Mid-South Wrestling December 25, 1981

Taped from Shreveport, LA

Airdate: December 25, 1981 (taped 12/09)

Attendance: unknown

Hosted by Boyd Pierce & “Cowboy” Bill Watts

Does Sheik answer Ellering’s challenge? If so, does he win? Is there any aftermath? Also, can Blair topple Orndorff? Plus DiBiase! Orton! Roop! George! Wiskowski! Get all the action NOW!

Opening montage.

Match 1: Mike George & Carlos Zapata versus Rick Ferrera & Jerry Novak


  • According to Watts, JYD’s out with “knee problems,” so Zapata replaced him.
  • George backdropped Ferrera, yet the heels tied him up in the ropes and gave him the business.
  • Meanwhile, Zapata’s cleaning his shoes.
  • He ultimately tried to help George, but Novak sent him reeling between the ropes to the concrete floor.
  • When Ferrera slammed Zapata on the concrete floor, the heels attempted to double-team George.
  • Instead, George whipped Novak into a back drop by Ferrera.
  • He unleashed a series of dropkicks to the heels with the last one to Ferrera.
  • 1-2-3.
  • George won at 2:53 no thanks to Zapata.


Rating: *

Summary: Showcase match for George despite being in an impromptu handicap match.

PERSIAN CLUB CHALLENGE: We revisit last week when Ellering performed 50 reps with the Persian clubs. Akbar upped the stakes to $2000, but only after Sheik’s match. Afterward, Akbar stalled to cause the program to run out of time. My hat’s off to him for it too.

This week, Akbar’s prepared to pay the $2000 if Sheik can’t perform 100 reps. Remarkably, Sheik performs 103 reps; thus, Ellering loses. Not to be outdone, Ellering wants to perform more reps, but ring announcer Reiser Bowden claims that’s up to Akbar a.k.a. “blender brain” according to Ellering. Akbar accepts the challenge, and Ellering does a song and dance about 444 days on the shelf. Afterward, he says he can perform 444 reps.

Valiantly, Ellering performs 52 reps before Sheik kicks him in the midsection. He beats up Ellering and sends referee Jack Howe spiraling down to the concrete floor. As Sheik locks in the camel clutch, Ellering escapes, and the brawl is ON. Ellering slams Sheik and follows with an elbow drop. He tries to destroy Sheik with a hangman’s neckbreaker, but Akbar harpoons him with the flagpole. How dastardly! After Akbar blasts Ellering a couple more times, Sheik flattens the ”Precious” one with a gutwrench suplex followed by a vertical suplex. Referee Alfred Neely steps in to stop the shenanigans and assist the fallen Ellering. Great segment!

Match 2: “Mr. Wonderful” Paul Orndorff versus B. Brian Blair


  • Bob Roop sat in a neutral corner, yet, according to Watts, he had been training Orndorff to counter the figure-four leg lock.
  • As Blair attempted an O’Connor roll, Orndorff ducked causing Blair to clothesline himself with the top rope.
  • He mounted the second turnbuckle and launched a flying elbow drop for 2.
  • When he fed Blair a high knee, Orndorff got another 2.
  • Blair rebounded with a flurry but fell victim to a powerslam.
  • After Orndorff attempted a figure-four leg lock, Blair kicked him away.
  • Orndorff tried to suplex him, but Blair fought and dealt him a suplex of his own.
  • While Blair locked him in the figure-four leg lock, Orndorff ultimately reversed the hold.
  • Blair struggled but wouldn’t submit; therefore, referee Alfred Neely called for the bell.
  • As a result, Orndorff won by referee’s decision at 8:00.


Rating: ***

Summary: Solid encounter as Blair tried to outdo Orndorff with scientific wrestling but suffered the consequences despite never giving up. Somewhere in southeastern Texas, a young Steve Austin was taking notes.

After the match, referee Jack Howe informs Pierce that Blair didn’t submit, but Neely felt Blair shouldn’t suffer any longer. Quite the noteworthy explanation there.

Match 3 (non-title): NWA North American champion Ted DiBiase versus Mike Boyer


  • DiBiase hooked a backslide and got 2.
  • When he gave Boyer a cross corner whip, DiBiase backdropped him.
  • He dropkicked Boyer and followed with a powerslam.
  • As DiBiase hooked the figure-four leg lock, Boyer submitted.
  • DiBiase won at 2:56.


Rating: *

Summary: Showcase match for DiBiase.

Match 4: Bob Roop & Bob Orton versus Frank Monte & Mike Bond


  • Orton tagged in, but Bond hooked a sunset flip for 2.
  • As tags were exchanged on both sides, Monte dropkicked Roop.
  • He fed Roop a pair of flying headscissors causing Roop to tag out.
  • When Orton tagged in, Monte slammed him.
  • Roop ran interference baiting Bond out of the babyface corner.
  • Afterward, the heels double-clotheslined Monte. SNEAKY!
  • Roop tagged in and slammed Monte.
  • While Monte countered another slam attempt with an inside cradle, he only got 1 because Roop tagged out.
  • Orton landed a leg drop on Monte, but Bond tagged in to slam him.
  • Catching an incoming Roop with a slam, Bond found himself in a criss-cross.
  • Roop tagged in despite Bond’s hooking an O’Connor roll on Orton.
  • Stymying Bond with a running knee, Roop dealt Bond a backbreaker.
  • Orton tagged in prior to the maneuver and leveled Bond with an elbow smash.
  • Piledriving Bond, Orton pinned him at 4:26.


Rating: **

Summary: Due to a couple of devastating tandem moves, the heels stood tall.

Match 5: The “Polish Prince” Ed Wiskowski versus Tom Renesto


  • Wiskowski slammed Renesto and placed a knee into his back.
  • When he sent Renesto reeling head-first into the corner, Wiskowski followed with another knee to the back.
  • He slammed Renesto and got 2.
  • As Renesto reversed a cross corner whip, he ate knee on his follow-through.
  • Wiskowski fed him an atomic drop followed by a backbreaker.
  • 1-2-3.
  • Wiskowski won at 2:15.


Rating: DUD

Summary: Showcase match for Wiskowski.

Match 6: The Iron Sheik (w/ Gen. Skandor Akbar) versus Don Serrano


  • Sheik ambushed Serrano before the bell and backdropped him.
  • As Sheik tossed Serrano down to the concrete floor, Ellering stormed the ring.
  • He gave Sheik a cross corner whip and backdropped him.
  • When he slammed Sheik, Ellering landed an elbow drop.
  • A perturbed Akbar stood at ringside while Ellering backdropped Sheik again.
  • After Ellering dealt Sheik a solid beating, Akbar dragged his charge out of the ring.
  • He and Sheik sought greener pastures as the remaining Shreveport faithful reveled in Ellering’s one-upmanship.


Rating: NONE

Summary: More angle than match as Ellering dealt Sheik some comeuppance for the earlier attack.

While Pierce promoted the next two episodes, Ellering led the Shreveport faithful in a “U-S-A” chant.

Conclusion:  Great intense angle between Ellering and Sheik which should have boosted the house show schedule. Since Orndorff’s a former North American champion, he got the duke over a promising Blair. Although George believed he was involved in a tag match, he took matters into his own hands to achieve victory.

In other matches, DiBiase and Wiskowski won in singles action, and Roop and Orton triumphed in their tag team encounter.

Next week, the DREAM MATCH! Also, Orton versus George! Don’t miss it!

TV Rating: NONE

Stay tuned for MSW 01-16-82!

Comments? Suggestions? Send them to me at rsg@rockstargary.com and follow me on Twitter (@rockstargary202).