WCW Thunder October 1, 1998

Taped from Norfolk, VA

Airdate: October 1, 1998 (taped 9/24)

Attendance:  8,858 (sold out)

Hosted by Tony Schiavone, Bobby “The Brain” Heenan, & Lee Marshall

Can Goldberg retain the World title against Raven? Will Kidman retain his title against Chavo? What’s new with DDP? What happens between Hall and Nash? How will Konnan fare against Stevie Ray? Better take cover, ‘cuz a storm’s about to erupt in WCW!

Opening montage.

From the entrance, Lodi accuses DDP of “ruining (his) life” and wants to ruin DDP’s by stealing his World title shot at the PPV and becoming the champion.

Match 1: Diamond Dallas Page versus Lodi


  • Lodi wouldn’t shut up, so DDP flattened him with a plancha.
  • When he sent Lodi reeling into the steel railing, DDP survived a Lodi onslaught and fed him a discus clothesline.
  • He kicked Lodi in the midsection and hooked a Canadian backbreaker.
  • As he converted it into a gutbuster, DDP gave Lodi a cross corner whip followed by a Diamond Cutter.
  • 1-2-3.
  • DDP won at 1:34.


Rating: *

Summary:  Showcase match for the #1 contender to the World title.

Match 2: “Mean” Mike Enos versus “Lightning Foot” Jerry Flynn


  • Flynn scored with a spin kick and unleashed a series of kicks in the corner.
  • As he gave Enos a cross corner whip, Flynn followed with a spinning heel kick.
  • Enos rebounded with a double axe handle and a pair of clotheslines.
  • When he guillotined Flynn with the top rope, Enos lost a game of cat-and-mouse.
  • Flynn fed him a knee drop and a clothesline yet attempted a leap frog.
  • After Enos caught him, he powerslammed Flynn.
  • He gave Flynn a cross corner whip followed by a boot to the midsection.
  • While Enos dealt Flynn a belly-to-belly suplex, Scott Hall emerged with his favorite cocktail—his next one.
  • To prove that WCW’s a wholesome family entertainment product, Hall wore a Diamond Club t-shirt to the ring.
  • Hall stepped into the ring with a microphone as flashbacks to May 27, 1996 have arisen.
  • Trying to conduct his survey, Hall got interrupted by Flynn so he popped him with the microphone.
  • Referee Billy Silverman called for the bell, and Flynn won by DQ at 4:44.


Rating: *

Summary:  Mere fodder for more of Hall’s schtick.

After the match, Enos takes exception to Hall’s interference and shoves him. Hall tosses his drink in Enos’ face, kicks him in the midsection, and plants him with an Outsider Edge. Flynn becomes collateral damage as Hall demolishes him with one too. Grabbing the microphone again, Hall performs his survey. Wolfpack wins again!

Hall runs down and informs Nash that he’s not Hall’s boss. While he advises Nash that he’ll wrestle him “on (his) terms,” Hall will meet him “down there.”

Promotional consideration paid for by the following: Slim Jim

Prior to the next match, Kanyon grabs the microphone, touts himself, and recites his catchphrase.

Match 3: Kanyon versus Riggs


  • Kanyon wouldn’t shut up, so Riggs popped him.
  • When he fed Kanyon a back elbow, Riggs dropkicked him for 2.
  • He tossed Kanyon over the top rope to the floor and made him HIT THE POLE.
  • As he rammed Kanyon’s left arm into the ring post, Riggs gave him a cross corner whip followed by a high knee.
  • He gave Kanyon another cross corner whip and administered a ten-punch count-along.
  • After Kanyon countered with a modified Snake Eyes, he mounted the second turnbuckle and decimated Riggs with a super Rocker Dropper.
  • Riggs reversed an Irish whip, but Kanyon blocked a hip toss and delivered a swinging neckbreaker for 2.
  • While he suplexed Riggs, he landed an elbow drop for another 2.
  • He demolished Riggs with a modified F5 and got 2.
  • Despite Kanyon’s mounting the second turnbuckle, Riggs caught and powerbombed him.
  • He clotheslined Kanyon twice, reversed an Irish whip, and sandwiched him in the corner.
  • Locking on a crossface-chickenwing, Riggs got sent face-first into the top turnbuckle.
  • Kanyon obliterated Riggs with a Flatliner.
  • 1-2-3.
  • Kanyon won at 6:20.


Rating: **

Summary:  Showcase match for Kanyon, but Riggs was ready for an upset.

Video airs featuring Raven cutting a promo on Goldberg. 40 pounds of gold?

Match 4: Wrath versus Ciclope


  • Wrath fed Ciclope a series of knees to the midsection and followed with a sidewalk slam.
  • As Wrath whipped him into the corner, he came up empty on his follow-through.
  • He reversed a cross corner whip and dealt Ciclope a belly-to-back suplex.
  • When he mounted the second turnbuckle, Wrath landed a big elbow.
  • He tossed Ciclope out of the ring like a bouncer would a drunken idiot.
  • After he joined Ciclope, Wrath sent him reeling into the steel railing.
  • Ciclope rebounded with a springboard dropkick, ate a lariat, yet celebrated with a 360°.
  • While he gave Ciclope a cross corner whip, Wrath delivered a flying shoulder block.
  • He hit a Meldown and pinned Ciclope at 3:25.


Rating: *

Summary:  Showcase match for Wrath who is getting some positive feedback tonight.

Cinnaburst sponsors the replay.

On WCW Saturday Night, DDP squares off against Stevie Ray, and the Horsemen get warmed up before partying all over New England. In case you’re curious, the WWE Network scrubs this promo.

Match 5 for the WCW Cruiserweight title: Kidman (champion) versus Chavo Guerrero, Jr. (w/ Pepe)


  • Chavo gave him a cross corner whip, but Kidman fed him a flying headscissors.
  • When Chavo sought refuge on the floor along with advice from Pepe, Kidman dealt him a plancha. The horse didn’t even let out a “Duck!” before Hurricane Kidman struck.
  • Kidman slammed Chavo and followed with a leg drop.
  • As Chavo rammed him face-first into the mat, hip tosses were reversed until Chavo sent Kidman over the top rope to the floor.
  • Chavo nailed a springboard tope, hurled Kidman back into the ring, and got 2.
  • After he rolled up Chavo, Kidman got 2.
  • He dropkicked Chavo but fell victim to a springboard bulldog.
  • While Chavo got 2, he landed a corkscrew elbow. Somebody call Buddy Landel!
  • Kidman escaped a belly-to-back suplex attempt and attempted an Acid Drop.
  • To counter, Chavo caught and crotched him on the top rope.
  • Following a commercial break, Chavo bounced Kidman’s head off the mat with a springboard move for 2.
  • He clotheslined Kidman, took a Pepe break, but suffered a jawbreaker.
  • Reversing an Irish whip, Chavo got stymied by a sunset flip leading to a 2-count for Kidman.
  • Chavo rebounded with a spinning heel kick and got 2.
  • Catching Chavo with a clothesline, Kidman missed a dropkick.
  • Chavo planted Kidman with a belly-to-back suplex and got 2.
  • Giving Kidman a cross corner whip, Chavo came up empty on his follow-through.
  • Kidman powerslammed him, mounted the top turnbuckle, but Chavo crotched him.
  • Joining Kidman, Chavo launched an awesome top rope superplex. Wow!
  • Do we have a new champion?
  • 1-2-NO!
  • Chavo reversed a cross corner whip, but Kidman floated over and decimated him with a sit-out powerbomb.
  • Mounting the top turnbuckle, Kidman launched a Shooting Star Press.
  • 1-2-3.
  • Kidman retained at 9:19.


Rating: ****

Summary:  It’s always a great idea to put Kidman in the ring with a solid hand. Chavo played the solid hand and made Kidman shine.

Match 6: Van Hammer versus Lenny Lane


  • Hammer cradled Lane and got 2.
  • As he fed Lane a cobra clutch slam, Hammer got another 2.
  • He blocked a hip toss, clotheslined Lane, but couldn’t get 3.
  • When he dealt Lane a belly-to-back suplex, Hammer earned yet another 2.
  • Lane rebounded with a jawbreaker but got reversed on an Irish whip.
  • After Hammer backdropped him, he gave Lane a cross corner whip followed by a corner clothesline.
  • He hoisted Lane atop the top turnbuckle, joined, and superplexed him.
  • While he delivered a Flashback (spinebuster), Hammer pinned Lane at 3:49.


Rating: *

Summary:  Showcase match for the hippie Hammer.

1-800-COLLECT sponsors the replay.

Video #2 airs featuring another Raven promo on Goldberg.

Ad airs for the Malenko “Ice” t-shirt.

Match 7: Disco Inferno versus Damian


  • Disco leapfrogged him, but Damian scored with a cross body block for 2.
  • When he gave Damian a cross corner whip, Disco ate boot on his follow-through.
  • Damian clotheslined him and got 2.
  • As he mocked Disco, Damian mounted the second turnbuckle, leaped, but there wasn’t any water in the pool.
  • Disco dealt him a swinging neckbreaker, slammed Damian, mounted the second turnbuckle, and landed a flying forearm smash for 2.
  • After he lifted Damian onto the top turnbuckle, Disco joined but got shoved down to the mat.
  • Damian leaped but ate boot.
  • While Disco piledrove him, he pinned Damian at 3:22.


Rating: *

Summary:  Showcase match for Disco.

After the match, Disco attacks Damian some more until Juventud Guerrera sprints to the ring. Guerrera blasts Disco with a springboard dropkick and follows with a huracanrana. As Disco reverses an Irish whip, Guerrera uncorks a flying headscissors. He delivers a spinning heel kick to send Disco scurrying to the floor. Since he’s not finished, Guerrera annihilates him with a somersault plancha.

Before the break, Schiavone shills a segment involving Heenan, but it’s Movies for Guys Who Like Movies. Hence, WWE Network swept it under the rug.

Prior to the next match, Konnan grabs the microphone and rattles off his catchphrases.

Match 8: Konnan versus Stevie Ray (w/ Vincent)


  • Konnan connected with a somersault clothesline and followed with a seated dropkick.
  • As Stevie Ray unleashed a thrust kick, he clotheslined Konnan for 2.
  • He fed Konnan a high knee and slammed him for another 2.
  • When he dealt Konnan a back elbow, Stevie Ray distracted referee Nick Patrick.
  • That permitted Vincent to give Konnan the business. SNEAKY!
  • After Stevie Ray gave Konnan a cross corner whip, he ate a mule kick on his follow-through.
  • Konnan bulldogged him, reversed an Irish whip, leapfrogged him, and delivered a thrust kick of his own.
  • While he rammed Stevie Ray face-first into the mat, Konnan mauled Vincent who had jumped onto the apron.
  • Stevie Ray unloaded a shot to Konnan with his slapjack, so Patrick called for the bell.
  • As a result, Konnan won by DQ at 4:20.


Rating: **

Summary:  More carnage by nWo Hollywood inflicted upon the Wolfpack.

Following the match, Stevie Ray and Vincent double-team Konnan until Kevin Nash storms the ring. He boots Stevie Ray from the ring and splats Vincent with a jackknife powerbomb. Suddenly, a rather lit Hall returns with another cocktail yet puts his drink down. He locks eyes with Nash but remains at the entrance.

Video DOES NOT AIR but features Hogan and Warrior. C’mon, WWE Network! Did music overdubbing prove to be too difficult?

Match 9 for the WCW World title: Goldberg (champion) versus Raven (w/ Kanyon)


  • Buff rumbled and rambled while DDP joined the broadcast table for this match.
  • When Raven made his entrance, he and Kanyon carried a table to ringside.
  • Norfolk’s finest escorted the World champion to the Gorilla position.
  • As he powerslammed Raven, Goldberg reversed a cross corner whip but came up empty on his follow-through and spilled over the top rope to the floor.
  • Raven joined and rammed Goldberg back-first into the ring post twice.
  • After he fed Goldberg a knee lift, Raven rammed him face-first into the steps.
  • Raven dragged him to the next corner and dealt him a second serving of steps.
  • While Kanyon set up the table, Raven placed Goldberg atop it.
  • Raven re-entered the ring, took a flying leap over the top rope, but crashed through the table by himself.
  • Back in the ring, Goldberg uncorked a thrust kick and attempted a spear.
  • Craftily, Raven placed referee Billy Silverman in his path, and Goldberg ran both of them over like an 18-wheeler.
  • Silverman was OUT COLD, so Kanyon jumped into the ring with a chair and WHACKED Goldberg with it.
  • Having seen enough, DDP jetted to the ring although Raven flattened Goldberg with an Even Flow DDT.
  • Kanyon attempted to slam him, but DDP obliterated him with a Diamond Cutter.
  • Disposing of DDP, Raven attempted another Even Flow DDT, but Goldberg blocked it.
  • Instead, Goldberg scored with a swinging neckbreaker followed by a Jackhammer.
  • 1-2-3.
  • Goldberg retained at 4:08.


Rating: ***

Summary:  They crammed a lot into a four-minute main event, but Goldberg won and became 148-0.

Afterward, DDP stares down Goldberg, and they both yell “You’re Next” at one another. Sounds like Saturday morning at the barber shop.

Conclusion:  Well, I can honestly say that this episode was truly good. With the Norfolk faithful in rabid form, the wrestlers did everything possible to entertain them as well as the TV viewer. Goldberg retains as does Kidman. While Goldberg and DDP practically go nose-to-nose, Hall and Nash go eye-to-eye. This was a fun show, so get cozy and enjoy it!

TV Rating: 3.59

Stay tuned for WWF Sunday Night HeAT 10-04-98!

Comments? Suggestions? Send them to me at rsg@rockstargary.com and follow me on Twitter (@rockstargary202).