WCW Monday Nitro September 21, 1998

Live from Boston, MA

Airdate: September 21, 1998

Attendance:  15,144 (14,280 paid)

Hosted by Tony Schiavone, “Iron” Mike Tenay, Larry Zbyszko, & Bobby “The Brain” Heenan

What’s the latest with Hogan and Warrior? Can Disco make weight to battle Kidman? If so, how does he fare? How’s Hall doing? Can Flair and Bischoff co-exist? What transpires when Raven and Kanyon team together? Step up to the plate as WCW invades Beantown!

In the cold open, Scott Hall, carrying a brown bag, informs WCW Security Director Doug Dellinger that “somebody’s wrecked my car.” Dellinger tells him to get some coffee since he needs to sober up.

At the entrance, Nitro Girls dance in red and black. Go Wolfpack!

Suddenly, the ring fills with smoke, and Zbyszko believes it’s Hall. HA! Seriously, it’s Disciple face down in the center of the ring. That draws nWo Hollywood to the ring, but smoke fills the ring again. Once it dissipates, Disciple is GONE.

From the rafters, Warrior calls out Hogan as “Speed Racer.” HA! With the bat Warrior signal shining upon him, Warrior stands alongside an unconscious Disciple. How’d he get up there so fast? Regardless, an angry Hollywood Hogan threatens to beat up Warrior RIGHT NOW.

Warrior vows to take all Hogan’s possessions that are precious. Initially, he’ll start with Hogan’s most loyal follower. Warrior will install the “power of the Warriors” for Disciple to rise again. A rather disinterested Boston faithful chants “Hogan sucks” as Hogan yells at Warrior.

Opening montage.

Match 1: Fit Finlay versus Barry Darsow


  • Finlay fed Darsow an elbow drop and got 2.
  • When Darsow attempted a piledriver, Finlay countered with a back drop.
  • He planted Darsow with a tombstone and pinned him at 3:45.


Rating: DUD

Summary:  Disjointed showcase match for Finlay as the Boston faithful was happiest when the match ended.

We revisit Nitro when Flair returned to WCW to a raucous ovation. Three and half minutes later, we return to Boston.

Match 2: Wrath versus Nick Dinsmore


  • You might recognize Dinsmore as he would transform into Eugene later in his career.
  • As Wrath tossed him across the ring, he reversed an Irish whip and leapfrogged him.
  • Dinsmore dropkicked Wrath to ZERO effect.
  • When Wrath evaded a second attempt, he fed Dinsmore a belly-to-back suplex.
  • He gave Dinsmore a cross corner whip followed by a shoulder block.
  • After he dealt Dinsmore a Meltdown, Wrath pinned him at 2:11.


Rating: DUD

Summary:  Showcase match for Wrath.

Video airs featuring Goldberg and his upcoming World title defense against DDP.

Match 3: Rick Steiner versus Rick Fuller


  • This match will be Rick’s first full match since April. BPP may have claimed to be injured, but Rick was the one truly suffering.
  • When Fuller leaped, Rick dumped him.
  • He mounted the top turnbuckle and annihilated Fuller with a Steiner bulldog.
  • 1-2-3.
  • Rick won at 0:59.


Rating: ½*

Summary:  OK, I didn’t say LONG full match. Nevertheless, it’s a showcase match as Rick made quick work of Fuller.

After the match, Rick grabs the microphone and cuts a promo on BPP. Chucky laughs following his promo.

Hogan stomps with a purpose to the ring alongside Bischoff, Stevie Ray, and Vincent. As he calls out Warrior again, the lights dim, and Warrior answers the call. He tells Hogan to follow him backstage, and Hogan finds an oWn symbol on the wall next to a mirror. Frustrated, Hogan tosses a chair at the mirror which doesn’t break.

He walks a little further and finds Disciple OUT COLD on the bathroom floor. Methinks Jose Cuervo had something to do with it. Nonetheless, the bathroom fills up with smoke, dissipates, and Disciple vanishes again.

We revisit last week when the Flock disbanded thanks to Saturn’s coaching.

Prior to the next match, Kanyon grabs the microphone and introduces Raven who declares “loyalty is dead.” He pounds V with the microphone in disgust.

Match 4: Raven & Kanyon versus Los Villanos


  • This match had some infamy to it.
  • As Kanyon tagged in, he and Raven attempted to feed IV a powerbomb/neckbreaker combo.
  • They completely mistimed the maneuver, and IV landed neck-first. OUCH!
  • When referee Nick Patrick noticed that IV could not continue, he called for the bell.
  • Raven and Kanyon won at 0:45.


Rating: NONE

Summary:  Too short to rate due to the serious injury.

Following the match, V more than likely doesn’t understand and nails both Kanyon and Raven. Kanyon disposes of V and assists Raven with the fallen IV. In an unfathomable breach of kayfabe, Raven holds IV’s head still while EMTs are on the way. Trainer Danny Young slides into the ring to check on IV while Kanyon and Raven exit. Not to make light of an injury, but Zbyszko describes the situation as “they broke him.” With assistance, IV walks back to the dressing room.

Earlier today, Disco tried to make weight to challenge Kidman for the Cruiserweight title but is over the limit. He had two hours to sweat the weight off in the gym. He’ll need to do more than dance.

HOUR #2!

Sans entrance music, Wright marches to the ring with a microphone. He begins speaking in German yet insults Americans for only speaking one language. Expressing his displeasure with just about everything, Wright calls out DDP. The Boston faithful showers him with a “U-S-A” chant, but Wright challenges DDP.

Match 5: Diamond Dallas Page versus Alex Wright


  • Wright ambushed him when DDP hit the ring, gave him a cross corner whip, and followed with a dropkick.
  • When he mounted the top turnbuckle, Wright scored with a missile dropkick.
  • DDP reversed a cross corner whip, and Wright took a sternum-first bump.
  • As Wright escaped a belly-to-back suplex, DDP flattened him with a Diamond Cutter.
  • 1-2-3.
  • DDP won at 1:28.


Rating: *

Summary:  Wright had a chance…until he didn’t.

Afterward, “Mean” Gene Okerlund joins DDP in the ring. DDP acknowledges the Boston faithful’s chant of “Gold-berg” and contrasts the paths each took to their PPV encounter. To describe the upcoming match, DDP calls it a “bumpy ride.”

Tony shills the Nitro Party contest and mentions that the winners are from Superior, WI but forgot to include their names. Oops. Their video follows.

In the ring, the Nitro Girls dance in purple.

TV Rating: 3.8

We revisit last week when security not only removed Miller from the ring but also sent him downtown.

Just as the bell rings, Miller takes the microphone and offers Lane a chance to bow out. Lane decides to leave, but Miller stops him. As he shakes Lane’s hand, Miller decimates him with a thrust kick.

Match 6: Ernest “The Cat” Miller versus Lenny Lane


  • Who thought this match was a good idea in hour 2? Isn’t DX on the other channel?
  • Miller continued to crow on the microphone, so Lane rolled him up.
  • Do we have an upset?
  • 1-2-NO!
  • Miller annihilated Lane with another thrust kick, but an “inebriated” Hall emerged through the entrance.
  • As Dusty Rhodes marched toward the ring, he yanked Hall down from the apron.
  • Hall stumbled as he fell to the floor, so Rhodes helped him up and chastised him about his choices.
  • When Rhodes assisted Hall backstage, Miller gave Lane a cross corner whip which resulted in a sternum-first bump.
  • Miller flattened him with a spin kick and pinned Lane at 2:44.


Rating: DUD

Summary:  More angle than match with the tipsy Hall stuff.

After the match, Miller grabs the microphone and touts himself as the “greatest” again. Meanwhile, Snickers sponsors the replay.

Back at the gym, Disco continues to work out, gets on the scale, and makes weight.

TV Rating: 3.5

Chucky laughs again.

We revisit the PPV when Jericho lost his way before heading to the ring. He also beat a Goldberg imposter.

On Backstage Blast, Jericho claims to be the “unified” champion. Oh, brother.

Match 7: Saturn versus “Lightning Foot” Jerry Flynn


  • Seriously? Another enhancement match?
  • At least WCW was smart to give Saturn a match in his hometown, and he received a big ovation.
  • Flynn reversed an Irish whip, but Saturn fed him an inverted atomic drop.
  • When he dealt Flynn a springboard flying forearm, Saturn got 1.
  • Flynn reversed another Irish whip, but Saturn delivered a Thesz press.
  • As Flynn applied a leg bar, Saturn made the ropes to escape.
  • He unleashed a series of kicks in the corner, gave Flynn a cross corner whip, and destroyed him with a thrust kick.
  • After Saturn commandeered ring announcer David Penzer’s table, Flynn caught him with a pair of kicks.
  • Flynn connected with a plancha, returned Saturn to the ring, and clotheslined him. Concurrently, Saturn celebrated with a 360°. Woohoo!
  • While Saturn reversed an Irish whip, he hit an overhead belly-to-belly suplex with a bridge for 2.
  • Flynn responded with a knee drop and applied a cross-arm breaker.
  • Making the ropes, Saturn hooked a head-and-arm suplex followed by a clothesline.
  • Another overhead belly-to-belly suplex by Saturn got the Boston faithful going, but Flynn’s trick knee put a stop to Saturn’s momentum.
  • Sending Saturn to the floor, Flynn launched a double axe handle.
  • He positioned Saturn against the ring post but mistakenly KICKED THE RING POST.
  • Although Flynn placed him on the table, Saturn got up instantly to brawl with him.
  • Flynn tried again to level Saturn against the ring post but KICKED THE RING POST.
  • Making Flynn HIT THE POLE, Saturn placed him on the table.
  • He mounted the top turnbuckle and splashed Flynn through the table. E-C-W! E-C-W! E-C-W!
  • Back in the ring, Saturn finished Flynn with a Death Valley Driver.
  • 1-2-3.
  • Saturn won at 6:06.


Rating: ***

Summary:  Elongated showcase match for Saturn.

TV Rating: 3.7

Silly promo airs for the Monday Night Jericho t-shirt.

Big Poppa Pump and Buff Bagwell approach the ring, and BPP mocks Red Sox fans with a Bill Buckner reference. As the Boston faithful chants “Gold-berg,” BPP wants to know where Bret stands and calls him out. Limping to the ring, Bret joins them but gets beaten up. Sting sprints to the ring to a huge ovation and chases BPP and Bagwell off. With Bagwell and BPP’s backs facing the entrance, Rick hammers his younger brother and chases them backstage.

We revisit last week when Kidman captured the Cruiserweight title.

Match 8 for the WCW Cruiserweight title: Kidman (champion) versus Disco Inferno


  • A weary Disco turned to face him, but Kidman met him with a dropkick for 2.
  • As he connected with a springboard leg drop, Kidman got another 2.
  • He gave Disco a cross corner whip that resulted in a sternum-first bump, clotheslined him, but couldn’t get 3.
  • When Kidman leapfrogged him, Disco ran out of gas running the ropes.
  • Disco sought refuge outside the ring, but Kidman fed him a plancha.
  • After returning Disco to the ring, Kidman dealt him a flying headscissors for 2.
  • He delivered a knee to the midsection, slammed Disco, and landed a flying leg drop for another 2.
  • While he gave Disco another cross corner whip, Kidman ate boot on his follow-through.
  • Following a commercial break, Kidman mounted the top turnbuckle and splashed Disco for yet another 2.
  • At the entrance, a sullen Lodi carried a sign reading “Lodi’s lost without Raven.”
  • With the power of signage, Lodi tried to recruit Kidman to find Raven.
  • Disco took advantage of a distracted Kidman by piledriving him.
  • Do we have a new champion?
  • 1-2-NO!
  • Disco slammed Kidman and followed with a fist drop for 2.
  • Mounting the second turnbuckle, Disco missed a flying knee drop.
  • Kidman climbed the turnbuckles and scored with a bulldog for 2.
  • Rebounding with a swinging neckbreaker, Disco almost got 3.
  • Disco tried to powerbomb him, but Kidman countered with a face plant for 2.
  • Reversing an Irish whip, Disco stymied Kidman with an inverted atomic drop.
  • Kidman responded with a spinebuster, mounted the top turnbuckle, and uncorked a Shooting Star Press.
  • 1-2-3.
  • Kidman retained at 8:17 shown.


Rating: ***

Summary:  This was much better than anticipated. I give Kidman a lot of respect, and Disco deserves some kudos as well.

Once again, Chucky laughs while Schiavone shills the Nitro Party contest.

Nitro Girls dance at the entrance wearing leather, and Tygress performs a solo.

TV Rating: 3.7

HOUR #3!

Prior to the next match, Konnan recites his catchphrases. Chavo gets his chance and wants to join the Wolfpack. Shaking his head, Konnan denies his request, but Chavo wants to speak to Nash. Chavo pushes him, so Konnan mows him down with a clothesline.

Match 9: Konnan versus Chavo Guerrero, Jr.


  • Konnan waffled Chavo with a somersault clothesline followed by a seated dropkick.
  • When Chavo sought refuge on the floor, he embraced Pepe, his hobby horse.
  • Konnan hip-tossed him, but Chavo slid between his legs and dropkicked the knee.
  • As he fed Konnan an elbow drop, Chavo followed with a leg drop.
  • He dealt Konnan another elbow drop and stopped to ride Pepe around the ring.
  • After Konnan reversed an Irish whip, he flapjacked Chavo.
  • Speaking of Chavo, he reversed a cross corner whip, but Konnan vaulted him face-first into the top turnbuckle.
  • While he clotheslined Chavo, Konnan applied a seated abdominal stretch.
  • Chavo gave Konnan a cross corner whip followed by a flying forearm.
  • Dropkicking Konnan, Chavo got 2.
  • Konnan hooked a sunset flip, but Nitro took a commercial break.
  • Connecting with a spinning heel kick, Chavo gave Konnan a cross corner whip but came up empty on his follow-through.
  • Konnan joined Chavo on the floor and sent him reeling into the steel railing.
  • Nailing Chavo with a steel chair, Konnan rammed him head-first into the steps.
  • Konnan blocked a clothesline and bulldogged Chavo for 2.
  • Leapfrogging Chavo, Konnan hit a thrust kick followed by a face plant for another 2.
  • Konnan destroyed Chavo with a 187 and secured a Tequila Sunrise.
  • Upon Chavo’s submission, Konnan won at 8:31 shown.


Rating: **

Summary:  Quite a bit disjointed and lacking fluidity. Chavo’s lack of charisma couldn’t keep the Boston faithful’s attention, and it showed.

We revisit last week when Bischoff told Eddie to hit the road to the Land of the Rising Sun.

TV Rating: 3.3

Promo airs for the Malenko t-shirt.

Bischoff and Elizabeth approach the ring, and Bischoff crows about his success. When he mocks the Four Horsemen, Bischoff states that Ric Flair won’t be here tonight. He also mentions the result of the arm-wrestling contest and vows to prevent Flair from wrestling again. Bret remains a babyface and gets support from Sting against BPP and Bagwell.

Suddenly, the Four Horsemen emerge and try to join Bischoff in the ring. However, WCW security stops them. After Bischoff mocks Charlotte, NC where both Flair and Doug Dellinger reside, Dellinger allows the Horsemen down the aisle to the ring.

Flair grabs the microphone amid a tremendous ovation from the Boston faithful. As he notes multiple lies by Bischoff, Flair lists the Horsemen off one-by-one before accusing him again of “abuse of power.” Bischoff baits Flair to punch him, but Flair says “I want it, and she wants Space Mountain, but it ain’t gonna happen tonight.”

Next, Flair argues with Bischoff about taking Reid, his ten-year-old son, to a wrestling tournament. When he mimics Bischoff about going to Tallahassee, Flair tells him to “suck it.” HA! He continues by stating that he learned about getting fired from his next-door neighbor. Disputing his age, he declares “Flair’s too good, not too old.” Tell ‘I’m, Naitch!

Flair advises Bischoff that he’s “sitting on a big contract because of guys like (the Four Horsemen).” Upon saying that when he helped to sell out shows around the world, Flair stated that Bischoff was “buying his first condom.” HA!

Flair adds “Space Mountain—the oldest ride in the park…it’s still got the longest line.” Of course, he thrusts his hips at Elizabeth. Wooo! Bischoff tries to put Hogan on a higher pedestal than him, but Flair chastises Hogan’s practice of wrestling prior to intermission. The Horsemen flash the four fingers in Bischoff’s face to close out the segment.

POINT OF ORDER: Although not historical whatsoever, it’s a meaningful promo that shows that Flair is still over no matter where Nitro emanates. Bischoff just needs to step aside and let the big boys play.

TV Rating: 4.2

Promo airs for WCW Halloween Havoc ’98. It will be LIVE on PPV on 10/25. Order NOW!

Prior to the main event, Nash grabs the microphone and recites his catchphrase.

Match 10: Kevin Nash & the “Total Package” Lex Luger versus Scott Hall Giant & Stevie Ray


  • Buffer rambled and rumbled.
  • As the match began, Hall joined the broadcast table.
  • Hall stated that he’s tired of carrying Nash and headed to the ring.
  • In the meantime, Stevie Ray slammed Luger but missed an elbow drop.
  • Luger clotheslined Stevie Ray while Hall climbed into the ring.
  • When referee Nick Patrick intervened, Hall flung him out of the ring.
  • Nash tagged in, but Hall tried yet failed to land a punch.
  • After Nash knelt down to check on Hall, Giant stormed in and fed him a double axe handle.
  • Luger tried to get involved, but Stevie Ray yanked him out of the ring.
  • While Luger made Stevie Ray HIT THE POLE, Giant landed an elbow drop onto Nash.
  • The Boston faithful chanted “Gold-berg,” and Luger brought a steel chair into the ring.
  • Challenging Nash to a fight, Hall charged, but Nash easily tossed him over the top rope to the floor.
  • Giant and Stevie Ray ushered Hall backstage, and Nash grabbed the microphone.
  • Getting Hall’s attention, Nash stated he “just lost his best friend, ‘cuz (he doesn’t) know who you are anymore.”
  • Nash challenged Hall to a match at the PPV and promised to appear.
  • No match.


Rating: NONE

Summary:  More angle than match as the Nash-Hall match was promoted.

Before the show leaves the air, Hogan and Bischoff march to the ring. Hogan calls out Warrior, and Warrior emerges. As Disciple stands beside Warrior, he turns his back to reveal an oWn vest. A bewildered Hogan stands astonished to close out the show.

TV Rating: 4.16

Conclusion:  In case you’re wondering, Goldberg did not appear because the show fell on Rosh Hashana.

Lots of angle development happening as the Hogan-Warrior saga adds a meaningful chapter. In addition, Nash and Hall will square off at the PPV. Flair and Bischoff debated about Flair’s future which looks promising. Moreover, DDP not only beat Wright but also promoted his upcoming match with Goldberg. Ultimately, the only worthwhile match on the entire show was Kidman versus Disco. While that might seem like a lot, the show could have been much better.

Also, since RAW was taped, I believe WCW blew it. More on this in my illustrious Who won? piece.

So…what’s on RAW is WAR?

Final TV Rating: 3.9

Stay tuned for RAW Is WAR 09-21-98!

Comments? Suggestions? Send them to me at rsg@rockstargary.com and follow me on Twitter (@rockstargary202).