Taped from Shreveport, LA
Airdate: January 16, 1982 (taped 01/06)
Attendance: unknown
Hosted by Boyd Pierce & “Cowboy” Bill Watts
Can Andre, Dusty, and JYD win the dream match? Or will Ladd and the Wild Samoans ruin a good time? How will Murdoch fare against Roop? What happens when George faces Orton? This is an extremely packed episode, so let’s get ‘er goin’!
Opening montage.
Match 1: B. Brian Blair versus the Monk
- Blair dropkicked Monk and got 1.
- When Monk fed him a knee to the midsection, he dealt Blair a double axe handle.
- He suplexed Blair and got 1.
- As he backdropped Blair, Monk delivered a leg drop for another 1.
- Blair rebounded with a slam for 1.
- After he dropkicked Monk again, Blair got another 1.
- He blasted Monk in the midsection and followed with a knee lift.
- While he hooked an abdominal stretch, Blair took Monk down to the mat.
- 1-2-3.
- Blair won at 3:43.
Rating: *
Summary: Blair sold quite a bit for Monk but prevailed with a devastating finisher.
Match 2: Andre the Giant, the “American Dream” Dusty Rhodes, & Junkyard Dog versus “The Big Cat” Ernie Ladd & the Wild Samoans
- JYD tagged in and fed Afa a flying forearm for 2.
- As Andre tagged in, the Samoans attempted a double team.
- Andre, however, conducted a meeting of the minds.
- When Ladd tagged in, JYD distracted referee Jack Howe.
- That enabled the heels to triple-team Andre in their corner. SNEAKY!
- After Andre singlehandedly escaped, Rhodes tagged in and hammered Ladd with a bionic elbow.
- JYD tagged in and scored with a diving head butt to Ladd.
- While tags were exchanged on both sides, Andre dealt Sika a big boot but only got 2 thanks to a save by Ladd.
- All six wrestlers were in the ring, and the Samoans double-slammed Andre.
- Upon splashing Andre, Ladd got 2.
- All six wrestlers were in the ring again, and JYD headbutted Afa out of the ring.
- Dispatching Sika out of the ring, Rhodes joined JYD and double-backdropped Ladd.
- Astonishingly, Andre mounted the second turnbuckle and splashed Ladd.
- 1-2-3.
- Andre, JYD, & Rhodes won at 6:39.
Rating: ***
Summary: Andre was phenomenal here as he used his size extremely well. Ladd and the Samoans sold very well while JYD and Rhodes kept them in check for Andre.
Match 3: Mr. Olympia versus Carlos Zapata
- For those unaware, Olympia was a masked wrestler portrayed by Jerry Stubbs.
- Olympia leapfrogged Zapata twice and followed with a dropkick.
- When he blocked a hip toss, Olympia fed Zapata one of his own.
- Olympia dropkicked him again, but Zapata rebounded with a knee to the midsection.
- As Olympia escaped a slam, he hooked an O’Connor roll and got 2.
- He dropkicked Zapata a third time and hooked a sleeper.
- After Zapata became OUT COLD, Olympia won at 3:53.
Rating: *
Summary: Showcase match for Olympia. Pardon me, but I’ve become quite thirsty.
Match 4: The “Polish Prince” Ed Wiskowski versus Tommy Wright
- Wiskowski slammed and sandwiched Wright in the corner.
- As he fed Wright a double underhook suplex, Wiskowski picked him up at 2.
- He dealt Wright a backbreaker and pinned him at 2:50.
Rating: DUD
Summary: Showcase match for Wiskowski.
Match 5: “Captain Redneck” Dick Murdoch versus Bob Roop
- Roop caught him with a back elbow, but Murdoch responded with one of his own.
- When Murdoch landed a fist drop, Roop fed him a belly-to-belly suplex for 2.
- Murdoch retaliated with another back elbow followed by an elbow drop.
- As Murdoch attempted a vertical suplex, “Mr. Wonderful” Paul Orndorff snuck his hand in and tripped him. How dastardly!
- Roop landed on top and got 2.
- After Orndorff jumped onto the apron, Roop hooked an O’Connor roll for 1.
- Murdoch’s kick-out sent Roop directly into an incoming Orndorff.
- While Orndorff blatantly interfered, referee Alfred Neely called for the bell.
- Murdoch won by DQ at 7:48.
Rating: *
Summary: More kicking and punching than I expected since it wasn’t billed as a grudge match.
After the match, Orndorff and Roop double-team Murdoch until Ted DiBiase storms the ring in street clothes to chase them off. I smell an upcoming tag match.
Following a commercial break, Ladd joins Pierce at the broadcast table and runs down Andre and especially JYD. A man is usually this angry when it comes to either money or a woman.
Match 6: The Wild Samoans (w/ Ernie Ladd) versus Jesse Barr & Frank Monte
- In case you’re unaware, Barr would morph into Jimmy Jack Funk later in his career much to the dismay of the Rockers.
- Afa fed Monte a back elbow and tagged in Sika.
- As Sika slammed Monte, he landed a diving head butt.
- Tags were exchanged on both sides, and Afa blocked a cross body block with a back elbow.
- When Afa dealt Barr a diving headbutt, Sika tagged in, and the Wild Samoans double-headbutted Barr.
- Sika scored with a Samoan drop and pinned Barr at 1:35.
Rating: ½*
Summary: Showcase match for the Wild Samoans.
Match 7 (non-title): NWA Mississippi champion Bob Orton versus Mike George
- Orton caught George with a high knee and attempted a piledriver.
- When George countered with a back drop, he ducked a haymaker and fed Orton an atomic drop.
- He followed with a side-Russian leg sweep and pinned Orton at 0:55.
Rating: *
Summary: Extremely quick victory for George who should be in line for a title shot.
Following the match, the Wild Samoans storm the ring and ambush George. Ladd dispatches Neely between the ropes to the concrete floor. Before more carnage occurs, JYD and Rhodes hit the ring to rescue George.
At the broadcast table Pierce interviews Rhodes who cuts a promo on Ladd. Charisma just oozes from this guy.
Conclusion: Wow! Spectacular episode with lots of star power and little fluff. The dream match lived up to expectations while Murdoch/Roop and George/Orton also brought the goods. If you’ve been wavering on whether to watch this stuff, place your eyes on this episode.
I’ll leave this reflection with one question in mind:
If JYD, Rhodes, Murdoch, and Andre go to a bar, how much alcohol do they drink?
Next week, Orton battles Mr. Olympia!
TV Rating: NONE
Stay tuned for MSW 01-23-82!
Comments? Suggestions? Send them to me at rsg@rockstargary.com and follow me on Twitter (@rockstargary202).