt scored with a sit-out crucifix powerbomb, he attempted a springboard moonsault but ate knees.
  • Funaki hooked a fisherman’s suplex, mounted the top turnbuckle, and launched a diving head butt.
  • 1-2-3.
  • Funaki won at 2:09.


Rating: **

Summary:  Aerial match where one maneuver costs Matt the match.

For a FOURTH time, we revisit RAW when ICP assisted the Oddities to victory.

Match 3: The Oddities (w/ Insane Clown Posse) versus the Headbangers


  • Again?
  • When Kurrgan reversed an Irish whip, he backdropped Mosh.
  • He fed Mosh a big boot, and tags were exchanged on both sides.
  • As Golga gave Thrasher a cross corner whip, he followed with an avalanche.
  • Is this WCW?
  • Nonetheless, Golga slammed Thrasher and dealt him an elbow drop.
  • He landed a leg drop (brother) but only got 2.
  • After he whipped Thrasher into the corner, Golga came up empty on his follow-through.
  • Mosh, from the apron, guillotined Golga with the top rope. Crafty!
  • With all four wrestlers in the ring, referee Jim Korderas valiantly tried to return Kurrgan to his corner.
  • The Headbangers attempted a Stage Dive, but ICP crotched Thrasher on the top rope. OUCH!
  • While Golga backdropped him, he SQUISHED Mosh.
  • 1-2-3.
  • Oddities won at 2:30.


Rating: *

Summary:  More chicanery by ICP to assist the Oddities.

Vignette airs featuring a real man’s man—Steven Regal.

Prior to the next match, we revisit the PPV when Mankind CLOCKED Shamrock with a chair.

Match 4: Mankind & Ken Shamrock versus Disciples of Apocalypse (w/ “Precious” Paul Ellering)


  • DoA fed Shamrock a double boot before Mankind completed his entrance.
  • As 8-Ball dealt Shamrock a sidewalk slam, he got 2.
  • Skull tagged in, and 8-Ball slammed Shamrock.
  • When DoA flattened him with a series of elbow drops, Shamrock rebounded with a cross body block for 2.
  • He delivered a leg lariat and forcibly tagged in Mankind.
  • After Skull distracted referee Tim White, 8-Ball gave Mankind the business in the heel corner. SNEAKY!
  • During the match, Austin dragged a cameraman with him while carrying an axe.
  • Skull bounced Mankind’s head numerous times off the turnbuckle pad, and 8-Ball tagged in.
  • While DoA double-clotheslined him, 8-Ball gave Mankind a cross corner whip but ate a back elbow on his follow-through.
  • Mankind clotheslined 8-Ball while Shamrock remained nonplussed about making the tag.
  • Planting 8-Ball with a double-arm DDT, Mankind bounced off the ropes but got tripped by Ellering. How dastardly!
  • Mankind took revenge by locking the Mandible claw on him.
  • Meanwhile, Skull distracted White again, so Shamrock sought Mark Keaton’s chair at ringside and CROWNED Mankind with it. Now THAT’S a receipt.
  • 1-2-3.
  • DoA won at 4:51.


Rating: **

Summary:  More storyline than match as Shamrock found an opportunity to get even with Mankind.

Before the commercial break, Austin enters the production truck with an axe.

With Mr. McMahon on the monitors, Austin berates producer Kevin Dunn and forces a production team member to show him the satellite feed. When Austin destroys it, the monitor of Mr. McMahon turns to snow. HA!

Austin heads to the ring to a HUGE ovation and stares down Shane. Although Shane’s quite reluctant but terrified, Austin joins the broadcast table for the main event.

Match 5: The Rock versus Jeff Jarrett


  • Rock clotheslined and fed Jarrett a Samoan drop for 2.
  • When he gave Jarrett a cross corner whip, Rock came up empty on his follow-through.
  • The Michigan State faithful chanted “Rock-y,” but Jarrett mounted the second turnbuckle and clotheslined their hero.
  • As Jarrett missed a dropkick, Rock gave Jarrett another cross corner whip.
  • Muffled audio of Mr. McMahon could be overheard, and Jarrett dealt Rock a swinging neckbreaker.
  • After Jarrett delivered a running guillotine, Dennis Knight approached ringside and clotheslined Rock. Nefarious!
  • In the meantime, Jarrett distracted referee Mike Chioda.
  • Jarrett hit a baseball slide and supposedly rammed Rock face-first into the steps.
  • Why supposedly? With Mr. McMahon on the phone and Austin’s belligerence, the match lost its focus.
  • Jarrett mounted the top turnbuckle and scored with a cross body block.
  • On the other hand, Rock used momentum to land on top and got 2.
  • Jarrett exploded with a clothesline and got 2.
  • While Austin revealed that he knew Mr. McMahon’s whereabouts, Jarrett nailed Rock with a back elbow for another 2. Foreshadowing, perhaps?
  • Rock blocked a suplex and hooked one of his own.
  • Making the cover, Rock got 2.
  • Jarrett rebounded with a ten-punch count-along, gave Rock a cross corner whip, but ate a clothesline due to his overconfidence.
  • Reversing an Irish whip, Jarrett fell victim to a DDT.
  • Rock baited Knight onto the apron to distract Chioda.
  • With Chioda distracted, Rock hammered Jarrett down near SOUTHERN Tennessee.
  • He slammed Jarrett and administered the People’s Elbow to a tremendous roar.
  • Sorry, Chester.
  • Before Rock could earn the victory, Knight yanked Chioda out of the ring and blasted him.
  • Knight jumped into the ring to double-team Rock alongside Jarrett.
  • Leaving the broadcast table, Austin joined the fray and obliterated both heels with Stone Cold Stunners.
  • Rock stood up and went nose-to-nose with Austin as the show left the air.


Rating: NONE

Summary:  Solid chemistry between Jarrett and Rock until the sports-entertainment finish.

Conclusion:  Shamrock exacted revenge against Mankind in their tag match while Funaki and the Oddities won pointless matches. Owen’s character change appears to be burgeoning which led to his loss to X-Pac. Austin’s shenanigans coupled with his work in the main event push this episode into a must-see category.

TV Rating: 3.8

Stay tuned for WCW Monday Nitro 10-05-98!

Comments? Suggestions? Send them to me at rsg@rockstargary.com and follow me on Twitter (@rockstargary202).