WWF RAW is WAR October 12, 1998

Live from Uniondale, NY

Airdate: October 12, 1998

Attendance: 10,632 (sold out)

Hosted by Jim Ross & Jerry “The King” Lawler

Who will become the NEW Intercontinental champion? How will Austin and Rock survive against the Brothers of Destruction? What happens when Austin arrives to the arena? Who makes his return? It’s the go-home show for the PPV, so the WWF will let the cat out of the bag. Join us, will you?

Earlier tonight, Mr. McMahon drives a white Corvette into the arena. The stooges assist him into a motorized and bedazzled wheelchair, and McMahon wants the door kept open to ensure Austin can enter the building.

Prior to the opening match, Road Dog recites his spiel along with the Long Island faithful. Gunn takes the microphone and performs his part in a sign of solidarity and reconciliation with DX.

Match 1 for the WWF tag team titles: The New Age Outlaws (champions) versus Road Warrior Animal & Droz (w/ Road Warrior Hawk)


  • Hawk joined the broadcast table for this match, acknowledged his sobriety, and detailed his painkiller addiction. Kudos, dude.
  • When Droz reversed an Irish whip, he leapfrogged Road Dog and followed with a powerslam.
  • Tags were exchanged on both sides, and Animal fed Gunn a flying shoulder block.
  • As JR mentioned a one-night tournament to crown a new IC champion, Gunn countered a hip toss with a swinging neckbreaker.
  • Road Dog tagged in, and DX fed Animal a drop toe hold/shaky-shaky knee drop combo.
  • Suddenly, DoA sprinted to the ring and attacked Hawk.
  • Droz joined the fray, but it was still 3-on-2.
  • After Animal evened the odds, the Headbangers jumped into the ring and BLASTED Road Dog with a boom box.
  • Road Dog was BUSTED OPEN, yet the bell rang, and it’s allegedly a double-DQ at 2:10.


Rating: NONE

Summary:  Preview of the upcoming six-man tag match at the PPV this Sunday.

The melee continues until WWF officials separate them.

Back in his office, Mr. McMahon can see who’s entering the arena. In this case, it’s Kane.

We revisit RAW from two months ago when Blackman saved Shamrock’s bacon, but Shamrock objected to it by suplexing him. Also, Blackman suplexed him just so the winner cannot be easily predicted.

Match 2 for the WWF Intercontinental title (quarterfinal): Ken Shamrock versus Steve Blackman


  • Blackman fed Shamrock a pair of kicks followed by a dropkick.
  • As he took down Shamrock, Blackman followed with a spinning elbow smash to the back for 2.
  • Blackman attempted a leap frog, but Shamrock countered with a powerslam.
  • When Shamrock dealt him a pair of knee crushers, he slammed Blackman.
  • Speaking of Blackman, he reversed a cross corner whip and clotheslined Shamrock.
  • He delivered a flying shoulder block, but Shamrock hooked a knee bar.
  • After Blackman tapped out, Shamrock advanced at 2:30.


Rating: *

Summary:  Blackman’s injured knee was a bullseye for Shamrock, and he hit it.

After the match, the Blue Blazer storms the ring and obliterates Shamrock with a spinning heel kick. He attacks Blackman too before running away. Enraged, Shamrock applies an ankle lock to Blackman before WWF officials make him break it. Who is this masked man?

Video airs featuring Goldust beating current WCW talent like Scott Hall and “Rowdy” Roddy Piper. Who’s ready for potshots?

Prior to the next match, Venis grabs the microphone and offers some innuendo.

Match 3 for the WWF Intercontinental title (quarterfinal): Val Venis (w/ Terri Runnels) versus “Marvelous” Marc Mero (w/ Jacqueline)


  • Mero reversed a cross corner whip but ate boot on his follow-through.
  • When Venis reversed an Irish whip, he powerslammed Mero for 2.
  • He fed Mero a double underhook suplex for another 2.
  • As Mero rebounded with a DDT, he got 2.
  • He backdropped Venis, gave him a cross corner whip, and dealt him a Samoan drop.
  • After Terri distracted Mero, Venis hooked a fisherman’s suplex.
  • 1-2-3.
  • Venis won at 2:15.


Rating: *

Summary:  Venis advances in quick fashion thanks in part to Terri.

Following the match, Jacqueline assaults Terri at ringside, and they scrap until WWF officials separate them. To taunt Jacqueline, the Long Island faithful chants “Sa-ble.”

RAW is sponsored by NAPA Auto Parts and WWF: The Music Volume 2.

Backstage, Michael Cole attempts to interview Sable, but she drags Jacqueline into the arena for a catfight. Never mind the missing plug for Pacific Blue. It’s not important anyway.

Earlier today, Cole interviews Mankind who considers Shamrock “wimpy” and reintroduces Mr. Socko.

During Henry’s entrance, we get another “earlier today” as he serenades Chyna with a poem. Not to nitpick, but literary poems don’t rhyme.

Match 4 for the WWF Intercontinental title (quarterfinal): Mankind versus Mark Henry


  • Moments after the bell, Chyna emerged and remained at ringside.
  • Henry shoved Mankind twice and followed with a clothesline.
  • As he flapjacked Mankind, Henry splashed the ankle.
  • He slammed Mankind, mounted the second turnbuckle, but missed a flying splash.
  • When Henry reversed an Irish whip, Mankind’s ankle gave out.
  • He stymied Henry with a double-arm DDT and removed both his shoe and sock.
  • After he implemented Mr. Socko, Mankind applied a Mandible claw.
  • Henry lost consciousness; thus, Mankind won at 3:19.


Rating: *

Summary:  Mr. Socko’s a smash, and Mankind advances.

Afterward, Chyna enters the ring to confront Henry. Much to Chyna’s chagrin, Henry walks away.

Backstage, Austin drives a cement truck into the back of the arena. Is he up to no good again?

Following a commercial break, Austin wants Mr. McMahon to witness what happens next.


Prior to the next match, we revisit Summerslam ’98 when Jarrett got a makeover. Next, we revisit Breakdown ’98 when Jarrett remodels X-Pac’s upstairs so-to-speak.

Match 5 for the WWF Intercontinental title (quarterfinal): X-Pac versus Jeff Jarrett


  • Jarrett ambushed X-Pac before the bell and gave him a HARD cross corner whip.
  • When he backdropped X-Pac, Jarrett ate a leg lariat.
  • Jarrett reversed an Irish whip but ate a somersault clothesline.
  • As X-Pac mounted the top turnbuckle, Jarrett tried to spoil the fun but got knocked down to the mat.
  • X-Pac attempted a somersault maneuver, but there wasn’t any water in the pool.
  • After Jarrett attempted a figure-four leg lock, X-Pac countered with an inside cradle for 2.
  • Jarrett rebounded with a clothesline and powerslammed X-Pac for another 2.
  • While he gave X-Pac a cross corner whip, Jarrett came up empty on his follow-through.
  • X-Pac unleashed a series of kicks in the corner but inadvertently caught referee Mike Chioda.
  • With Jarrett prone in the corner, X-Pac attempted a Bronco buster, but Jarrett split the uprights.
  • He grabbed a guitar case from under the ring, opened it, and found…Head????
  • Due to Jarrett’s being distracted, X-Pac hooked a sunset flip.
  • 1-2-3.
  • X-Pac won at 3:10.


Rating: *

Summary:  Obviously, Al Snow’s been nosing around and upset Jarrett’s apple cart. X-Pac advances.

After the match, Snow runs in to retrieve Head to a solid reaction from the Long Island faithful.

Backstage, Austin drives the cement truck over to Mr. McMahon’s Corvette and pours copious amounts of cement into the car. Unbelievable! The cement breaks the windows and probably totals the car.

POINT OF ORDER: Yes, folks, Austin and Mr. McMahon combine for an historic and memorable segment.

TV Rating: 5.87 (Wow!)

10-10-321 WWF REWIND: The cement incident.

Austin heads to the ring and informs Mr. McMahon that he “cemented his own damn fate.” HA! In his motorized wheelchair, Mr. McMahon emerges at the entrance with a hooded bodyguard. Policemen with K-9 dogs stand on each side of him, and Mr. McMahon sanctions a match with Austin alongside the Rock against the Brothers of Destruction. Unfazed, the Long Island faithful serenade him with an “asshole” chant.

As Mr. McMahon describes the misery he’s experienced thanks to Austin, he states his ears are still ringing. JR joined in the fun by calling him “Bedpan McMahon.” HA! Next, Mr. McMahon declares that if Austin doesn’t raise the arm of the new WWF champion this Sunday, he will fire Austin. When Austin questions Mr. McMahon’s fortitude, the WWF owner responds with “I’ve got balls the size of grapefruits.”

Match 6 for the WWF Intercontinental title (semifinal): Ken Shamrock versus Val Venis (w/ Terri Runnels)


  • During Venis’ introduction, Shamrock blasted him from behind.
  • He reversed an Irish whip sending Venis back-first into the steps.
  • As he rammed Venis face-first into the steps, Shamrock tossed him into the ring to properly begin the match.
  • He gave Venis a HARD cross corner whip and followed with a clothesline.
  • When he slammed Venis, Shamrock ate boot.
  • He clotheslined Venis again and got 2.
  • After he suplexed Venis, Shamrock floated over and got another 2.
  • He fed Venis a belly-to-back suplex and applied a Boston crab.
  • While Venis made significant efforts to escape, Shamrock returned him to the center of the ring.
  • Venis eventually made it to the ropes to break the hold.
  • Reversing an Irish whip, Venis dealt Shamrock a pair of knees to the midsection.
  • He connected with a side-Russian leg sweep followed by another big boot.
  • Scoring with a back elbow, Venis landed an elbow drop for 2.
  • Shamrock delivered a chop block and applied an ankle lock.
  • Desperately, Venis submitted; therefore, Shamrock won at 4:37.


Rating: **

Summary:  Decent psychology by Shamrock to work the back put Venis on the defensive for most of the match. Shamrock advances to the finals.

Following the match, Goldust emerges, enters the ring, and debuts his new move—Shattered Dreams—a punt down THERE. Down where, you ask?

Backstage, Mankind hilariously tries to rescue things buried deep within the cement in the Corvette and gets cement on his white button-down shirt. Hopefully, he’s got some Tide in his duffel bag to get that out.

Backstage, Cole attempts to interview Rock but gets summarily dismissed. Instead, Rock shows off his fantastic charisma until both Henry and D’Lo Brown get in his face about his involvement in the main event. He tosses a couple of catchphrases at them yet wants to discuss the matter privately.

WWF Judgment Day will be LIVE on PPV this Sunday! I had my ticket, but ORDER NOW!

Match 7 for the WWF Intercontinental title (semifinal): Mankind versus X-Pac


  • Mankind countered a side head lock with a belly-to-back suplex.
  • When he gave X-Pac a cross corner whip, Mankind ate a spinning heel kick on his follow-through.
  • He leaned against the second rope and rag-dolled X-Pac to the floor.
  • As he joined X-Pac, Mankind rammed him face-first into the steps.
  • Mankind grabbed a chair, but referee Mike Chioda talked him out of using it.
  • After he gave X-Pac another cross corner whip, Mankind ate boot on his follow-through.
  • X-Pac uncorked a series of kicks in the corner and a Bronco buster.
  • While Mankind fed him a knee lift, X-Pac spilled between the ropes to the floor.
  • Mankind slid down to the floor and dealt X-Pac a swinging neckbreaker.
  • Sauntering to ringside, Shamrock grabbed the chair from earlier and WHACKED Mankind’s ankle. OUCH!
  • X-Pac rolled up and pinned Mankind at 3:18.


Rating: **

Summary:  Since he and Mankind have both their differences and an upcoming PPV match, Shamrock got involved and cost Mankind the match. X-Pac advances to meet Shamrock in the final.

Afterward, Shamrock CREAMS X-Pac and follows with a belly-to-belly suplex. Mankind tries to interfere, but Shamrock knocks him down to the floor. Next, Shamrock locks X-Pac in a neck vice, so Mankind throws the chair back into the ring. WWF officials arrive, but the Stooges also meet Mankind to notify him that Mr. McMahon wants to see him. To close the segment, the Long Island faithful showers the arena with a “Shamrock sucks” chant. Believe it or not, Shamrock as a heel works.

With HHH on crutches at ringside, he encourages X-Pac to go for the gold. X-Pac tells Chioda to “ring the goddamn bell.”

Match 8 for the WWF Intercontinental title (final): Ken Shamrock versus X-Pac


  • HHH joined the broadcast table for this match.
  • As Shamrock planted him with a DDT, he landed an elbow drop.
  • He clotheslined and fed X-Pac a leg lariat.
  • When he guillotined X-Pac with the top rope, Shamrock dragged him to the apron and locked a dragon sleeper.
  • HHH claimed to still be the Intercontinental champion and informed Mr. McMahon that his phone “rings” implying that he never received a call.
  • After X-Pac rebounded with his own leg lariat, he dealt Shamrock a spinning heel kick.
  • He delivered a Bronco buster and attempted a kick.
  • While Shamrock caught the leg, he trapped X-Pac in an ankle lock.
  • X-Pac made the ropes, but Shamrock dragged him back into the middle of the ring and reapplied the hold.
  • Though X-Pac made one last effort toward the ropes, Shamrock returned him to the center once more.
  • X-Pac submitted; thus, Shamrock won at 3:57.


Rating: ***

Summary:  Yet again, Shamrock implements some psychology—this time by working on X-Pac previously injured neck before forcing him to submit to his finisher. The underdog theme told a great story.

Match 9: Stone Cold Steve Austin & the Rock versus the Brothers of Destruction


  • Austin and Rock jumped into the ring, and the match was ON like Donkey Kong.
  • When Undertaker gave Rock a cross corner whip, he ate a back elbow on his follow-through.
  • Rock clotheslined Undertaker while Austin sent Kane to the floor and nailed him with a double axe handle off the apron.
  • As Rock fed him another back elbow, he and Austin dealt Undertaker a double back elbow.
  • Austin clotheslined Undertaker but only got 1.
  • After Undertaker rebounded with a lariat for 2, Paul Bearer made his return by sauntering to ringside.
  • Undertaker slammed Austin and questioned Kane about Bearer.
  • While he scored with an elbow drop, Undertaker got 2.
  • Austin used the Bearer distraction to his advantage and rammed Undertaker’s left leg into the ring post.
  • Tagging in, Rock slammed Undertaker and attempted a People’s Elbow.
  • Undertaker sat up, and a LOUD “aw” could be heard from the Long Island faithful.
  • Not to be upstaged, Rock connected with it to a big pop for 2.
  • Kane made the save and momentarily distracted referee Earl Hebner.
  • Since the cat’s away, Rock hammered Undertaker so far south that he thought he was performing at Jones Beach.
  • Rock attempted a Rock Bottom, but Kane interjected himself.
  • Throttling Rock, Undertaker chokeslammed him.
  • Kane tagged in and delivered a short-arm clothesline.
  • In the meantime, Brown and Henry approached ringside while Bearer pondered either a lobster roll or mussels marinara for dinner.
  • Kane slammed Rock and followed with a leg drop for 2.
  • Planting Kane with a DDT, Rock got plowed by a clothesline.
  • Kane hung Rock out to dry on the top rope, mounted the top turnbuckle, and guillotined Rock with the top rope for 2. Impressive!
  • Rejoining the match, Undertaker baited Austin into the ring to distract Hebner again.
  • That permitted the Brothers of Destruction to double-team Rock in their corner. SNEAKY!
  • Upon getting tossed to the floor, Rock felt the wrath of the railing thanks to a guillotine by Kane.
  • Speaking of Kane, he tagged in, yet the Long Island faithful serenaded their hero with a “Rock-y” chant.
  • Reversing an Irish whip, Kane suffered a Samoan drop.
  • Hot tag Austin.
  • Connecting with a back elbow, Austin tried but failed to clothesline Undertaker over the top rope to the floor.
  • Why? Because Henry and Brown assaulted Rock nearby on the floor. How dastardly!
  • Undertaker reversed an Irish whip and hit a big boot tying up Austin.
  • Escaping the ropes, Austin rebounded with a clothesline and got 2.
  • Undertaker reversed another Irish whip but ate a Thesz press.
  • With Kane in the ring as well, Austin continued to fight 1-on-2.
  • Suddenly, the masked bodyguard from earlier jumped into the ring and WAFFLED Austin with a nightstick.
  • Who could the masked man be?
  • It’s the Big Bossman!
  • Nonetheless, Hebner called for the bell, and Austin and Rock won by DQ at 21:15.


Rating: ****

Summary:  PPV-worthy main event albeit with a schmozz finish to reintroduce the wrestling world to the Big Bossman. For those curious, the last time Ray Traylor was on TV was on WCW Saturday Night on March 31.

After the match, the Brothers of Destruction continue to destroy Austin while Mr. McMahon and company relish the moment at the entrance. Outraged, JR almost calls his boss a son of a bitch before catching himself. Undertaker wrenches Austin’s knee while the episode leaves the air.

TV Rating: 4.18

EXTRA ATTITUDE: After RAW leaves the air, Bossman throttles Austin with the nightstick as the Brothers of Destruction return backstage. Bossman reads Austin the riot act, and Mr. McMahon nods his appreciation for his efforts. Patterson and Brisco enter the ring to harass him, but Austin rebounds. He decimates Brisco with a Stone Cold Stunner and ignites the cheers of the Long Island faithful with one for Patterson. After Rock rises from the ashes, he whips the Long Island faithful into a frenzy with a double People’s Elbow to the Stooges.

With only Commissioner Slaughter guarding Mr. McMahon, Austin quickly relieves him of his duty. Mr. McMahon, not knowing who’s behind his wheelchair, gets yanked backward. Before Austin leaves, he puts the boots to the boss. The Stooges struggle to return Mr. McMahon to his wheelchair, so Brisco and Patterson carry him up the ramp. In a funny bit, Patterson rescues Mr. McMahon’s donut seat cushion.

Conclusion:  Holy roller coasters, Batman! That main event, while not historical, provided some tremendous action. Speaking of historical, the cement truck segment solidifies this episode as a must-see.

As far as the tournament is concerned, it was solid, but hopefully RAW doesn’t become tournament centric as those should only happen sporadically.

The drama between McMahon and Austin vastly overshadows the PPV main event, so expect some upcoming fireworks.

Since these episodes occurred on Columbus Day, a full ratings breakdown wasn’t available. Instead, let’s run down WWF Judgment Day ‘98, shall we?

  1. For the vacant WWF title, Undertaker versus Kane with Austin as special guest referee.
  2. For the Intercontinental title, Shamrock defends against Mankind.
  3. For the European title, Brown defends against X-Pac with Chyna.
  4. For the WWF tag team titles, the NAO defend against the Headbangers.
  5. For the WWF light heavyweight title, Taka Michinoku defends against Christian.
  6. The Rock goes one-on-one against Henry.
  7. Goldust squares off against Venis with Terri.
  8. The Road Warriors and Droz battle DoA alongside “Precious” Paul Ellering.
  9. Snow versus Mero opens the PPV.

Could it finally overcome Nitro in the ratings?

Final TV Rating: 4.81

Who won? By one-tenth of a point, RAW eeks out a victory. I must give the nod to the cement truck segment whereas the lowlight of Nitro was the Chucky segment. Since the WWF will be providing PPV fallout next week, WCW had better get on its horse STAT.

Stay tuned for WCW Thunder 10-15-98!

Comments? Suggestions? Send them to me at rsg@rockstargary.com and follow me on Twitter (@rockstargary202).