World Class Wrestling Association April 4, 1987

Taped from Dallas, TX

Airdate: April 4, 1987 (taped 03/20)

Attendance: unknown

Hosted by Bill Mercer

Can Lance get revenge against Nord? Who will win when the Fantastics battle Madril and Adias? Also, Red River Jack, Steve Simpson, and Eli the Eliminator are here. Saddle up for a fun ride!

Opening montage.

Match 1: Red River Jack & Scott Casey versus Black Bart & Jack Victory (w/ Percy Pringle)


  • Black Bart reversed a cross corner whip and trapped Casey in a bear hug.
  • When he received a clothesline, Casey reversed an Irish whip and fed Black Bart one of his own.
  • He suplexed Black Bart and scored with a thrust kick.
  • As tags were exchanged on both sides, Jack dealt Victory a big boot sending him over the top rope to the blue floor.
  • Black Bart tagged in, gave Jack a cross corner whip, but ate boot on his follow-through.
  • After Casey tagged in, he delivered a high knee to Black Bart.
  • He landed a fist drop, got temporarily stuck in the heel corner, but escaped thanks to conducting a meeting of the minds.
  • While he dropkicked Black Bart, Casey got 2.
  • Victory tagged in while the Dallas faithful chanted “go, Scott, go.”
  • Delivering a back elbow, Victory illegally switched with Black Bart. SNEAKY!
  • Victory tagged in, gave Casey a cross corner whip, but ate boot.
  • Hot tag Jack.
  • Slamming Victory, Jack backdropped him.
  • Black Bart tried to interject himself but got booted out of the ring.
  • Leapfrogging Victory, Jack flattened him with a big boot.
  • 1-2-3.
  • Jack and Casey won at 5:34.


Rating: **

Summary: Not a bad opener as they followed the tag formula which kept the Dallas faithful engaged and happy with a babyface victory.

After the match, Black Bart brings a saddle into the ring, but Casey nails him. The saddle lands on top of Black Bart, so Casey tries to hook him up for a ride. Aghast, Black Bart scoots out of the ring before being sent out to pasture.

Match 2: Steve Simpson versus Rick DuBois


  • WCCW chaplain Gary Holder joined the broadcast for this match and mentioned the memory of David Von Erich.
  • As Simpson hooked a bodyscissors, he rolled DuBois over for 1.
  • DuBois rebounded with a slam and followed with a back elbow.
  • When he slammed Simpson again, DuBois reversed an Irish whip only to get bulldozed.
  • Simpson got 2.
  • After he slammed DuBois, Simpson fed him an elbow drop for another 2.
  • He secured an inside cradle but couldn’t get 3.
  • While he trapped DuBois in a backslide, Simpson pinned him at 5:11.


Rating: *

Summary: Showcase match for Simpson.

At ringside, Mercer interviews Lance who cuts a promo on Nord and runs down Hart. Afterward, the Fantastics join the party and are ready to defend the World tag team titles.

Match 3 for the WCWA World tag team titles: the Fantastics (champions) versus Al Madril & Brian Adias


  • Madril tagged in and popped Rogers.
  • When Rogers reversed an Irish whip, he hip-tossed Madril.
  • The Fantastics conned the heels into some miscommunication, and Rogers catapulted Adias directly into Madril.
  • As the Fantastics double-dropkicked Adias, the heels sought refuge on the blue floor.
  • Mercer mentioned Nord’s association with Brody in the AWA, and Fulton dealt each heel a hip toss.
  • With all four wrestlers in the ring, the heels whipped the Fantastics into opposite corners.
  • Adias charged but came up empty while Rogers flipped over Madril.
  • Charging Rogers, Madril missed him but collided with Adias. Is this wrestling or The Three Stooges?
  • The Fantastics hooked a rowboat on the heels much to the delight of the female portion of the Dallas faithful.
  • Responding with a pop to Fulton, Madril whipped him into an Adias boot.
  • Madril popped him again and baited Rogers into the ring.
  • Illegally switching with Madril, Adias got 2.
  • Madril tagged in, but a mid-ring collision occurred.
  • Hot tag Rogers.
  • Connecting with a springboard right hand to Madril, Rogers dropkicked an incoming Adias.
  • Again, all four wrestlers were in the ring, and Fulton caught Adias within an O’Connor roll for 2.
  • Madril made the save by shotputting Fulton between the ropes to the blue floor.
  • Demolishing Rogers with a double clothesline, the heels delivered a double atomic drop.
  • Fulton continued to distract referee Ralph Pulley while the heels double-suplexed Rogers. How dastardly!
  • Since the chaos could not be contained, Pulley called for the bell to throw the match out at 7:58.


Rating: ***

Summary: Not sure why either the heels couldn’t lose here to bolster the status of the current champions, but, as per their contract, the Fantastics put on a very entertaining display of professional tag team wrestling.

Match 4: Eli the Eliminator (w/ “Gentleman” Jim Holliday) versus Henry Wilburn


  • For those unaware, Eli had previously worked in the UWF, AWA, and New Japan prior to his arrival in the WCWA.
  • Eli and Holliday made their entrance atop a Harley-Davidson motorcycle. To say this was much better than Black Bart’s initial entrance on a horse would be a valid understatement.
  • As Eli slammed him, he followed with a leg drop and pulled up Wilburn at 2.
  • He backdropped and guillotined Wilburn with the top rope.
  • When he clotheslined Wilburn, Eli pulled him up again at 2.
  • He fed Wilburn a swinging neckbreaker and followed with a tombstone.
  • 1-2-3.
  • Eli won at 2:38.


Rating: DUD

Summary: Showcase match for Eli.

Match 5: Lance Von Erich versus Nord the Barbarian (w/ Jeep Swenson, Gary Hart, & Jim Holliday)


  • Lance fed Nord a pair of back elbows but ate a big boot.
  • When he guillotined Lance with the top rope, Nord dealt him a gutwrench suplex for 2.
  • He connected with a flying shoulder block and got another 2.
  • As he powerslammed Lance, Nord couldn’t get 3.
  • Nord missed a knee drop, so Lance hip-tossed him and followed with a dropkick.
  • After he backdropped Nord, Lance mounted the top turnbuckle and scored with a missile dropkick for 2.
  • Nord thwarted another back drop attempt, reversed an Irish whip, but ate a cross body block.
  • While Lance got 2, Nord’s kickout sent him between the ropes to the blue floor.
  • Nord distracted referee Ralph Pulley, so Hart grabbed Lance.
  • Upon getting shoved, Hart continued to distract Lance.
  • That permitted Nord to boot him from the apron back down to the blue floor.
  • Flattening Lance with another big boot, Nord pinned him at 6:21.


Rating: *½

Summary: Quite the victory for the newcomer.

Conclusion:  Combine an exciting Fantastics match with a high-profile victory by Nord, and you’ve got another solid episode on your hands. Eli made a successful debut while Simpson thrilled the females around the globe.

Next week, Jack and Lance battle Nord and Eli! Can Lance even the score with Nord?

TV Rating: NONE

Stay tuned for WCCW 04-11-87!

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