World Class Wrestling Association May 9, 1987

Taped from Irving, TX

Airdate: May 9, 1987 (taped 5/3)

Attendance: 5,900

Hosted by Bill Mercer

Can the Fantastics and Simpson climb the scaffold and achieve victory? Or will they fall to their demise? How will Brody fare against Swenson? It’s the Parade of Champions, so grab a cold one, and let’s ‘rassle!

Opening montage.

Match 1: “Maniac” Matt Borne & Scott Casey versus Black Bart & Jack Victory (w/ Percy Pringle)


  • According to Mercer, “not too long ago,” Borne slapped Pringle after getting whacked by a cane shot. Solid enough explanation for a face turn if I’ve heard one.
  • Casey slammed and rammed Bart into the scaffold.
  • When Victory tagged in, he tried to chop Casey but HIT THE POLE.
  • Casey slammed Victory and followed with a leg drop.
  • As Victory reversed an Irish whip, he fed Casey a boot to the midsection.
  • Bart tagged in, Victory distracted referee Rick Hazzard, and Pringle nailed Casey with the branding iron. How dastardly!
  • After Victory tagged in, he mounted the second turnbuckle and lowered the boom onto Casey.
  • Speaking of Casey, he scored with a cross body block and got 1.
  • Bart tagged in, slammed Casey, and dealt him a leg drop to the back.
  • While Casey escaped a rear chin lock, he missed an elbow drop.
  • Victory tagged in, attempted a suplex, got blocked, and ate one himself.
  • Tagging in, Bart slammed Casey again, mounted the second turnbuckle, but missed the big leg drop.
  • Hot tag Borne.
  • With all four wrestlers in the ring, Victory yanked Casey out of the ring and onto the broadcast table.
  • Borne hooked a belly-to-belly suplex to Bart and pinned him at 6:55.


Rating: ***

Summary: Solid psychology by the heels but Borne used one of the main weapons from his arsenal to become victorious.

After the match, Casey ruins Victory’s weekend plans with an atomic drop on the turf.

Match 2: Cousin Junior versus the Grappler


  • Grappler hooked a hammerlock, but Junior used momentum to send Grappler between the ropes to the turf.
  • As Grappler jumped onto the apron, Junior made him re-enter the ring the hard way.
  • Junior missed an elbow drop as did Grappler.
  • When Grappler dealt Junior a knee lift, he got 2.
  • Junior reversed a cross corner whip and delivered a flying headscissors.
  • After he clotheslined Junior, Grappler got 2.
  • He hit a second knee lift for another 2.
  • While Junior rebounded with a slam, he reversed an Irish whip.
  • Grappler leapfrogged him but ate a mule kick.
  • Slamming Grappler, Junior mounted the second turnbuckle and launched a flying splash.
  • 1-2-3.
  • Junior won at 4:46.


Rating: *

Summary: Showcase match for Junior.

Match 3 (no DQ): Bruiser Brody versus Jeep Swenson


  • Before the behemoths could enter the ring, they battled on the turf.
  • Swenson rammed Brody face-first into the broadcast table, and the match officially began inside the ring.
  • Not so surprisingly, Brody was BUSTED OPEN, and Swenson tossed him to the turf.
  • He clotheslined and rammed Brody into the scaffold.
  • When the match segued to the turf, Brody WHACKED Swenson with a chair.
  • He bounced Swenson’s head off the broadcast table and pounded him with a microphone. Dude! We already performed a sound check.
  • As Brody hammered him again with a chair, Swenson was BUSTED OPEN!
  • Back in the ring, Swenson raked Brody against the scaffold.
  • The match returned to the turf, and Swenson brandished a chair.
  • After he re-entered the ring, Swenson tried to pummel Brody with it but missed.
  • Brody retrieved the chair and belted Swenson in the chest with it.
  • 1-2-3.
  • Brody won at 4:24.


Rating: *

Summary: This could have been promoted as a chair match as the combatants used it liberally leading to the Brody victory.

Following the match, the Irving faithful showers Brody with a “Bruis-er” chant.

Match 4: Spike Huber versus Eli the Eliminator (w/ “Gentleman” Jim Holliday)


  • This match occurred in Fort Worth on 4/27 and was joined in progress.
  • As Eli applied a bear hug, he guillotined Huber with the top rope.
  • Eli fed him a leg drop, but Huber returned fire with a cross corner whip followed by a back elbow for 2.
  • When he hooked a sunset flip, Huber got another 2.
  • Huber countered a slam into an inside cradle but couldn’t get 3.
  • After Holliday distracted Huber, Eli took advantage and booted him out of the ring.
  • Eli joined and rammed Huber face-first into the broadcast table.
  • While Eli demolished Huber with a tombstone, Huber tactfully put on his construction helmet.
  • Referee Bronko Lubich called for the bell, and Huber won by DQ at 2:47 shown.


Rating: *

Summary: More of an appetizer for the stadium encounter, but they were smart to use the helmet to protect Huber on that move. Stadium encounter?

Match 5 (scaffold): The Fantastics & Steve Simpson versus the Rock’n’Roll RPMs & “Flamboyant” Eric Embry


  • Since the object of the match is to toss the opponent down to the ring, I don’t expect any flying dropkicks.
  • Fulton climbed down below the scaffold, and Lane almost sent him flying.
  • When Rogers and Davis battled below the scaffold, the WCCW production crew provided shots from underneath it.
  • The Fantastics almost caused him to lose his balance on the ladder, but Davis thankfully crotched himself to save his own bacon.
  • As Davis returned to the scaffold, he attempted to throw powder at a bloodied Fulton but nailed Embry instead.
  • A blinded and BUSTED OPEN Embry laid perilously close to the edge, so the Fantastics persistently made him lose his grip and fall to the ring.
  • After Embry crashed to the mat, the Fantastics along with Simpson won at 5:18.


Rating: *

Summary:  Limited to a scaffold, none of the wrestlers could do anything but brawl. But what happened to Embry?

Afterward, the victors celebrate atop the scaffold while the RPMs check on their fallen partner.

Conclusion:  Considering a vicious battle between Brody and Swenson and a death-defying scaffold match, this episode isn’t for the weak at heart.

Earlier, I touched on a potential stadium encounter between Huber and Eli. Sorry for the teaser, but you’ll have to STAY TUNED until next week to find out.

Next week, Kevin defends the World title against Nord the Barbarian!

TV Rating: NONE

Stay tuned for WCCW 05-16-87!

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