WWF Sunday Night Heat September 27, 1998

Live from Hamilton, ON

Airdate: September 27, 1998

Attendance: 17,405 (16,158 paid, sold out)

Hosted by Jim Cornette & Shane McMahon

What’s in store for Mark Henry? How does it involve Austin and Mr. McMahon? Can Gunn withstand both members of DoA in a handicap match? How does Golga fare against Mosh? Will Kaientai succeed against an up-and-coming young tag team? It’s the tune-up for Breakdown, so turn up the heat!

Opening montage.

To start the show, Mr. McMahon, along with Gerald Brisco and Pat Patterson, enter the ring. Mr. McMahon apologizes to Ken Shamrock, Rock, and Mankind for last Monday and sanctions a rematch between them INSIDE A STEEL CAGE at the PPV following this telecast.

Next, he decrees that should any WWF superstar interfere in the WWF title match tonight, Mr. McMahon will disqualify and strip Stone Cold Steve Austin of the title. The Hamilton faithful chants “Aus-tin,” so Mr. McMahon guarantees that their hero will not remain WWF champion.

Prior to the opening match, we revisit RAW when the Headbangers turned heel on the Oddities.

Match 1: Golga (w/ the Oddities) versus Mosh (w/ Thrasher)


  • Due to licensed music removal, neither Shane nor Cornette could be heard while the Oddities made their entrance.
  • Mosh fed him a ten-punch count-along, but Golga shoved him across the ring.
  • When he hip-tossed Mosh, Golga landed a series of elbow drops.
  • Thrasher distracted Golga, so Mosh ambushed him from behind and followed with a running guillotine.
  • As both Mosh and the Oddities distracted referee Jack Doan, Thrasher gave Golga the business. SNEAKY!
  • Mosh mounted the second turnbuckle and scored with a flying leg drop for 1.
  • After Golga reversed an Irish whip, Mosh attempted a cross body block.
  • Golga caught and powerslammed him.
  • While he destroyed Mosh with a Golga splash, Golga won at 2:01.


Rating: *

Summary:  Quick revenge match for Golga.

After the match, Thrasher attacks Golga, but Kurrgan and Silva jump into the ring. Kurrgan powerbombs Thrasher while Silva does the same to Mosh.

Backstage, Michael Cole reports that HHH has been attacked in the locker room while Road Dog and X-Pac run past him to check on their leader. You may recall from my previous HeaT reflection, HHH suffered a knee injury last week and won’t wrestle again until December.

Following a commercial break, Cole reports that HHH was attacked with a steel pipe, but X-Pac and Gunn chase him out.

Mark Henry approaches the ring and grabs the microphone. Since HHH’s injured, Henry decides to “go home.” Abruptly, Mr. McMahon arrives to stop him and offers him a steel cage match against Austin on HeAT. Enthusiastically, Henry accepts.

Backstage, Cole states Austin has arrived much to the delight of the Hamilton faithful. Also, Shamrock, Rock, and Mankind stand in silhouette behind Cole having just arrived. Don’t these folks know that punctuality improves performance?

WWF Breakdown will be LIVE tonight only on PPV. Order NOW!

Match 2: Kaientai (w/ Mr. Yamaguchi) versus the Hardy Boyz


  • Teioh nailed him from behind, so Jeff dropkicked him down to the floor.
  • As all four wrestlers were in the ring, Matt dropkicked Teioh between the ropes to the floor.
  • Matt launched a plancha onto Teioh, and Funaki dropkicked Jeff.
  • When Funaki fed Jeff a back elbow, Teioh tagged in, and Kaientai flattened Jeff with successive elbow drops.
  • Jeff reversed a cross corner whip, but Teioh maneuvered himself to the apron causing Jeff to come up empty on his follow-through.
  • After he mounted the top turnbuckle, Teioh scored with a cross body block for 2.
  • Funaki tagged in, and Kaientai double-clotheslined Jeff.
  • While he gave Jeff a cross corner whip, Funaki followed with a flying forearm.
  • He bulldogged Jeff and tagged in Teioh.
  • Ducking a double clothesline, Jeff dropkicked both Kaientai members simultaneously.
  • Hot tag Matt.
  • With all four wrestlers in the ring again, the Hardy Boyz dealt Kaientai stereo monkey flips.
  • Jeff attempted a springboard senton to the floor, but there wasn’t any water in the pool.
  • Snap-suplexing Matt, Funaki held him for Teioh to blast with the Japanese flag pole.
  • Meanwhile, Mr. Yamaguchi distracted referee Mike Chioda.
  • Teioh inadvertently walloped Funaki, so Matt dropkicked him back to the floor.
  • Slamming Funaki, Matt tagged in Jeff.
  • Both Hardy Boyz mounted opposite top turnbuckles and destroyed Funaki with a flying leg drop/splash combo. Impressive!
  • 1-2-3.
  • Hardy Boyz won at 3:34.

Rating: ***

Summary:  With Matt (24) and Jeff (20), the Hardy Boyz look to be the tag team of the future.

Earlier today, Austin was in downtown Hamilton and was presented a key to the city by the mayor. Methinks Austin would also share a beer with him.

Match 3 (handicap): “Bad Ass” Billy Gunn versus Disciples of Apocalypse (w/ “Precious” Paul Ellering)


  • Should either X-Pac or Road Dog interfere, their six-man match will be cancelled.
  • Skull reversed an Irish whip but ate a flying forearm.
  • When 8-Ball reversed an Irish whip, he fell victim to a Rocker Dropper.
  • Although DoA missed a double clothesline, they fed Gunn a double spinebuster.
  • They dealt Gunn a double big boot followed by a successive session of elbow drops.
  • As Skull powerslammed Gunn, 8-Ball landed a leg drop.
  • DoA delivered a double back elbow, and Skull picked Gunn up at 2.
  • After a whip into a flapjack, Gunn was finished at 3:20.


Rating: *

Summary:  Pure vengeance by Mr. McMahon at the expense of Gunn.

Following the match, DoA and Ellering triple-team Gunn until DX storms the ring. Southern Justice and Jeff Jarrett also join the melee to pummel DX. Canterbury further annihilates Gunn with a wheelbarrow suplex. To restore order, WWF officials arrive.

As the cage lowers, Mr. McMahon ushers the Brothers of Destruction to the ring. Henry’s music plays, but Henry doesn’t show.

A-ha! Backstage, Henry’s “girlfriend” Chyna is doing a number on him. WWF officials, having had a 2-minute coffee break, break this up as well. When Henry talks some smack, Chyna breaks free and WAFFLES him with a pipe.

So what happens to the cage match?

In the ring, Mr. McMahon trash-talks a ring technician who unmasks as Austin. To say that McMahon’s drawers have a shelf full of brownies would be an understatement. Austin beats the BEJEEZUS out of McMahon and escapes the cage before the Brothers of Destruction can get their mitts on him.

During the commercial break, McMahon berates the Brothers of Destruction while the Hamilton faithful chants “Aus-tin.”

Promo airs for WWF Breakdown’ 98 coming up NEXT!

Before the show leaves the air, Mr. McMahon, with protection from Brisco, Patterson, and Commissioner Slaughter, vows that he’ll have the WWF title belt with him on RAW tomorrow night because Austin won’t leave Hamilton with it.

Conclusion:  The segment with Austin in disguise is worth the price of admission for this episode. The rest of the show was a delicious appetizer for the PPV, so get your dancing shoes ready to break down!

TV Rating: 3.3

Stay tuned for WWF Breakdown ‘98!

Comments? Suggestions? Send them to me at rsg@rockstargary.com and follow me on Twitter (@rockstargary202).