WWF RAW is WAR November 2, 1998

Live from Houston, TX

Airdate: November 2, 1998

Attendance: 12,590 (sold out)

Hosted by Jim Ross & Jerry “The King” Lawler

What will happen in the steel cage? What’s going on with Rock? Will Shane take over the WWF, or will Mr. McMahon have something to say about it? Also, what’s Kane’s deal? With the WWF in Texas, you know this show’s going to be hotter than Texas chili in the middle of August.

“Acting chairman” Shane approaches the ring to the delight of the Houston faithful. Right off the bat, he announces that on 11/16, the day after the PPV, Stone Cold Steve Austin will receive a shot at the WWF title. Austin joins him in the ring to a tremendous hometown welcome.

Meanwhile backstage, a black limousine arrives, and Mr. McMahon emerges and sits in his wheelchair at the entrance. He addresses the “speculation” of his retirement and refers to it as “wishful thinking.” While the Houston faithful showers Mr. McMahon with an “ass-hole” chant, Austin echoes the sentiment.

Nevertheless, Mr. McMahon polls everyone about retirement before pulling the rug out by stating he must die before stepping down as chairman of the WWF. History has told us otherwise…

He “relieves” Shane of his “corporate responsibilities” and demotes him to referee. If Shane doesn’t meet expectations, he’ll be further demoted to “ring crew.” Instead of being like him, Mr. McMahon informs Shane that he’s “a lot like (his) mother” in a deplorable tone.

When he addresses Austin, Mr. McMahon changes Austin’s plans for a title match from 11/16 to the PPV itself. He states that Austin, should he reach the finals, must wrestle a total of four matches and wishes him good luck albeit facetiously. Also, his first-round opponent will be the Big Boss Man. To finish the segment, he turns the “ass-hole” moniker back onto the Houston faithful.

Video airs featuring www.stonecold.com.

TV Rating: 4.5

During the break, Mr. McMahon chastises JR and Lawler before announcing that within a steel cage “somebody will be paying hard time.”

RAW is sponsored by JVC, Castrol GTX, and Western Union.

Prior to the opening match, Road Dogg performs his pre-match spiel with the help of the Houston faithful. Also, we revisit last week when the Brood attacked Kane.

Match 1: DX versus the Brood


  • For the first time that I can recall, Road Dogg wears his name on his tights; thus, I officially change his name going forward.
  • X-Pac leapfrogged Edge and followed with a spinning heel kick.
  • When he slammed Edge, X-Pac landed a leg drop, brother.
  • Edge responded with a SPINEBUSTER and tagged out.
  • As Christian came in, he and Edge double-slammed X-Pac.
  • They fed X-Pac a double wheelbarrow splash, and Christian got 2.
  • After JR reminded us that Edge and Christian are “brothers,” Christian dealt X-Pac a gutbuster for another 2.
  • X-Pac rebounded with a leg lariat and tagged in Road Dogg.
  • While Christian reversed an Irish whip, Road Dogg unloaded the heavy artillery including the shaky-shaky right cross for 2.
  • Christian dropkicked Road Dogg for 2.
  • Tagging in, Edge joined Christian in a double sidewalk slam of Road Dogg.
  • All six wrestlers were in the ring until the arena went DARK.
  • Due to foreshadowing, Kane approached the ring and fought off Gunn in the aisle.
  • Gangrel clotheslined Gunn over the railing into the front row while X-Pac gave Christian a Bronco buster.
  • With Edge all by himself, Kane chokeslammed him.
  • He found X-Pac and administered the same punishment.
  • Feeling sociable, I guess, Christian walked into a gift-wrapped present for Kane.
  • No finish.


Rating: **

Summary: More angle than match as Kane annihilated everyone.

TV Rating: 4.5

During the break, Michael Cole interviews Mr. McMahon who berates and physically intimidates him thanks to Bossman.

Prior to the next match, we revisit HeAT when Hawk and Droz went nose-to-nose leading to a loss to the Hardy Boyz.

Match 2: Road Warrior Hawk versus Droz


  • Despite making the challenge last night, Hawk appeared unfit for competition.
  • Referee Jim Korderas didn’t call for the bell, yet Droz attacked Hawk.
  • As Droz clotheslined Hawk, Animal approached ringside.
  • Droz slammed Hawk and followed with an elbow drop.
  • When WWF officials couldn’t halt the action, Droz continued to teach Hawk a hard lesson.
  • Animal entered the ring and called off Droz.
  • After Animal quickly berated Hawk, he exited the ring.


Rating: NONE

Moments ago, Mr. McMahon confronts Jim Cornette and advises him to shape up.

Backstage, Cole interviews Mankind and Snow. Hilarity ensues.

Match 3: Mankind & Al Snow (w/ Head) versus the Oddities


  • The Oddities made their entrance, yet members of the band ZZ Top were shown wondering what in the blue blazes this crap was.
  • According to JR, both Mankind and Snow were entered into the WWF title tournament at the PPV.
  • Snow and Mankind double-teamed Kurrgan but didn’t do anything nefarious when Golga distracted referee Tim White.
  • When Snow tagged in, Kurrgan gave him a cross corner whip.
  • Snow applied the brakes and attacked Kurrgan’s left knee including a dropkick.
  • As Mankind tagged in, he ate a big boot from Kurrgan.
  • Golga tagged in, gave Mankind a cross corner whip, and followed with an avalanche.
  • After he landed an elbow drop, Golga got 2.
  • Kurrgan tagged in and fed Mankind a sidewalk slam for another 2.
  • In the meantime, JR stated that Mr. McMahon had a verbal altercation with ring announcer Howard Finkel.
  • Mankind planted Kurrgan with a double-arm DDT while Snow blasted Golga with Head outside the ring.
  • While Mankind misplaced Mr. Socko, Snow CLOBBERED Kurrgan with Head.
  • Mankind, having misplaced Socko, LOST HIS DAMN MIND and retreated backstage.
  • Bewildered, Snow walked into a Bossman slam by Kurrgan.
  • Golga attempted a senton splash, but Snow evaded him.
  • Instead, Snow did everything he could until Kurrgan chokeslammed him.
  • Golga successfully destroyed Snow this time.
  • 1-2-3.
  • Kurrgan and Golga won at 4:38.


Rating: DUD

Summary:  More storyline than match as Mankind’s absence led to Snow’s demise.

Moments ago, Mr. McMahon questions Shaquille O’Neal about a backstage pass and ejects him.

TV Rating: 4.8

Backstage, Mankind continues his search for Socko yet seeks assistance from Mr. McMahon.

Prior to the next match, Regal grabs the microphone and slurs his words while challenging any WWF Superstar. Technically, his biggest opponent tonight is sobriety, yet Goldust answers his challenge.

Match 4: Steven Regal versus Goldust


  • Goldust hip-tossed Regal but got launched over the top rope to the floor.
  • As Terri approached the ring, she wore her Marlena garb.
  • Goldust returned to the ring but ate an uppercut that led to a 2-count for Regal.
  • When he fed Goldust a pair of knee shots, Regal got another 2.
  • Goldust rebounded with an uppercut followed by a bulldog for 2.
  • After Goldust prepared for Shattered Dreams, the arena went DARK again.
  • Kane emerged again, entered the ring, and clotheslined Goldust.
  • While Kane chokeslammed Regal, referee Jack Doan called for the bell.
  • Goldust won by DQ at 4:51.


Rating: DUD

Summary: More Kane nonsense.

After the match, Kane chokeslams Goldust, and Terri jumps into the ring. Kane, stuck in first gear, throttles the pregnant Terri, but WWF officials prevent a major disaster from occurring. On the other hand, Kane chokeslams Tony Garea.

TV Rating: 5.1

Here is the bracket for the WWF title tournament at the PPV:

Backstage, Mr. McMahon and Mankind come to an agreement about not interfering in the next match. In exchange, he offers Mankind the Hardcore title belt which, believe it or not, WASN’T the belt that Mr. Perfect destroyed back in the day. Nonetheless, Mankind accepts the belt while Mr. McMahon replaces Shane with Mankind as his “son.” To be cute, Mankind refers to him as “Dad.”

989 STUDIOS SLAM OF THE WEEK: From last week, Rock demolished Droz with a Rock Bottom and People’s Elbow.

During the break, Mr. McMahon shoos the cameras away when discussing strategy with Shamrock.


Prior to the next match, Mr. McMahon interrupts by saying he’s got a problem with the “People’s Champion.” Should Rock not defeat Shamrock for the IC title, he’ll be removed from the tournament.

Match 5 for the WWF Intercontinental title: Ken Shamrock (champion) versus the Rock


  • Shamrock reversed an Irish whip but ate a clothesline.
  • When he dealt Shamrock a back elbow, Rock got reversed on another Irish whip.
  • Shamrock fed him his own back elbow and clothesline.
  • As Shamrock landed a pair of knee drops, the Houston faithful informed him that he indeed “sucks.”
  • He guillotined Rock with the top rope, migrated to the apron, and delivered a double axe handle to him on the floor.
  • After he rammed Rock face-first into the apron, Shamrock tasted the railing. Since it had protected covering, the steel railings in the WWF no longer warranted restaurant recommendations.
  • Regardless, Rock rammed him face-first into the steps, but Shamrock rebounded with a short-arm clothesline.
  • He rammed Rock face-first into the steps followed by the broadcast table.
  • While he slammed Rock on the floor, Shamrock gave him a cross corner whip.
  • The Houston faithful began a “Rock-y” chant, and Shamrock egged them on.
  • Absorbing the love, Rock clotheslined Shamrock again but succumbed to a huracanrana.
  • Shamrock hit a belly-to-belly suplex and applied an ankle lock.
  • Despite JR’s insistence that’s all she wrote, Rock grabbed the bottom rope.
  • Rock reversed an Irish whip, and a mid-ring collision occurred.
  • Making the cover, Rock got 2.
  • Shamrock reversed an Irish whip but fell victim to a swinging neckbreaker.
  • With Rock earning another 2-count, Shamrock powerslammed him for 2.
  • Rock demolished Shamrock with a tornado DDT and got 2.
  • Since referee Tim White got wiped out, Shamrock clotheslined Rock again.
  • He retrieved a steel chair but WHIFFED on sending Rock directly to the hospital.
  • Slamming Shamrock, Rock performed the People’s Elbow but couldn’t earn more than a false pin.
  • Shamrock grabbed the chair and WHACKED Rock with it.
  • Revived, White caught Shamrock’s chicanery and called for the bell.
  • Rock won by DQ at 7:58, but Shamrock retained.


Rating: ***

Summary: Strong match with great chemistry that tells a compelling story. Unfortunately, Rock has been removed from the tournament since he doesn’t win the title.

Following the match, Mr. McMahon calls Rock “the people’s chump.”

Promo airs for WWF Survivor Series ’98. It will be LIVE on PPV on 11/15. Order NOW!

TV Rating: 5.3

Back in the locker room, the Rock wrecks the place calling for Mr. McMahon’s head.

We revisit HeAT when Venis angrily responded to Terri’s pregnancy announcement.

Prior to the next match, Venis grabs the microphone and compares himself to Hakeem Olajuwon.

Match 6: Jeff Jarrett (w/ Debra McMichael) versus Val Venis (w/o Terri Runnels)


  • Jarrett leapfrogged Venis and followed with a hip toss.
  • As Venis hooked an abdominal stretch, he switched to a backslide and got 2.
  • He gave Jarrett a pair of cross corner whips and followed with corner clotheslines.
  • When Jarrett fed him a DDT, Venis retaliated with a SPINEBUSTER.
  • He dealt Jarrett a pair of knees to the midsection followed by a side-Russian leg sweep.
  • After Venis mounted the top turnbuckle, the Blue Blazer appeared and crotched him on the top rope.
  • Referee Jim Korderas called for the bell, and Venis won by DQ at 2:30.


Rating: *

Summary: Mere background noise for the inclusion of the Blazer.

Afterward, Blazer and Jarrett double-team Venis until Blazer exits stage right.

Houston’s finest arrive backstage.

TV Rating: 4.7

Get your Rock “Layin’ the Smack Down” t-shirt for only $25 plus $5 shipping!

Backstage, Mr. McMahon advises Houston’s finest that Rock has threatened his life and wants him arrested.

The Headbangers make their entrance and mock the New Age Outlaws.

Match 7: D’Lo Brown & Mark Henry versus the Headbangers


  • Brown and Henry jumped into the ring, and the brawl was ON.
  • When Brown reversed an Irish whip, he fed Mosh a spinning heel kick.
  • Mosh leapfrogged Brown and launched a cross body block for 2.
  • As he gave Brown a cross corner whip, Mosh followed with a corner senton splash.
  • Thrasher tagged in, mounted the second turnbuckle, and connected with a lariat.
  • After Henry tagged in, Thrasher attempted a cross body block, but Henry caught him.
  • Mosh mounted the top turnbuckle and uncorked a missile dropkick placing Thrasher atop Henry for 2.
  • While Mosh tagged in, the Headbangers dealt Henry a leapfrog guillotine on the top rope.
  • Henry reversed an Irish whip, so Brown low-bridged Mosh sending him down to the floor.
  • On the floor, Brown guillotined Mosh with the apron as Henry distracted referee Mike Chioda. SNEAKY!
  • Brown tagged in and delivered a standing leg drop, slammed Mosh, mounted the second turnbuckle, and hit a flying elbow smash for 2.
  • Giving Mosh a cross corner whip, Brown ate boot on his follow-through.
  • A false tag occurred, and Chioda placed Thrasher back in the heavy metal corner.
  • Concurrently, Brown and Henry double-teamed Mosh. How dastardly!
  • Henry illegally switched with Brown and dumped Mosh with a modified spinebuster.
  • Landing a leg drop, Henry refused to pin Mosh.
  • Brown tagged in, slammed Mosh again, mounted the second turnbuckle, leaped, but there wasn’t any water in the pool.
  • ICE cold tag Thrasher.
  • With all four wrestlers in the ring, the Headbangers double-suplexed Henry and destroyed Brown.
  • They flattened Brown with a double flapjack, and Thrasher stymied Henry with a plancha.
  • Suddenly, the arena went DARK again, and Kane arrived to stop this heatless match.


Rating: DUD

Summary: The third Kane destruction-fest.

Back in the locker room, Houston’s finest arrest Rock despite his donut humor.

TV Rating: 4.5

Houston’s finest place Rock in the back of an unmarked car while Mr. McMahon gloats.

As Owen enters the ring, we revisit the piledriver that “put Severn on the shelf.” He apologizes to Severn for the accident as it was completely unintentional. Mentioning his retirement, he’s curious as to what Severn has to say to him. Severn enters the ring while wearing a neck brace. When Severn calls him out for hiding behind the Blue Blazer costume, Owen denies it. Severn calls him “nothing but scum,” so Owen shoves him down. Heinous! Next, Owen clotheslines Severn, but Steve Blackman storms the ring to save Severn’s bacon.

TV Rating: 4.7

Backstage, EMTs load Severn into an ambulance, and Blackman ambushes Owen. Amazingly, the Blue Blazer rescues Owen and attacks Blackman. While the Blazer holds Blackman in a dragon sleeper, Owen nails Blackman WAY DOWNTOWN.

The cage lowers, and Mr. McMahon returns to the entrance. After he threatens every member of the Houston faithful, Mr. McMahon gets wheeled in front of the broadcast table. Bossman and the Stooges enter the cage to verify the cage’s authenticity, and Mr. McMahon elects him to decimate them.

As Bossman deals Gerald Brisco a big boot, he sends Slaughter face-first into the cage. Patterson climbs to the top turnbuckle, but Bossman prevents him from leaving. Demanding allegiance from the Stooges, Mr. McMahon instructs Bossman to strip them of their clothing.

Abruptly, Austin sprints to the ring, climbs over and into the cage, and pummels Bossman. Out of loyalty to Mr. McMahon, Patterson grabs Bossman’s nightstick and HAMMERS Austin with it. Conversely, like a tiger, Austin pounces on Patterson before Bossman nails him. Bossman assaults Austin with the nightstick until Shane returns to unlock the cage. As Shane nixes further destruction by Bossman, Mr. McMahon calls off the dogs to spare Shane. Despite the gesture, Shane gives his father a one-finger salute.

Next, Undertaker and Paul Bearer approach the ring, and Undertaker closes the cage leaving only Austin and him in it. Undertaker gives Austin a cross corner whip but eats a back elbow on his follow-through. While they brawl, the arena goes DARK for a fourth FUCKING time. Kane emerges yet again, sets the cage on fire, and enters it. A three-way brawl erupts to end the show.

TV Rating: 6.0

Conclusion: Vince Russo loves to hammer home a point, and trotting Kane out time after time during the show proves it. Regardless, the main event is an enormous success. In addition, Mr. McMahon’s disdain for Rock helps the character to be a strong babyface.

The Rock-Shamrock match is the only match with a definitive finish as the remainder of the show contained sports-entertainment. Will it help the WWF to win the ratings war?

Who won? Winning each quarter head-to-head, RAW demolishes Nitro 4.8 to 4.1. While RAW’s storytelling helps to maintain its audience, Nitro’s lack of star power works against them costing them viewers. WCW must tweak its formula to capture more viewers or face the inevitable consequence of being #2. We’ll see what happens next week.

Final TV Rating: 4.81

Stay tuned for WCW Thunder 11-05-98!

Comments? Suggestions? Send them to me at rsg@rockstargary.com and follow me on Twitter (@rockstargary202).