World Class Wrestling Association April 18, 1987

Taped from Dallas, TX

Airdate: April 18, 1987 (taped 04/03)

Attendance: unknown

Hosted by Bill Mercer

Can the Fantastics win in the main event? How will Simpson fare against Adias? What’s on Brody’s mind? Also, both Warrior and Swenson are here! Get on the bus, ‘cuz we’re ridin’ to Texas!

Opening montage.

Match 1: Steve Simpson versus Brian Adias


  • Simpson blocked a hip toss and fed Adias one of his own.
  • When Adias suplexed Simpson, he got 1.
  • The Dallas faithful chanted “go, Steve, go,” but their hero suffered a back elbow from Adias.
  • As he slammed Simpson, Adias got 2.
  • The Dallas faithful may have been lively, but this match was sleep-inducing.
  • After Simpson dropkicked him, he dealt Adias his own back elbow for 2.
  • He gave Adias a cross corner whip and followed with a monkey flip for another 2.
  • While he slammed Adias, Simpson landed an elbow drop.
  • He mounted the second turnbuckle, leaped, but ate knees.
  • Hooking a side-Russian leg sweep, Adias pinned Simpson at 9:57.


Rating: **

Summary: I could have sworn this was headed toward a time-limit draw, but Adias used intelligence along with his finisher to crush not only Simpson but also the spirit of the Dallas faithful.

We revisit last week when all hell broke loose between Red River Jack, Lance Von Erich, Nord the Barbarian, Eli the Eliminator, and Kevin Von Erich. In case you missed it, it’s right here.

From the studio, Marc Lowrance interviews Bruiser Brody who challenges Gary Hart to bring “that mercenary…to Texas Stadium.” I hope he doesn’t mean the Cowboys. They stunk it up at 7-9 in 1986.

Match 2 (non-title): WCWA Texas champion Dingo Warrior versus Jack Victory


  • Warrior reversed a cross corner whip and hip-tossed Victory.
  • As Warrior slammed Victory, Mercer corrected himself from last week by clarifying Nord the Barbarian will challenge Kevin for the World title at Texas Stadium rather than Antonio Inoki.
  • Warrior gave Victory a cross corner whip but came up empty on his follow-through.
  • When Victory clotheslined him, Warrior rebounded with a slam but missed an elbow drop.
  • Warrior backdropped Victory, blocked a vertical suplex, and suplexed him instead.
  • After he uncorked a Sledgehammer, Warrior pinned Victory at 6:46.


Rating: *

Summary: Showcase match for Warrior.

Match 3: Jeep Swenson (w/ Gary Hart) versus Dusty Wolfe


  • Swenson military-press-slammed Wolfe and applied a standing choke.
  • When he gave Wolfe a HARD cross corner whip, Swenson slammed him.
  • He clotheslined and pinned Wolfe at 2:15.


Rating: DUD

Summary: Showcase match for Swenson.

Video airs featuring Swenson. That rifle looked like a toy to me.

Match 4 (non-title): WCWA World tag team champions the Fantastics versus “Flamboyant” Eric Embry & the Grappler


  • According to Mercer, the Fantastics will team up with Simpson to face the Rock’n’Roll RPMs and Embry in a SCAFFOLD match. Wow!
  • Fulton dropkicked Grappler, leapfrogged him, and dropkicked him again.
  • As Grappler rebounded with a knee lift, Embry tagged in but missed an elbow drop.
  • Embry immediately scampered toward his corner and tagged out. What a scaredy cat!
  • When Embry refused to tag in, Rogers tagged in for the champs and reversed a cross corner whip.
  • Grappler floated to the apron, but Rogers brought both heels back into the ring the hard way.
  • After some heel miscommunication, Rogers slammed Embry.
  • The Fantastics fed the heels stereo atomic drops into one another and began a chant of “siss-y” aimed at Embry.
  • While Fulton chased him around the ring, Embry met Rogers who dealt him a knuckle sandwich.
  • Embry tried to exit stage left, but Rogers returned him to ringside and dropkicked him on the blue floor.
  • Tagging in, Fulton ate a clothesline from Grappler.
  • Embry tagged in, scored with a lariat to Fulton, but missed a diving head butt.
  • With tags being exchanged on both sides, Rogers dropkicked Grappler twice.
  • All four wrestlers were in the ring, and a double whip knocked both Rogers and Embry silly.
  • Getting rid of Rogers, Grappler held Fulton.
  • Embry mounted the top turnbuckle but inadvertently clobbered Grappler instead of Fulton.
  • Following a dropkick from Fulton to Embry, Rogers mounted the top turnbuckle and launched a flying splash onto Grappler.
  • 1-2-3.
  • The Fantastics won at 8:01.


Rating: ***

Summary: While not quite the Fantastics spectacle, the match was still incredibly entertaining. I must also state that I’m not a fan of Embry at this stage as he looks like he just became a pro wrestler after driving a truck cross-country.

Conclusion:  Scheduled to face Mike at the spectacular, Adias triumphed over Simpson. Both Warrior and Swenson won their enhancement matches while the Fantastics put on another show for the Dallas faithful in the main event. I find it incredibly hasty that a scaffold match was scheduled two weeks before the show. Let’s hope it beefs up ticket sales.

Next week, Kevin faces Nord the Barbarian plus an important update on Mike.

TV Rating: NONE

Stay tuned for WCCW 04-25-87!

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