WWF RAW is WAR September 21, 1998

Taped from Sacramento, CA

Airdate: September 21, 1998 (taped 9/15)

Attendance: 10,591 (sold out)

Hosted by Jim Cornette & Shane McMahon

Who will team up with Austin against the Brothers of Destruction? What happens when Rock, Mankind, and Shamrock collide? Will Brown retain the European title, or can X-Pac snatch it from him? Who wins the vacant Women’s title? What else can happen? Come inside and find out!

Opening montage.

The Rock approaches the ring to join Mr. McMahon, Shamrock, and Mankind. As Mr. McMahon warns Austin against attacking him, the Brothers of Destruction appear at the entrance. He crows about Austin’s impending loss of the WWF title at the upcoming PPV. Afterward, he sanctions a match with Austin and a partner of his choice versus the Brothers of Destruction.

With the three wrestlers in the ring, Mr. McMahon advises any of them to be Austin’s partner. Interestingly, he tells Mankind that he’s aware of Mankind’s prior tag team with Austin. Nevertheless, he states to Shamrock that he “came that close” to becoming WWF champion. He tries to sell the status of WWF champion to the People’s Champion. Next, he asks if Mankind can taste (the title). Mankind nods.

Straight to his face, Mr. McMahon informs Shamrock that he’s “not the sharpest knife in the drawer.” HA! He sanctions a triple-threat match to become the #1 contender to the WWF title TONIGHT, and the title shot will happen next Monday. Lastly, he mentions that no matter who wins tonight’s match, next week’s match won’t be against Austin.

TV Rating: 4.0

POINT OF ORDER: Since this is the go-home show for the PPV, Mr. McMahon lays it all out there; however, he also sets the table for this show as well as the one for next week. Kudos on letting future plans be known to the audience for us to see.

PENNZOIL REWIND: Jarrett nails Road Dog in the throat with his broken guitar to defeat him.

Due to Road Dog’s throat injury, Gunn cuts the promo down the aisle. Upon entering the ring, he recites the NAO spiel…while Road Dog holds cue cards.

Match 1: “Bad Ass” Billy Gunn (w/ X-Pac & Road Dog) versus Jeff Jarrett (w/ Southern Justice)


  • Referee Tim White ejected both Southern Justice and DX from ringside before the bell.
  • When Jarrett left the ring to ensure DX’s departure, Gunn brawled with him in the aisle.
  • He blocked a hip toss and fed Jarrett a clothesline for 2.
  • As Jarrett dropkicked him twice, Gunn gorilla-press-slammed him.
  • Gunn dealt Jarrett a ten-punch count-along followed by a crotch chop much to the delight of the Sactown faithful.
  • After Jarrett migrated to the apron, he guillotined Gunn with the top rope.
  • He mounted the top turnbuckle and launched a cross body block.
  • On the other hand, Gunn used momentum to position himself atop Jarrett for 2.
  • Jarrett planted Gunn with a DDT for 2 as Cornette mentioned that JR and Lawler were in Hollywood taking part in the movie Man on the Moon.
  • While Gunn attempted his own cross body block, Jarrett evaded him.
  • Due to momentum, Gunn rolled to the floor, but Jarrett caught him with a baseball slide.
  • Jarrett joined and guillotined Gunn with the steel railing.
  • Ramming Gunn face-first into the steps, Jarrett got reversed on an Irish whip and HIT THE POLE.
  • He guillotined Gunn with the bottom rope, gave him a cross corner whip, but came up empty on his follow-through.
  • Mounting the second turnbuckle, Jarrett delivered an axe handle.
  • He followed with a side-Russian leg sweep and got 2.
  • Sending Gunn into the corner, Jarrett charged but ate a back elbow.
  • Jarrett reversed an Irish whip, blocked a piledriver, and backdropped Gunn.
  • Demolishing Jarrett with a Rocker Dropper, Gunn gave him a cross corner whip but came up empty on his follow-through.
  • He rebounded out of the corner and inadvertently struck White.
  • Since White was momentarily blinded, Jarrett grabbed his guitar.
  • White recovered enough to prevent Jarrett from swinging the guitar, so Gunn scored with a hangman’s neckbreaker.
  • 1-2-3.
  • Gunn won at 7:30.


Rating: ***

Summary:  While Jarrett is a solid hand in the ring, Gunn holds his own with him and vaults his status beyond tag team wrestler with the victory. Upon second viewing, Jarrett carried Gunn well here.

Backstage, Michael Cole interviews Mr. McMahon who’s standing next to Ed Ferrara and Vince Russo.

TV Rating: 4.0

WWF Breakdown will be LIVE this Sunday only on PPV. Order NOW!

Austin arrives to a tremendous ovation and cuts a promo on Undertaker. When he acknowledges collusion in the PPV main event, he calls it “bullshit.” He mentions the need for a volunteer but doesn’t require one to kick ass. Ultimately, he’s ready to raise hell to retain the WWF title.

Earlier today, the Brothers of Destruction arrive with suitcases, and those nearby make way for them. It’s either intimidation or extreme body odor.

Match 2: The Oddities (w/ Luna) versus the Headbangers


  • To show how incredible their entrance theme was, the entire Sactown faithful danced to it. Of course, licensed music removal was implemented by the WWE Network.
  • The Headbangers initially danced with the Oddities until Thrasher sprayed silly string into Kurrgan’s eyes.
  • As they blinded Giant Silva, the Headbangers destroyed both Golga and his Cartman doll.
  • No match.


Rating: NONE

Summary:  An exercise in giving a lower-tier tag team a new direction.

Backstage, Cole interviews the Brothers of Destruction. Undertaker cuts a promo on Austin.

RAW is sponsored by WWF: The Music Volume 2.

We revisit last week when Sable disrobed Jacqueline in an evening gown match. To say the San Jose faithful got an eyeful would be an understatement.

Real Match 2 for the vacant WWF Women’s title: Sable versus Jacqueline (w/ “Marvelous” Marc Mero)


  • For those curious, the Women’s title had been vacant since November 1995. If you recall, Debra Miceli (a.k.a. Madusa/Alundra Blayze) dumped the title belt in a trash can on Nitro on December 18.
  • Sable unleashed a series of kicks in the corner, but Mero distracted her.
  • When Jacqueline ambushed her, she fed Sable some kicks and shoulder blocks in the opposite corner.
  • She planted Sable with a DDT and got 2.
  • As she distracted referee Mike Chioda, Mero choked Sable on the second rope. SNEAKY!
  • Jacqueline attempted a running guillotine, but Sable evaded her albeit a bit early.
  • After she backdropped Jacqueline, Sable clotheslined her twice.
  • She hair-mared Jacqueline sending her reeling to the floor.
  • While Mero jumped onto the apron to complain, Sable hammered him sending him off the apron and to taste the steel railing. It must have tasted like the Power Nap at Jim Denny’s.
  • Sable attempted to suplex Jacqueline back into the ring, but Mero tripped her. How dastardly!
  • Landing on top and with Mero holding Sable’s legs, Jacqueline pinned Sable at 2:52.


Rating: *

Summary:  Jacqueline held the match together as Sable came up a bit short.

In the aisle, Cole interviews an ecstatic Jacqueline, and Mero refers to her as a “bad woman” which is a subtle nod to his former WCW character.

TV Rating: 3.8


After Austin makes his entrance, DX’s entrance music hits, and Gunn emerges. Backstage, Mr. McMahon, seated between Pat Patterson and Gerry Brisco, is PISSED.

Match 3: Brothers of Destruction versus Stone Cold Steve Austin & “Bad Ass” Billy Gunn


  • The bell rang, and the war was ON.
  • As Undertaker gave him a HARD cross corner whip, he fed Austin a flying clothesline.
  • On the floor, Gunn rammed Kane shoulder-first into the steps.
  • Austin rebounded with a Thesz press followed by an elbow smash.
  • When Gunn tagged in, Undertaker reversed an Irish whip but ate a Rocker Dropper for 2. Methinks Gunn should rename that maneuver.
  • Austin tagged in, but Undertaker dealt him a short-arm clothesline.
  • After Kane tagged in, he reversed a cross corner whip but ate a clothesline.
  • Austin delivered a running guillotine and got 2.
  • While Gunn tagged in, he escaped a chokeslam from Kane.
  • Undertaker distracted Gunn allowing Kane to clothesline him over the top rope to the floor.
  • With referee Earl Hebner distracted by Kane, Undertaker rammed Gunn face-first into the steps. Evil!
  • Kane slammed Gunn and followed with an elbow smash.
  • Tagging in, Undertaker ate a punt but rebounded with a clothesline.
  • He baited Austin into the ring distracting Hebner again. Devious!
  • Meanwhile, the Brothers of Destruction illegally switched although Gunn escaped a suplex attempt.
  • Kane obliterated Gunn with a big boot but only got 2 thanks to a save by Austin.
  • Flattening Gunn with a short-arm clothesline, Kane mounted the top turnbuckle and uncorked a flying clothesline for 2. Impressive!
  • Austin made another save and flipped off Kane. That won’t get him invited to dinner.
  • Tossing Gunn into the corner, Kane charged but ate a back elbow.
  • A double clothesline put both wrestlers down on the mat, and the Sactown faithful was salivating.
  • Hot tag Austin.
  • He attempted a Stunner to Undertaker who shoved him off; however, he annihilated Kane with one for 2.
  • With all four wrestlers in the ring, Austin clotheslined Kane over the top rope to the floor.
  • Undertaker sent Gunn into the corner sandwiching Hebner.
  • Chokeslamming Gunn, Undertaker pinned him at 8:37.


Rating: ***

Summary:  Preview of the main event at the PPV and quite the ratings grabber.

After the match, Austin grabs a steel chair and CROWNS both Undertaker and Kane with it.

TV Rating: 5.07

Match 4: Southern Justice versus Disciples of Apocalypse (w/ “Precious” Paul Ellering)


  • 8-Ball fed Canterbury a swinging neckbreaker followed by a leg drop for 2.
  • When Canterbury reversed a cross corner whip, he clotheslined 8-Ball.
  • Tags were exchanged on both sides, and Knight dealt Skull a jawbreaker.
  • As Knight landed a knee drop, he got 2.
  • Skull rebounded with a clothesline and followed with a sidewalk slam for 2.
  • With all four wrestlers in the ring, Skull reversed an Irish whip, and Ellering tripped Knight coming off the ropes. Nefarious!
  • Suddenly, Jarrett approached ringside and destroyed Ellering with his guitar.
  • Sports-entertainment finish.


Rating: NONE

Summary:  Just an effort to further Jarrett along.

Backstage, Cole interviews Mr. McMahon who’s disappointed in Gunn. He bears ZERO responsibility for what the Brothers of Destruction might do later tonight.

TV Rating: 4.0

Vignette airs for a real man’s man—Steven Regal.

Prior to the next match, Snow makes his entrance through the Sactown faithful. Does he think he’s DDP?

Match 5 (boot camp): Al Snow (w/ Head) versus Sergeant Slaughter


  • Snow polled the Sactown faithful regarding Head, but Slaughter decimated him from behind.
  • Should Snow win, he’ll be reinstated.
  • Slaughter tore off Snow’s t-shirt, removed his own belt, and whipped him with it.
  • As he clotheslined Snow with the belt, Slaughter ate a thrust kick.
  • Snow catapulted Slaughter making him HIT THE POLE.
  • When Snow whipped him, Slaughter sought refuge on the floor.
  • Snow joined and whipped Slaughter’s bare back.
  • After he grabbed a steel chair, Snow WHIFFED and hammered the ring post instead of Slaughter.
  • Speaking of Slaughter, he procured the chair and BLASTED Snow in the head with it for 2.
  • Snow reversed an Irish whip sending Slaughter back-first into the steel railing.
  • While he set up the chair, Snow launched a springboard spinning heel kick.
  • Snow mounted the steel railing and scored with a moonsault for 2.
  • Back in the ring, Snow mounted the top turnbuckle with the chair, attempted another moonsault, but there wasn’t any water in the pool.
  • Slaughter hooked a cobra clutch, yet the Sactown faithful chanted “Head” to support his foe.
  • Using momentum, Snow escaped, attempted to waffle Slaughter with Head, but missed.
  • Slaughter reapplied the cobra clutch, but Snow used Head down near the southern tip of Parris Island.
  • Removing his combat boot, Slaughter tried to nail him, but Snow kicked a FIELD GOAL and caught the boot.
  • Apparently, Head told him to relinquish the boot and knocked Slaughter out.
  • 1-2-3.
  • Snow won at 6:20.


Rating: **

Summary:  As you’d expect, it’s a hardcore military-themed match. Fun and harmless.

Following the match, Brisco tackles Snow from behind, and Pat Patterson joins to double-team him. Abruptly, 2 Cold Scorpio returns with a chair to shoo the stooges.

TV Rating: 4.2

Backstage, Cole interviews Rock who foresees himself as the best WWF champion. It could happen. Nonetheless, he cuts a promo on both Mankind and Shamrock.

Prior to the next match, Venis grabs the microphone and makes a Clinton joke. It was all the rage back then.

Match 6: Val Venis versus Owen Hart


  • Dustin Runnels joined the broadcast table for this match.
  • When Venis leapfrogged him, he fed Owen a drop toe hold.
  • Owen reversed a cross corner whip but ate boot on his follow-through.
  • As Owen missed an enziguri, he reversed an Irish whip and dealt Venis a powerslam.
  • The Sactown faithful rang out a “nug-get” chant, but their nemesis gave Venis a HARD cross corner whip to further injure the back.
  • After Venis reversed an Irish whip, he attempted a leapfrog, but Owen caught him and delivered an inverted atomic drop.
  • He clotheslined Venis and followed with a backbreaker.
  • While he gave Venis a ten-punch count-along to “nug-get,” Owen snap-suplexed Venis.
  • Dustin left the broadcast table, entered the ring, and pummeled Venis.
  • As a result, Venis won by DQ at 2:31.


Rating: NONE

Summary:  Decent match until the sports-entertainment finish.

Afterward, Venis reverses an Irish whip and pulverizes Dustin with a SPINEBUSTER. He ties Dustin up in the ropes, grabs the microphone, and introduces his latest video—Something About Terri. As the video begins, Terri has considered reconciliation but changes her mind stating that “Val is a much bigger man than you.” OUCH! Venis uses clever euphemisms to antagonize Dustin.

Match 7 for the WWF European title: D’Lo Brown (champion) versus X-Pac


  • X-Pac attempted to leap frog him, but Brown caught and powerslammed him for 2.
  • As he slammed X-Pac, Brown followed with a leg drop.
  • He clotheslined X-Pac and got another 2.
  • When he gave X-Pac a cross corner whip, Brown came up empty on his follow-through.
  • X-Pac fed Brown a spin kick, gave him a cross corner whip, but also came up empty on his follow-through.
  • After Brown clotheslined him again, he couldn’t get 3.
  • He slammed X-Pac again, mounted the second turnbuckle, and launched a flying elbow smash for yet another 2.
  • While the Sactown faithful showered him with a “D’Lo sucks” chant, Brown slammed a third time, attempted a springboard moonsault, but the well was dry.
  • X-Pac rebounded with another spin kick and delivered a flying clothesline.
  • Hammering Brown with a Bronco buster, X-Pac got reversed on a cross corner whip and planted a boot into a charging Brown.
  • Brown devastated him with a Sky High and got 2.
  • Mounting the top turnbuckle, Brown leaped but ate an X-Factor.
  • In the meantime, Cornette referenced the Bischoff-Flair debate on Nitro albeit subtly and condescendingly.
  • Do we have a new champion?
  • 1-2-3.
  • X-Pac won at 5:17.


Rating: ***

Summary:  Solid chemistry between these two, and X-Pac climbed the mountain to win his first WWF singles title.

TV Rating: 3.6

During the commercial break, Cole interviews Mankind who tells quite the confusing promo. Bartender…

Match 8: Rock versus Mankind versus Ken Shamrock


  • Rock and Mankind double-clotheslined Shamrock, but Mankind fed Rock a Cactus clothesline.
  • When Shamrock dealt Mankind a baseball slide, he rammed Mankind face-first into the broadcast table.
  • He bludgeoned Mankind face-first into the steps and bounced Rock off them too.
  • As Mankind pummeled him in the corner, he decimated Shamrock with a running knee.
  • Shamrock rebounded with a belly-to-back suplex, yet Rock returned, reversed an Irish whip, and delivered a back elbow to him.
  • After he slammed Shamrock, Rock hit the People’s Elbow to a monster pop.
  • He flung Shamrock over the top rope to the floor but ate a double-arm DDT from Mankind who got 2.
  • While Mankind landed an elbow drop, he gave Rock a cross corner whip but came up empty on his follow-through.
  • Mankind reversed an Irish whip, and Shamrock tripped Rock coming off the ropes.
  • Joining Shamrock on the floor, Rock caromed him face-first off the broadcast table.
  • Shamrock reversed an Irish whip sending Rock back-first into the steel railing.
  • Clotheslining Rock, Shamrock returned to the ring, but Mankind attempted a Mandible claw.
  • Shamrock escaped and hooked a sleeper, yet Rock snuck up from behind to apply a double sleeper. Neat!
  • Countering with a double jawbreaker, Mankind was BUSTED OPEN hardway.
  • The Brothers of Destruction followed by Mr. McMahon approached ringside.
  • Reversing an Irish whip, Mankind secured a Mandible claw upon Rock.
  • Shamrock broke the hold and flattened Mankind with a belly-to-belly suplex.
  • Trapping Mankind in an ankle lock, Shamrock got tapped on the shoulder.
  • Did Shamrock win?
  • No, that was Rock who obliterated him with a clothesline. Unique!
  • Rock disintegrated Shamrock with a Rock Bottom, but Mankind made the save at 2.
  • Interjecting himself, Undertaker dragged Mankind to the floor and made him taste the steps.
  • The Brothers of Destruction double-teamed Mankind while Rock destroyed Shamrock with a tornado DDT for 2.
  • Giving Rock a cross corner whip, Shamrock uncorked a huracanrana followed by a powerslam for 2.
  • Rock used momentum to send Shamrock flying over the top rope to the floor.
  • With his eye on Shamrock, Undertaker introduced him to the steps.
  • The Brothers of Destruction double-teamed Shamrock and confronted Rock in the ring.
  • Annihilating Rock, the Brothers of Destruction double-chokeslammed him.
  • They continued their carnage with Mankind, but Austin emerged behind Mr. McMahon.
  • Since the Brothers of Destruction were preoccupied, Austin pulverized Mr. McMahon to a deafening cheer.
  • The Brothers of Destruction shooed him away, and there was no finish.


Rating: NONE

Summary:  Exciting triple-threat match until the storyline finish. Who’s the #1 contender? Consider me…

TV Rating: 3.5

Conclusion:  I see a dangerous trend of matches not having any finishes whatsoever. While I understand that numerous DQs and countouts can be monotonous, this trend just leaves the viewer empty-handed.

As far as the episode is concerned, the PPV could not be more hyped. Also, X-Pac and Jacqueline’s victories were quite the surprises given the taped show. What will Mankind, Rock, and Shamrock do now that none won in the main event? It must be a dangling carrot for next week. Since there were title changes and a hot tag match in the middle, please consider this episode…

Sidenote: If you don’t want HeAT, Shane McMahon as a color commentator can be an acquired taste, and some may not enjoy his style as much as others. Myself, I enjoy his exuberance.

Final TV Rating: 4.02

Here’s the card for the PPV:

  1. For the WWF title, Austin defends against both Kane and Undertaker in a triple-threat match.
  2. DX versus Southern Justice & Jarrett in a six-man tag match
  3. Venis battles Runnels in a decency versus filth matchup.
  4. A steel cage match!
  5. Brown versus Gangrel
  6. In a falls count anywhere bout, Bradshaw squares off against Vader.
  7. Mero versus Droz
  8. Too Much wrestles Al Snow & 2 Cold Scorpio
  9. Owen versus Edge

Could RAW overcome Nitro in the ratings?

Who won? Yes, thanks to the Austin/Gunn/Undertaker/Kane tag match, RAW squeaked out an overall victory by 0.12. As I mentioned in my Nitro reflection, WCW blew it. Too many squash matches by WCW were rivaled by more compelling segments/matches by the WWF. WCW, heed my words:

Let’s break down the ratings courtesy of Meltzer:

9:00-9:15: WWF won 4.0 to 3.8

9:15-9:30: WWF won 4.0 to 3.5

9:30-9:45: WWF won 3.8 to 3.7

9:45-10:00: WWF won 5.1 to 3.3

10:00-10:15: WWF won 4.0 to 3.7

10:15-10:30: WWF won 4.2 to 3.3

10:30-10:45: WCW won 4.2 to 3.6

10:45-11:00: WCW won 4.2 to 3.5

Stay tuned for WCW Thunder 09-24-98!

Comments? Suggestions? Send them to me at rsg@rockstargary.com and follow me on Twitter (@rockstargary202).