Taped from Dallas, TX
Airdate: October 17, 1987
Attendance: 3,700
Hosted by Marc Lowrance
Can Kevin upend Perez to regain the World title? How will Kerry fare in his workout? How will Shaun fare in his quest for the Light Heavyweight title? Whatcha waitin’ for? Let’s go to the Cotton Bowl!
Match 1: Mil Mascaras, Al Madril, & Manuel Villalobos versus “Playboy” Vince Apollo, The “Thumper” Frankie Lancaster, & Cowboy Tony
- Mascaras flipped out of a double wrist lock and took down both Tony and Apollo.
- When he took them down again, Mascaras incorporated a head lock/flying headscissors combo.
- Lancaster tagged in but succumbed to a headscissors.
- As Madril tagged in, he baited Apollo into the ring thus distracting referee Bronko Lubich.
- That enabled Madril to pop Lancaster. Had the match happened during the summer, I’m certain Lancaster would have disintegrated into giant heaps of popcorn.
- After Lancaster attempted to mount the top turnbuckle, Madril crotched him with the top rope.
- Following a clip, Villalobos hooked a sunset flip on Tony and got 2.
- At the ten-minute mark, a mid-ring collision occurred.
- Tags were exchanged on both sides, and Mascaras conducted a meeting of the minds between Lancaster and Tony.
- While all six wrestlers were in the ring, Mascaras reversed a cross corner whip and backdropped Lancaster.
- He mounted the top turnbuckle and scored with a cross body block.
- 1-2-3.
- Mascaras, Madril, and Villalobos won at 3:43 shown.
Rating: **
Summary: I’m betting the eleven-minute match was better than what was broadcast, but I’ll take what I can get.
From my 10/24/87 review, I offer you the next match:
Prior to the next match, Sheik sings the Iranian national anthem to a chorus of boos before besmirching the Cotton Bowl faithful. Wearing camouflage and carrying Old Glory, Borne storms the ring, runs down Sheik on the microphone, and prompts a “U-S-A” chant from the Cotton Bowl faithful.
Match 2: Iron Sheik versus “Maniac” Matt Borne
- As Sheik clotheslined Borne, he hooked an abdominal stretch.
- Borne escaped via hip toss but missed an elbow drop.
- When Sheik fed Borne a gutwrench suplex, he got 1.
- Borne blocked a vertical suplex and dealt Sheik one of his own.
- After he countered a slam with an inside cradle, Borne got 2.
- He followed with a pair of shots to Sheik before nailing him WAY DOWNTOWN.
- While Borne gave Sheik a cross corner whip, he followed with a ten-punch count-along.
- Sheik countered with an inverted atomic drop thereby ruining Borne’s Saturday night plans.
- Hooking a sunset flip, Borne got 2.
- A mid-ring collision sent both wrestlers reeling down to the turf.
- Grabbing a chair, Borne LEVELED Sheik with it twice.
- Sheik bounced Borne face-first off ring announcer John Roberts’ not-so-wooden table and creamed him with an unfolded plastic chair. OUCH!
- Referee John Keaton called for the bell, and both wrestlers were counted out at 9:08.
Rating: **
Summary: There should NOT be countouts in spectaculars such as these.
After the match, Borne gives Sheik a cross corner whip, comes up empty, and HITS THE POLE. Sheik loads up the boot and annihilates Borne much to the dismay of the Cotton Bowl faithful. Taking the Iranian flag, Sheik tries to cover Borne with it.
On the other hand, Borne awakens and tries to dropkick Sheik. He ducks a haymaker and stymies Sheik with an atomic drop spilling him to the turf. Waving Old Glory, Borne excites the young patriotic Cotton Bowl faithful.
From my 11/07/87 review:
Match 3 for the WCWA Light Heavyweight title: Eric Embry (champion) versus Shaun Simpson (w/ Steve Simpson)
- Following a clip, Shaun shoved down referee John Keaton who called for the bell.
- Embry won by DQ at 1:54 shown.
Rating: NONE
Summary: I cannot believe they cut off this match.
Following the match, Shaun brawls with Embry on the turf and rams him face-first into the steps. He makes Embry HIT THE POLE, grabs the belt from Keaton, and CROWNS Embry with it. As Steve restrains his younger brother, Embry holds his belt high to a chorus of boos.
From my 10/31/87 review:
Match 4 (workout): The “Modern Day Warrior” Kerry Von Erich (w/ Fritz Von Erich) versus “Maniac” Matt Borne, the “Thumper” Frankie Lancaster, & “Killer” Tim Brooks
- Kerry will work out with each opponent one at a time.
- As he wrestled Borne, they achieved a stalemate at 2:00.
- Lancaster was next, but Brian Adias approached ringside.
- When Kerry hip-tossed Lancaster twice, Lowrance kept shilling the card in Birmingham, Alabama for TONIGHT.
- A test-of-strength occurred, and Lancaster took advantage.
- After the bell rung at 2:03, Kerry dealt Lancaster an atomic drop.
- Brooks stepped into the ring, and Kerry manhandled him against the ropes.
- While Adias grabbed Kerry by the legs, Fritz tossed Adias into the ring.
- Kerry uncorked a discus punch sending Adias reeling down to the turf.
- Reversing a cross corner whip, Kerry slammed Brooks.
- Adias fled back to the locker room while a mistimed mid-ring collision transpired.
- With the bell ringing, Kerry nailed Brooks with a discus punch.
- 1-2-3.
- Kerry pinned Brooks at 1:40.
Rating: NONE
Summary: Great to see Kerry’s return as he’s on the brink of returning full-time.
Afterward, the Cotton Bowl faithful showers its hero with a “Ker-ry” chant. As Kerry and Fritz retreat to the locker room, Adias returns. Kerry stymies him with a discus punch and the locker rooms empty to separate them. Seen among the wrestlers are Al Madril, Tony Atlas, and Rick “won’t be going back to Tokyo anytime soon” Hazzard.
Match 5 for the WCWA World title: Al Perez (champion w/ Gary Hart & Brian Adias) versus Kevin Von Erich (w/ Fritz & Kerry Von Erich)
- According to Lowrance, referee John Keaton manned the ring while Bronko Lubich patrolled the turf.
- Joined in progress, the Cotton Bowl faithful feverishly clamored for “the claw.”
- Kevin reversed a cross corner whip and sent Perez reeling across the ring.
- When Kevin locked a standing leg scissors, he took Perez down for 1. Impressive!
- He rolled Perez over and got 2.
- As he spun Perez in circles with his legs, Kevin got another 2.
- Kevin attempted an Iron claw, but Perez ripped at the eyes to escape.
- After Perez missed a knee drop, Kevin kicked him in the midsection.
- Kevin mounted the top turnbuckle while the Von Erichs had a standoff against Hart and Adias on the turf.
- While we missed Kevin’s move off the top turnbuckle, he only got 2 thanks to a foot on the bottom rope. Fire the director!
- Fritz bullied Hart back into his seat, yet Kerry and Adias appeared ready to draw pistols at five paces.
- Meanwhile, in the ring, Perez gave Kevin a cross corner whip but came up empty on his follow-through.
- Kevin mounted the second turnbuckle and scored with a flying elbow smash.
- Giving Perez a cross corner whip, Kevin backdropped him.
- Perez ducked a right cross and backdropped Kevin over the top rope.
- Do we have a new champion?
- Keaton didn’t halt the match, so I guess the answer’s no as of right now.
- Regardless, the match segued to the floor, and a brawl ensued.
- Kevin ducked a right cross, so Perez inadvertently creamed Keaton.
- Back in the ring, Kevin slammed Perez and applied an Iron claw.
- Chaos erupted at ringside again as Fritz and Hart scrapped and Kerry flattened Adias with a discus punch.
- Checking on his manager, Perez stuck his head through the ropes only to get KO’d by Kerry.
- Kevin mounted the top turnbuckle and soared with a cross body block.
- Subbing for Keaton, Lubich slid into the ring.
- 1-2-3.
- Kevin won at 9:49 shown.
Rating: ****
Summary: Too many shenanigans at ringside to rate any higher, but Kevin brought everything he had and gave it to Perez to score the victory and the title. But will it stand?
After the match, Kerry and Fritz enter the ring to congratulate Kevin while Hart, Adias, and especially Perez stand in disbelief.
A disclaimer was displayed following the match stating that due to Kerry’s interference, the WCCW Board of Governors returned the title back to Perez.
Conclusion: On one hand, they send the Cotton Bowl faithful home happy. On the other hand, the Dusty finish is annoying. I understand the Thanksgiving and Christmas shows are on the horizon, and having Kevin chase the title versus defending it makes more sense. Nevertheless, it just bugs the BEJEEZUS out of me.
As far as the other matches are concerned, your mileage may vary. Kerry displayed a small amount of ring rust, so a “workout” instead of a match was appropriate. Conversely, the countout finish between Sheik and Borne was utter tripe.
The light heavyweight match was trimmed to nothing, yet the opener was a genuine Mil Mascaras production.
Other matches included Brian Adias versus Tony Atlas for the Brass Knuckles title, Vic Steamboat versus “Killer” Tim Brooks, and a battle royal won by Bruiser Brody. Considering Brody couldn’t appear at next year’s card, I would have loved to have seen it.
This video is on Youtube, so I recommend it to those curious about Kerry’s workout and Kevin’s tainted victory.
TV Rating: NONE
Stay tuned for WCCW 11-07-87!
Comments? Suggestions? Send them to me at rsg@rockstargary.com and follow me on Twitter (@rockstargary202).