World Class Wrestling Association March 28, 1987

Taped from Dallas, TX

Airdate: March 28, 1987 (taped 03/20)

Attendance: unknown

Hosted by Bill Mercer

Can Mike defeat Adias and win the money? Who’s Hart’s new business partner? What’s all this about powder puff? Daylight’s wasting, so get your Texas ‘rasslin’ fix right this very minute!

Opening montage.

Match 1: Red River Jack versus “Killer” Tim Brooks


  • Jack fed Brooks a big boot and backdropped him.
  • When he dealt Brooks another boot, Jack got 2.
  • He slammed Brooks, reversed a cross corner whip, and unleashed big boot #3.
  • As he slammed Brooks again, Jack landed a running knee drop.
  • 1-2-3.
  • Jack won at 3:57.


Rating: DUD

Summary: Showcase match for Jack, but the Dallas faithful was eerily silent. The mask gimmick apparently doesn’t seem to be working.

After the match, Nord the Barbarian and Gary Hart approach ringside. Hart grabs the microphone and is vehement toward Jack. As Nord tosses a chair and the steps into the ring, Jack stands his ground.

Match 2: “Flamboyant” Eric Embry versus Rick DuBois


  • For those unaware, Embry began wrestling in 1979 but recently toured Puerto Rico before heading to the WCWA.
  • Mercer announced that on May 3 the 4th annual David Von Erich Memorial Parade of Champions will be held at Texas Stadium.
  • As DuBois reversed an Irish whip, he backdropped Embry.
  • Speaking of Embry, he landed a fist drop, mounted the second turnbuckle, and connected with a flying head butt.
  • DuBois reversed another Irish whip, but Embry leapfrogged him.
  • When he caught DuBois with a lariat, Embry piledrove him.
  • 1-2-3.
  • Embry won at 4:49.


Rating: DUD

Summary: Showcase match for the newcomer Embry. I would be remiss if I didn’t mention that the younger members of the Dallas faithful questioned Embry’s bedroom practices. They might need to be punished.

Following the match, Embry takes his powder puff box and smears powder on DuBois’ face.

After a commercial break, Mercer interviews Hart alongside Jeep Swenson and Nord. Hart introduces “Gentleman” Jim Holliday who joins him as his partner in H&H International. As Mercer interviews him, Holliday promises to make his men both rich and famous. Nord shouts while Hart brings up Bruiser Brody. Next, Hart states that Swenson has a new plan to remove the mask from Red River Jack. Behind Holliday was Eli the Eliminator, yet he’s barely seen and not heard at all.

Match 3: Nord the Barbarian & Gary Hart (w/ Jeep Swenson & “Gentleman” Jim Holliday) versus Red River Jack Dingo Warrior & David Manning (w/ Bruiser Brody)


  • According to Mercer, Red River Jack was stuck in Chicago, so Warrior took his place.
  • This match transpired on 3/13 from the Sporatorium and was joined in progress.
  • When Manning whipped Hart into the corner, he rolled him up for 2.
  • Hart tossed Manning down to the blue floor, and Nord hooked a Canadian backbreaker on him.
  • As he noticed Warrior feeding Hart a standing choke, Nord dropped Manning and broke Warrior’s grip.
  • With Manning incapacitated on the blue floor, Hart and Nord double-teamed Warrior.
  • From the babyface locker room, Red River Jack stormed the ring with his suitcase.
  • He blasted Nord in the back with it and nailed Hart as well.
  • After Brody joined the melee, he ejected Swenson from the ring.
  • The heels hightailed it back to their locker room and won by DQ at 3:17 shown.


Rating: NONE

Summary: Too short to rate, but both Bruiser Brody and Red River Jack were in the ring at the same time, so who’s under the mask?

Match 4: The Rock’n’Roll RPMs versus Bob “The Cat” Bradley & the Grappler


  • This match was a rare heels versus heels matchup.
  • As Lane tagged in, Grappler caught him with an O’Connor roll, but Lane lifted his shoulder.
  • Davis tagged in, Grappler leapfrogged him, and they belted one another simultaneously.
  • When tags were exchanged on both sides, Lane fed Bradley a fist drop.
  • Davis tagged in and countered a side head lock with a belly-to-back suplex.
  • After Lane tagged in, he slammed Bradley.
  • Davis tagged in, but Bradley dealt him a leg drop.
  • While he slammed Davis, Bradley landed a diving head butt.
  • Grappler tagged in and suplexed Davis for 2.
  • Giving Davis a cross corner whip, Grappler delivered a back elbow for another 2.
  • A mid-ring collision occurred, but the Dallas faithful sought more picante sauce.
  • Ramming Grappler face-first into the mat, Davis got hammered by an incoming Bradley.
  • All four wrestlers were in the ring, and Davis along with Grappler met in the middle. Somehow, they didn’t find Malcolm.
  • Mounting the top turnbuckle, Bradley soared with a flying head butt to Davis.
  • Meanwhile, Lane inadvertently distracted referee Bronko Lubich.
  • Bradley placed Grappler atop Davis, but Grappler only got 2 thanks to a save by Lane.
  • Blasting Lane from behind, Bradley got mauled by a lariat from Davis.
  • 1-2-3.
  • The RPMs won at 8:17.


Rating: *

Summary: This match may have been due to a talent shortage because nary a member of the Dallas faithful shouted any enthusiasm for this.

Match 5: Mike Von Erich versus Brian Adias


  • On the other hand, the Dallas faithful went APESHIT for Mike.
  • According to ring announcer Marc Lowrance, this match contained the following stipulation: if Mike could pin Adias within ten minutes, he’d win $2500 in cash.
  • Adias wisely stalled while the Dallas faithful loudly chanted “go Mike, go.”
  • When Adias attempted a slam, Mike countered with an inside cradle for 2.
  • Mike booted Adias down for another 2.
  • As he countered a hip toss with a backslide, Mike couldn’t get 3.
  • Adias rebounded with a gutwrench suplex but came up empty on a possible fist drop.
  • After Mike hooked a sleeper, he took Adias down to the mat for 2.
  • Awkwardly, Mike took Adias down from behind for another 2.
  • With three minutes remaining, Mike re-entered the ring via sunset flip.
  • Can Mike win the money right here?
  • No, Adias barely grabbed the top rope to survive.
  • While Mike hip-tossed him, he fed Adias an elbow drop for 2.
  • Mike attempted an Iron claw to the head, but Adias blocked it.
  • Having the Iron Claw applied to his abdomen, Adias again barely made the ropes to escape.
  • Fifteen seconds left, and Mike slammed Adias for 2.
  • Mounting the top turnbuckle, Mike grazed Adias with a missile dropkick. That did NOT look crisp.
  • Before Mike could pin Adias, the bell rang at 9:58.
  • For now, Adias kept the loot.

Rating: **

Summary: Mike tried, but he needs more seasoning before he can truly be a star.

Afterward, Adias celebrates only for Mike to slap him.

Conclusion:  The saga between Mike and Adias continues with serious dough on the line. Meanwhile, the feud between Hart and Brody gets even juicier with both a Red River Jack sighting while Brody was present and Hart’s new colleague seeking fame and fortune while destroying everything in his outfit’s path.

In other matches, Embry debuted with a powder puff gimmick. Methinks he should have paid attention to what Adrian Adonis was doing and steer clear. Regardless, the RPMs earned a victory albeit one that won’t be remembered. Finally, Mike may have tried his best against Adias, but his timing remained frenzied and/or hurried.

Since new characters were introduced and Mike’s in the main event, this episode receives my full endorsement.

Next week, Lance squares off against Nord!

TV Rating: NONE

Stay tuned for WCCW 04-04-87!

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