WWF Breakdown ’98

Live from Hamilton, ON

Airdate: September 27, 1998

Attendance:  17,405 (16,158 paid, sold out)

Hosted by Jim Ross & Jerry “The King” Lawler

Will Austin retain the WWF title, or will one of the Brothers of Destruction regain it? Who will win the triple-threat cage match to become the #1 contender? In the war between smut and decency, who will win tonight’s matchup between Venis and Dustin? Grab a snack, ‘cuz you’re in for quite a ride!

Match 1: Owen Hart versus Edge


  • Instead of wearing a Hamilton Tigercats jersey, Owen sported a Toronto Argonauts one. He also received a hero’s welcome rather than jeers from his fellow Canadians. Long live Owen!
  • Owen gave him a cross corner whip followed by a monkey flip; however, Edge landed on his feet. Impressive!
  • When he dropkicked Owen, Edge hooked a huracanrana and clotheslined him over the top rope to the floor.
  • He fed Owen a baseball slide, mounted the apron, leaped, but got powerslammed on the floor.
  • As Owen mounted the top turnbuckle, he launched a missile dropkick for 2.
  • He dealt Edge a gutwrench suplex for another 2.
  • After Owen delivered a backbreaker, the Hamilton faithful rang out a huge “nug-get” chant. Turncoats, I tell ya.
  • Nevertheless, Owen flattened Edge with a hangman’s neckbreaker but couldn’t get 3.
  • While Edge leapfrogged him, Owen hit an overhead belly-to-belly suplex for yet another 2.
  • Edge reversed a cross corner whip but ate boot on his follow-through.
  • Mounting the second turnbuckle, Owen trapped Edge in a victory roll but only got 2.
  • Edge reversed it for 2.
  • Knocking Edge silly, Owen connected with a spinning heel kick for 2.
  • Owen gave him another cross corner whip, but Edge leaped to the second turnbuckle and caught Owen with a cross body block for 2.
  • Rebounding with an enziguri, Owen climbed the turnbuckles.
  • Edge stopped and decimated Owen with an electric chair facebuster.
  • Reversing an Irish whip, Edge flapjacked Owen and followed with a swinging neckbreaker for 2.
  • He slammed Owen, mounted the second turnbuckle, leaped, but Owen evaded him.
  • Landing on his feet, Edge planted Owen with a DDT for another 2.
  • Securing a Northern Lights suplex, Edge couldn’t get 3.
  • Owen caught Edge with a German suplex plus a bridge for 2.
  • Giving Edge a cross corner whip, Owen came up empty on his follow-through.
  • Lifting Owen atop the top turnbuckle, Edge joined, but Owen front-suplexed him back to the mat.
  • Owen leaped, avoided a face full of boot, and attempted a Sharpshooter.
  • Escaping, Edge hooked an inside cradle for 2.
  • Edge scored with his own spinning heel kick, and some long-haired blond guy showed up at ringside.
  • With Edge distracted, Owen caught him with a rolling clutch.
  • 1-2-3.
  • Owen won at 9:18.


Rating: ****½

Summary:  Remarkable match as both guys brought everything they had only for the storyline to apply the brakes at the end.

Backstage, Dok Hendrix and Sable shill the WWF Superstar Line. Call NOW!

Prior to the next match, we revisit RAW when Snow earned his reinstatement by defeating Slaughter in a boot camp match.

Match 2: Too Much versus 2 Cold Scorpio & Al Snow (w/ Head)


  • Scorpio fed Taylor an atomic drop followed by a leg lariat.
  • As Taylor dealt Scorpio a pumphandle suplex, tags were exchanged on both sides.
  • Snow trapped Christopher’s arms and delivered a series of headbutts.
  • When he clotheslined Christopher, Snow backdropped an incoming Taylor.
  • Snow clotheslined Taylor and tagged in Scorpio.
  • After Scorpio gave Taylor a pair of cross corner whips, he followed with corner clotheslines.
  • Snow tossed a steel chair into the ring, and Scorpio distracted referee Jack Doan.
  • While Snow used the chair as a springboard, he demolished Taylor with a flying leg lariat. Jeff Hardy would be impressed.
  • Nonetheless, Christopher annihilated Snow sending him to the floor, so Scorpio set up the chair and almost botched a springboard dropkick.
  • With Christopher prone on the mat, a dazed Taylor fell forward landing in SOUTHERN Tennessee.
  • Scorpio scored with a superkick, and Snow almost decapitated Christopher with a chair nailing the ring post instead.
  • Slamming Taylor, Scorpio mounted the top turnbuckle and launched a flying splash for 2.
  • Christopher laid prone on the floor, so Snow mounted the railing and flattened him with a moonsault.
  • Back in the ring, Snow slammed Taylor while Scorpio mounted the top turnbuckle.
  • Christopher thwarted any plans Scorpio had and sent him to the floor.
  • Suplexing Scorpio on the floor, Christopher held him up so that Taylor could leap from the apron to nail him.
  • Christopher tagged in, and Too Much double-backdropped Scorpio.
  • Bulldogging Scorpio, Christopher tagged out.
  • Too Much attempted another double backdrop, but Scorpio mostly landed on his feet before double-dropkicking them.
  • Hot tag Snow.
  • Since Scorpio distracted Doan again, Snow obliterated Too Much with Head.
  • Snow got a bit ahead of himself and hammered Scorpio with Head inadvertently.
  • Due to Doan’s preoccupation with Scorpio’s return to his corner, Snow clobbered Taylor with Head down in southern Maine. Taylor’s gonna need some butter for his lobster after that one.
  • Snow attempted a pin, but Christopher made the save by diving off the top rope.
  • Planting Taylor with a Snow Plow, Snow pinned him at 8:06.


Rating: *

Summary: All the Hamilton faithful popped for was Head; otherwise, the match was full of high-flying, botches, and junk shots.

Backstage, Michael Cole interviews the Brothers of Destruction. Undertaker promises the annihilation of Austin.

Match 3: “Marvelous” Marc Mero (w/ Jacqueline) versus Droz


  • Droz reversed an Irish whip and flapjacked Mero.
  • When he clotheslined Mero, Droz followed with a dropkick.
  • Mero sought refuge in the aisle, so Droz made him taste the steel railing. It must have tasted like the Fake Shack at Hambrgr.
  • As he rammed Mero shoulder-first into the steps, Droz returned him to the ring.
  • Jacqueline enabled Mero to gain the advantage, so Mero fed Droz a knee lift.
  • After Mero distracted referee Jim Korderas, Jacqueline gave Droz the business. SNEAKY!
  • Droz rebounded with a flying shoulder block and followed with a clothesline.
  • While Droz charged him, Mero backdropped him over the top rope to the floor.
  • Mero dealt Droz a somersault plancha, returned him to the ring, embraced Jacqueline, but ate knees on a springboard splash.
  • Scoring with a flying back elbow, Droz dealt him an inverted atomic drop.
  • He powerslammed Mero and got 2.
  • Rebounding with a clothesline, Mero distracted Korderas.
  • Jacqueline mounted the top turnbuckle and clobbered Droz with her stiletto. How dastardly!
  • Slamming Droz, Mero mounted the top turnbuckle and finished him with Marvelocity (shooting star press).
  • 1-2-3.
  • Mero won at 5:13.


Rating: *

Summary:  Showcase match for Mero.

Promo airs for the Down Where? DX t-shirt. You know you wanted one back in the day.

Prior to the next match, Cole interviews Bradshaw backstage. A clean-shaven Bradshaw runs down Vader about his girth. What a bully!

Match 4 (falls count anywhere): Bradshaw versus Vader


  • Bradshaw gave Vader a cross corner whip followed by a corner clothesline.
  • As he slammed Vader, Bradshaw fed him an elbow drop for 2.
  • Vader reversed an Irish whip and dealt Bradshaw a running body block.
  • When he splashed Bradshaw, Vader got 2.
  • Bradshaw rebounded with a big boot and clotheslined Vader over the top rope to the floor.
  • After he made Vader HIT THE POLE, Bradshaw clotheslined him again.
  • He rammed Vader face-first into the timekeeper’s table and blasted him with the ring bell.
  • While he bounced Vader’s head off the Spanish broadcast table, Bradshaw delivered a short-arm clothesline.
  • He landed another elbow drop and got 2 on the floor.
  • Positioning Vader against the ring post, Bradshaw mistakenly HIT THE POLE twice. His elevator must not reach the top floor.
  • Vader headbutted Bradshaw before clotheslining him.
  • Ramming Bradshaw shoulder-first into the steps, Vader dislodged the top step and jabbed him in the back. OUCH!
  • They returned to the ring, and Bradshaw countered a side head lock with a belly-to-back suplex.
  • Meanwhile, the Hamilton faithful sought nachos.
  • Bradshaw charged, but Vader ducked. That sent Bradshaw over the top rope to the floor.
  • Joining Bradshaw, Vader made him taste the steel railing. It must have tasted like Cease & Desist at the Mule.
  • He nailed Bradshaw way down in southern Texas and got 2.
  • Ramming Bradshaw back-first into the apron, Vader clotheslined him.
  • They returned to the ring, and Vader mounted the second turnbuckle to unload a flying splash.
  • Mounting the second turnbuckle, Vader SQUISHED Bradshaw with a Vader bomb but only got 2.
  • Bradshaw ducked a clothesline and leveled Vader with a lariat for 2.
  • Destroying Vader with another lariat, Bradshaw decimated Vader with a hangman’s neckbreaker.
  • 1-2-3.
  • Bradshaw won at 7:56.


Rating: *

Summary:  HOSS match, but the Hamilton faithful couldn’t care less.

At the wwf.com table, Kevin Kelly interviews Jason Sensation who mimics Rock. Next, he performs the Road Dog and Jeff Jarrett. Following that, his impression of Undertaker is spotless.

Prior to the next match, we revisit RAW when X-Pac defeated Brown to capture the European title. Poor Brown relinquished his passport to return to Chicago. Hopefully, he mowed down an Italian beef sandwich upon arrival.

Match 5: D’Lo Brown versus Gangrel


  • Gangrel connected with a back elbow, blocked a hip toss, and hooked an overhead belly-to-belly suplex.
  • When he fed Brown a pair of corkscrew elbow drops, Gangrel got 2.
  • Brown reversed an Irish whip and dealt Gangrel a spinning heel kick.
  • As he slammed Gangrel, Brown mounted the second turnbuckle but missed a flying double axe handle.
  • Gangrel hooked him from behind, but Brown’s trick knee acted up.
  • After he whipped Gangrel HARD into the corner, Brown delivered a running powerbomb for 2.
  • He scored with a standing leg drop and got another 2.
  • While he gave Gangrel a cross corner whip, Brown came up empty on his follow-through.
  • Gangrel hit a series of kicks in the corner, but Brown blocked a DDT attempt.
  • Suplexing Gangrel, Brown got 2.
  • Gangrel clotheslined him, but Brown countered a back drop attempt with a punt.
  • Hooking a somersault rollup, Brown got 2.
  • He hoisted Gangrel onto the top turnbuckle, joined, but Gangrel shoved him down to the mat for 2.
  • Clotheslining Gangrel, Brown secured a Samoan drop for 2.
  • The camera work for this match blew chunks.
  • Reversing an Irish whip, Gangrel decimated Brown with a stungun.
  • Mark Henry sauntered to ringside as Gangrel backdropped Brown.
  • Mounting the top turnbuckle, Gangrel launched a flying clothesline for 2.
  • Brown reversed an Irish whip and distracted referee Jim Korderas.
  • Dastardly, Henry low-bridged Gangrel sending him crashing to the floor.
  • He rammed Gangrel back-first into the ring post and returned him to the ring.
  • Finishing Gangrel with a Lo Down, Brown won at 7:51.


Rating: **

Summary:  Henry’s involvement at Gangrel’s expense led directly to Brown’s victory. Unfortunately, this match has ZERO heat to it.

After the match, Gangrel takes a sip of his liquid courage, jumps back into the ring, and spits it straight into Henry’s face. With Brown celebrating on the turnbuckles, Gangrel obliterates him with a belly-to-back suplex and a clothesline. To add insult to injury, he flattens Brown with an Impaler.

We revisit RAW when the Brothers of Destruction disrupted the main event nullifying the #1 contender match.

Backstage, Cole interviews Shamrock who’s passionate about becoming WWF champion. Elsewhere backstage, Hendrix interviews Rock who cuts a great promo. In the shadows, Kelly interviews Mankind who equates the People’s Elbow to a “stupid thing.”

Match 6 to become the #1 contender to the WWF title (cage): Rock versus Mankind versus Ken Shamrock


  • Rock entered the cage and brawled with Shamrock.
  • As Mankind noticed that he could escape, he came really close, but Rock stopped him.
  • The Hamilton faithful chanted “Rock-y,” and Mankind planted a knee into a seated Shamrock’s face.
  • When Rock clotheslined Mankind, he tried to exit only to be halted by Shamrock.
  • Speaking of Shamrock, he fed Rock a kick to the midsection, kicked Mankind in the midsection, and trapped him in an abdominal stretch.
  • Rock snuck up from behind Shamrock and hooked him in one. Nifty!
  • After Shamrock hip-tossed Rock, Mankind hip-tossed him to escape.
  • Mankind tried to climb the cage, but Rock thwarted his effort by yanking him down to the mat.
  • While Shamrock slammed Mankind, he got extremely close to leaving the cage before Rock grabbed him.
  • Both Rock and Mankind pulled Shamrock back into the cage and double-teamed him.
  • Tossing Shamrock into the cage, the future Rock’n’Sock Connection fed Shamrock a combination of shot to the midsection followed by a knee lift.
  • Mankind naively believed in him, so Rock clotheslined him to sever ties.
  • Stopping Rock from climbing, Shamrock turned his attention to Mankind.
  • Rock and Shamrock teamed up to double-clothesline Mankind, and Shamrock applied an ankle lock to him.
  • Smartly, Rock hammered Shamrock to prevent the submission.
  • Mankind and Rock double-teamed Rock much to the dismay of the Hamilton faithful.
  • Double-backdropping Rock, they double-suplexed him.
  • They attempted the gut shot/knee lift combo, but Rock clotheslined a charging Mankind.
  • Steamrolling Rock with a clothesline, Shamrock allowed Mankind his turn.
  • Rock, instead, planted Mankind with a DDT and destroyed Shamrock with a floatover DDT.
  • Slamming Shamrock and Mankind, Rock uncorked a double People’s Elbow to a HUGE pop.
  • Both Mankind and Shamrock altered Rock’s plans to escape which ultimately led to Rock’s getting crotched on the top rope.
  • Rebounding with a shot toward SOUTH Sacramento, Rock followed with a Rock Bottom to Mankind for 2.
  • Shamrock dealt Rock a flying back elbow but felt the wrath of the Hamilton faithful with its “Shamrock sucks” chant.
  • Receiving a cross corner whip, Shamrock ducked a clothesline and hooked a belly-to-belly suplex to Rock.
  • He applied an ankle lock to Rock, but Mankind broke the hold.
  • Climbing the cage, Mankind got halfway before Rock battled with him atop the cage.
  • Shamrock tried to join the fight, but Rock booted him down to the mat.
  • Bouncing Rock’s head off the cage, Mankind sent Rock reeling down to the mat as well.
  • Mankind stood atop the cage, attempted a big elbow, but there wasn’t any water in the pool.
  • Due to smacking the cage, Rock was BUSTED OPEN!
  • Shamrock crawled to the door, but Mankind prevented his escape.
  • Grabbing a chair, Shamrock brought it into the cage and mule-kicked Mankind.
  • Shamrock whiffed on a chair shot, but Mankind didn’t with a double-arm DDT.
  • Knocking Shamrock OUT COLD with an unprotected chair shot to the head, Mankind climbed the cage again.
  • Rock intelligently covered Shamrock.
  • 1-2-3.
  • Rock won at 18:47.


Rating: ****

Summary:  Extremely entertaining match where the winner couldn’t be predicted at any time whatsoever.

Following the match, Mankind questions why he didn’t win. JR points out that Rock pinned Shamrock, so a frustrated Mankind pulls out his own hair.

WWF Judgment Day will be LIVE on PPV on October 18. Order NOW! I know a certain Rock Star who attended that show.

A crazed Shamrock awakens, wields a chair, and walks with purpose backstage.

Video airs featuring the Venis-Runnels feud.

Prior to the next match, Venis brings a microphone with him as he makes his entrance, He introduces Terri who wears a very revealing evening gown. Yowza! As they stride to the ring, Terri removes Venis’ towel purely to upset Dustin.

Match 7: Val Venis (w/ Terri Runnels) versus Dustin Runnels


  • Since Dustin was distraught and praying on the mat, Venis fed him a SPINEBUSTER.
  • Dustin countered a back drop attempt by ramming Venis face-first into the mat.
  • When he powerbombed Venis, Dustin ate a back elbow.
  • The match segued to the aisle, and Venis clotheslined Dustin who celebrated with a 360°. Woohoo!
  • As they returned to the ring, Dustin backdropped Venis.
  • He gave Venis the ten-punch count-along followed by a cross corner whip.
  • After he ate boot on his follow-through, Dustin fell victim to a pair of knees to the midsection.
  • Venis dealt him a side-Russian leg sweep and applied a camel clutch.
  • While Dustin refused to quit, Venis sent him to the floor and guillotined him on the broadcast table.
  • Venis attempted a suplex, but Dustin blocked it and delivered one of his own.
  • Evading an elbow drop, Venis got 2.
  • He clotheslined Dustin for another 2.
  • Blocking an attempted uranage, Dustin planted Venis with a DDT for 2.
  • Dustin mounted the top turnbuckle, but Venis caught, joined, and front-suplexed Dustin down to the floor.
  • Reversing an Irish whip, Dustin used momentum to launch Venis over the top rope to the floor.
  • Dustin got distracted by Terri’s emotional antics, so Venis rolled him up for 2.
  • Rebounding with a bulldog, Dustin got 2.
  • Venis reversed an Irish whip and powerslammed Dustin.
  • Landing a series of elbow drops, Venis mounted the top turnbuckle and demolished Dustin with a Money Shot.
  • 1-2-3.
  • Venis won at 8:59.


Rating: **

Summary:  Elongated showcase match for Venis. You had a feeling that during the Attitude Era the WWF wouldn’t allow morality to win.

Afterward, Venis and Terri celebrate with a lip lock.

We revisit RAW when Jarrett laid out Road Dog with a guitar shot to the throat. Next, we revisit Sunday Night HeAT when Jarrett and Southern Justice assisted DoA in a 5-on-3 annihilation.

Match 8: DX versus Southern Justice & Jeff Jarrett


  • As X-Pac made his entrance through the Gorilla position, NAO ambushed Jarrett and Southern Justice through the Hamilton faithful unexpectedly.
  • Jarrett dropkicked X-Pac who countered a huracanrana into a powerbomb for 2.
  • When Road Dog tagged in, Jarrett reversed an Irish whip and fed him a knee to the midsection.
  • Road Dog reversed an Irish whip and dealt Jarrett an inverted atomic drop.
  • After he delivered a reverse running guillotine, Road Dog landed a shaky-shaky knee drop for 2.
  • Jarrett reversed another Irish whip and Canterbury yanked Road Dog down by his braids. SNEAKY!
  • While Knight tagged in, he baited DX into the ring to distract referee Tim White.
  • That allowed Southern Justice to double-team Road Dog. How dastardly!
  • Slamming Road Dog, Canterbury scored with an elbow drop for 2.
  • Road Dog juked and jived but ate a clothesline.
  • Tagging in, Jarrett got reversed on another Irish whip but planted Road Dog with a DDT for 2.
  • Road Dog reversed a cross corner whip, but a meeting of the minds occurred.
  • Getting his turn, X-Pac connected with a spinning heel kick to Jarrett.
  • Canterbury came in and thwarted another spinning heel kick with a big slam.
  • Illegally switching with Canterbury, Knight suplexed X-Pac for 2.
  • Jarrett tagged in, whipped X-Pac into the corner, charged, but ate boot.
  • Charging, X-Pac fell victim to a powerslam by Jarrett for another 2.
  • Canterbury tagged in and slammed X-Pac.
  • Rejoining the match, Knight hit a knee drop.
  • Jarrett tagged in but got reversed on a cross corner whip.
  • During his follow-through, X-Pac came up empty.
  • Canterbury destroyed X-Pac with a front wheelbarrow suplex but couldn’t get 3.
  • Shortly afterward, Jarrett trapped him in a sleeper until X-Pac escaped and hooked one of his own.
  • X-Pac escaped a belly-to-back suplex attempt and flattened Jarrett with one.
  • Hot tag Gunn.
  • Upon military-press-slamming Jarrett, Gunn got backdropped over the top rope to the floor by Knight.
  • X-Pac thrilled the Hamilton faithful with a Bronco buster to Jarrett, but Canterbury countered an X-Factor with a clothesline.
  • Stealing the guitar away from Jarrett, Gunn tried to blast Canterbury with it.
  • White stopped Gunn while Canterbury clotheslined X-Pac over the top rope.
  • Jarrett regained access to his guitar and WAFFLED X-Pac with it on the floor.
  • In the ring, Gunn decimated Knight with a Rocker Dropper.
  • 1-2-3.
  • DX won at 11:15.


Rating: **

Summary: Although the Hamilton faithful loved DX, they were SILENT for Jarrett and Southern Justice. Only a few things by DX popped them, but the tag formula led to a babyface win.

Afterward, NAO checks on X-Pac who holds his right eye in pain. Don’t worry. A Canadian doctor will see him momentarily.

Video airs featuring Austin, the Brothers of Destruction, and Mr. McMahon.

We revisit Sunday Night HeAT when Austin disguised himself as a ring attendant and beat up Mr. McMahon. He also escaped the cage before the Brothers of Destruction could get to him.

Match 9 for the WWF title (triple threat): Stone Cold Steve Austin (champion) versus Undertaker versus Kane


  • Stipulations dictated that neither Kane nor Undertaker could pin the other. Also, if any WWF superstar interfered on Austin’s behalf, Mr. McMahon would end the match and strip Austin of the title.
  • When Undertaker made his entrance, Austin struck him from behind with a steel chair.
  • Kane tried to intervene, but Austin nailed him with it too.
  • As Austin brawled with him at ringside, he made Kane HIT THE POLE.
  • Kane reversed an Irish whip and fed Austin a back elbow.
  • After he slammed Austin, Kane mounted the top turnbuckle, leaped, but Austin side-stepped him.
  • Austin dealt Kane a running guillotine, and a dazed Undertaker slowly meandered to ringside.
  • While Kane reversed another Irish whip, he used momentum to send Austin over the top rope to the floor.
  • Austin reversed an Irish whip sending Undertaker knees-first into the steps.
  • Guillotining Kane with the top rope, Austin crotched him with the ring post.
  • Austin connected with a Stone Cold Stunner to Kane, but Undertaker yanked him out of the ring at 2.
  • Making Austin HIT THE POLE, Undertaker brought him into the ring, gave him a cross corner whip, but ate a back elbow.
  • Undertaker leveled Austin with a flying clothesline for 2.
  • Rebounding with a Thesz press, Austin lowered the boom with an elbow smash.
  • Kane rose to his feet, but Austin clotheslined him down to the floor.
  • Countering a back drop attempt, Austin dealt Undertaker a swinging neckbreaker for 2.
  • Undertaker reversed an Irish whip, and Kane tripped Austin coming off the ropes. Devious!
  • With all three wrestlers on the floor, Undertaker inadvertently hammered Kane.
  • He bounced Austin face-first off the Spanish broadcast table, and the Brothers of Destruction double-guillotined him with it.
  • In the meantime, Commissioner Slaughter, Pat Patterson, and Gerald Brisco emerged to watch the match from the entrance.
  • Undertaker rammed Austin face-first off the apron, and Kane made Austin taste the steel railing. It must have tasted like the Bat Outta Hell burger at The Ship.
  • Acknowledging the stooges’ presence, Austin flipped them off. HA!
  • Austin attempted a piledriver on the concrete, but Undertaker countered with a back drop.
  • Feeding Austin another helping of the steel railing, Undertaker blasted Austin from behind.
  • Austin saw his opportunity and crushed Brisco.
  • Dragging Austin up the aisle, the Brothers of Destruction sent him flailing into the apron.
  • Undertaker careened Austin face-first onto the steps before returning him to the ring.
  • Escaping a leg bar from Undertaker, Austin exploded with a flurry on Kane.
  • Undertaker sent him down to the floor, but Austin grabbed the chair and WHACKED Kane with it for 2.
  • Making the save with a chair, Undertaker only got 2 thanks to Kane.
  • Undertaker draped Austin along the top rope, and Kane mounted the top turnbuckle and pounded him.
  • Although Kane tried to pin Austin, Undertaker prevented him from getting a 3-count.
  • Undertaker hammered Kane from behind, gave him a cross corner whip, but ate boot on his follow-through.
  • Being pinballed between Austin and Kane, Undertaker ate a big boot from Kane before getting clotheslined over the top rope to the floor by Austin.
  • Delivering a side-Russian leg sweep to Kane, Austin got 2.
  • Kane rebounded by caroming Austin’s head off the steps, shoved him back into the ring, but only got 2 due to another save by Undertaker.
  • Taking his turn, Undertaker only got 2 because of Kane’s interference.
  • The Brothers of Destruction brawled until a double clothesline put both down on the mat.
  • Rising to his feet, Austin rammed Kane into Undertaker sending him to the floor.
  • Kane slammed Austin but missed an elbow drop.
  • Escaping another slam, Austin shoved Kane into the ropes.
  • Simultaneously, Undertaker who had been mounting the top turnbuckle, got crotched.
  • Austin attempted another Stunner, but Kane shoved him directly into a big boot from Undertaker.
  • Destroying Austin with a double chokeslam, the Brothers of Destruction double-pinned him at 22:04.
  • But who’s the champion?

Rating: ***

Summary:  Since the WWF is in Canada, the main event ended in controversy. This was an Attitude Era-style brawl and mostly a 2-on-1 handicap match placing Austin in the underdog role. While Austin had a few chances, over 600 lbs. of opponents was too much.

After the match, Mr. McMahon approaches the ring and receives the WWF title belt from Brisco. Chasing after them, Austin nails Brisco while Mr. McMahon sprints toward a waiting limousine with the belt. Austin brawls with the stooges before heading backstage. Outside the arena, Mr. McMahon yells “(the belt’s) mine!” while flipping off Austin. The limousine leaves as Austin stands dumbfounded.

Conclusion:  One would think that with a hot opener, the show would be incredible from start to finish. Disappointingly, that’s not the case. Besides the opener, the triple-threat steel cage match was the only other worthwhile match on the show. Since this wasn’t a well-known PPV spectacular like Summerslam or Survivor Series, the WWF added a touch of controversy to encourage its audience to tune into RAW.

People gave WCW a lot of shit for this reasoning, but the ratings war was cutthroat; thus, both companies employed this tactic.

My recommendation is to watch the Owen-Edge match as well as the steel cage one while skipping the rest.

Buyrate: 0.86

Stay tuned for WCW Monday Nitro 09-28-98!

Comments? Suggestions? Send them to me at rsg@rockstargary.com and follow me on Twitter (@rockstargary202).