World Class Wrestling Association March 21, 1987

Taped from Dallas, TX

Airdate: March 21, 1987 (taped 03/06)

Attendance: unknown

Hosted by Bill Mercer

Can Jack survive against Swenson? How will Kevin fare against Borne? How’s Lance? What’s on Black Bart’s mind? Plus, the Fantastics, Rock’n’Roll RPMs, Madril, and more!

Opening montage.

Match 1: Al Madril versus Scott Casey


  • According to Mercer, Scott’s brother Steve, who wrestled Black Bart back on 2/20, sustained a broken leg.
  • Madril gave him a cross corner whip, but Scott blocked a hip toss and fed him one of his own.
  • When Scott leapfrogged him, he shoulder-blocked Madril for 2.
  • Madril rebounded by popping Scott and tossing him down to the blue floor.
  • As Scott dealt Madril a knee drop, he got 2.
  • Madril responded with another pop while Mercer announced the impending arrival of Eli the Eliminator. Who?
  • After Madril gave Scott a cross corner whip, he came up empty on his follow-through.
  • Scott delivered another shoulder block that positioned Madril against the ropes.
  • While Scott charged him, Madril backdropped him over the top rope down to the blue floor.
  • Referee Rick Hazzard acknowledged the heinous move and disqualified Madril.
  • As a result, Scott won by DQ at 5:19.


Rating: *

Summary: This one never got going which is a crying shame.

After the match, Scott returns to the ring and pounds Madril until he spills from the ring. A saddle gets launched into the ring, and Black Bart along with Percy Pringle follows. As he grabs the microphone, Black Bart refers to Scott as a “drugstore cowboy.” Them’s fightin’ words!

Nevertheless, Black Bart threatens to injure more family members to force Scott into the ring. He challenges Scott to a “drugstore cowboy” match which he helpfully explains:

“You strap a saddle around the loser, and the winner gets to ride him around this dadgum ring.”

Match 2 (non-title): WCWA World tag team champions The Fantastics versus Bob “The Cat” Bradley & Jack Victory


  • For those unaware, the Fantastics defeated Al Madril & Brian Adias on March 4 in Lubbock, TX.
  • Rogers tagged in and leapfrogged onto the outstretched left arm of Bradley thanks to Fulton.
  • As he dropkicked Bradley, Rogers fed an incoming Victory some of the same medicine.
  • Rogers scored with a cross body block and got 2.
  • When Fulton tagged in, he mounted the second turnbuckle and lowered the boom onto Bradley.
  • Victory tagged in and gave Fulton a cross corner whip.
  • After Fulton dealt him a flying headscissors, he dropkicked Victory.
  • Bradley stuck his nose where it didn’t belong and ate one too.
  • While Rogers jumped into the ring, he sent Victory reeling with a dropkick of his own.
  • Rogers tagged in and dropkicked Victory again.
  • Trying to interfere, Bradley mounted the ropes off-camera, but Fulton, also off-camera, shook them crashing him down to the mat.
  • Victory hip-tossed him, but Rogers leapfrogged him before unleashing a hip toss of his own for 2.
  • Since tags were exchanged on both sides, Fulton gnawed on Bradley’s hand. How ironic!
  • Victory tagged in and distracted referee Bronko Lubich. That enabled Bradley to put a knee into Fulton’s back. SNEAKY!
  • Baiting Rogers into the ring to further distract Lubich, the heels double-teamed Fulton in their corner. How dastardly!
  • Bradley tagged in, delivered a shoulder breaker, and followed with a splash for 2.
  • Inadvertently colliding with Lubich, Bradley connected with a flying shoulder block to Fulton but missed a diving head butt.
  • Rogers tagged in and pinballed Victory off Bradley.
  • With all four wrestlers in the ring, the heels attempted to ram the Fantastics together.
  • Instead, Rogers leapfrogged his partner, and Fulton hit an atomic drop to Bradley.
  • The Fantastics double-dropkicked Victory from the ring, and Fulton slammed Bradley.
  • Jumping over both Fulton and Bradley, Rogers hooked a sunset flip.
  • 1-2-3.
  • Fantastics won at 8:41.


Rating: ***

Summary: Showcase match for the Fantastics who are never boring.

POINT OF ORDER: Victory used to have the moniker “Heartthrob of New Jersey,” but methinks WCCW doesn’t recall that as ring announcer Marc Lowrance introduced him from Hollywood, CA. Knowing how shady Victory is, he probably sold that moniker to Bon Jovi for a pretty penny.

At ringside, Mercer interviews Gary Hart alongside Nord the Barbarian. Hart acknowledges Nord and Bruiser Brody’s time in the AWA and calls him a threat to the World title. As Nord gets his turn, he yells at “Red River Brody.” He refers to Kevin and Mike as “itsy and bitsy.”

Abruptly, Lance interrupts the interview, but Hart basically informs him of his rudeness. Lance walks away, but Nord attacks him from behind. Upon making Lance HIT THE POLE, Nord brawls with him until Hazzard separates them. While Hart yaps, Hazzard and David Manning restrain a significantly agitated Lance.

Match 3 (non-title): WCWA World champion Kevin Von Erich versus “Maniac” Matt Borne (w/ Percy Pringle)


  • Borne gave Kevin a cross corner whip but ate a mule kick on his follow-through.
  • When Kevin mounted the turnbuckles, he fed Borne a double axe handle.
  • He mounted the top turnbuckle and uncorked a missile dropkick.
  • As Mercer plugged Von Erichs: Front Row Ringside, Borne hip-tossed Kevin from the corner but missed an elbow drop.
  • Borne missed a second one, so Kevin dropkicked him.
  • After Kevin gave Borne a cross corner whip, he followed with a flying headscissors.
  • The Dallas faithful chanted “go, Kevin, go,” so their hero reversed an Irish whip and locked a body scissors onto Borne.
  • While Borne escaped, Kevin mounted the second turnbuckle, leaped, and applied an Iron claw.
  • Borne made the ropes, yet Pringle interjected himself with his cane.
  • Upon chasing Pringle back to his corner, Kevin returned to the apron.
  • Borne, on the other hand, suplexed him back into the ring and got 2.
  • Dealing Kevin a backbreaker, Borne got another 2.
  • Borne gave him a cross corner whip, but Kevin leaped to the top turnbuckle.
  • Soaring with a cross body block, Kevin pinned Borne at 6:29.


Rating: **½

Summary: Using an array of aerial maneuvers, the World champion was victorious.

Match 4: The Rock’n’Roll RPMs versus Steve Doll & Dusty Wolfe


  • Before the bell, the RPMs ambushed Wolfe and Doll.
  • Lane tagged in, and the RPMs fed Wolfe a double back elbow.
  • As Lane slammed Wolfe, he followed with a fist drop.
  • Davis tagged in and dropkicked Wolfe for 2.
  • When Davis landed an axe handle, he got another 2.
  • He dealt Wolfe a knee lift but couldn’t get 3.
  • After Lane tagged in, he delivered a back elbow for yet another 2.
  • Davis tagged in and flattened Wolfe with an Axe.
  • While tags were exchanged on both sides, Doll dropkicked Lane.
  • He missed a second attempt, and Davis tagged in.
  • Mounting the second turnbuckle, Davis leaped, and the RPMs destroyed Doll with a modified Hart Attack.
  • 1-2-3.
  • RPMs won at 4:04.


Rating: *

Summary: Showcase match for the RPMs.

Match 5: Jeep Swenson (w/ Gary Hart) versus Red River Jack


  • Like Swenson’s previous contests, this had a 2-minute time limit.
  • Swenson clotheslined Jack and booted him down to the blue floor.
  • When Swenson tried to join him, Jack quickly returned to the ring and gained the upper hand.
  • With one minute left, Jack fed Swenson a big boot.
  • He exited the ring, grabbed a steel chair, mounted the top turnbuckle, and CROWNED Swenson with it.
  • As time wound down, Jack brawled with Swenson.
  • The time limit expired, and referee Rick Hazzard ruled the contest a time-limit draw.


Rating: ½*

Summary: The decision was rather obvious considering Swenson’s opponent.

Following the match, Jack tries to grab the chair, but Hazzard stops him. Swenson hammers Jack, and they brawl some more. While Hazzard attempts to intervene, Swenson shoves him aside. Bodies flood the ring to separate the behemoths but to no avail.

Conclusion:  I can foresee a decent big man match between Jack and Swenson. Also, Kevin shines in his triumph over Borne. Nord picks a fight with Lance, but can he win? Nonetheless, Black Bart wants another piece of Casey, but who will get humiliated? Both the Fantastics and RPMs won their matches in an episode I’m sure everyone would enjoy.

Next week, the REMATCH between Adias and Mike!

TV Rating: NONE

Stay tuned for WCCW 03-28-87!

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