World Class Wrestling Association March 14, 1987

Taped from Dallas, TX

Airdate: March 14, 1987 (taped 03/06)

Attendance: unknown

Hosted by Bill Mercer

Will Nord the Barbarian pillage WCCW in his debut? How will Lance and Mike fare with Adias opposing them? Warrior, Red River Jack, and Jeep Swenson are all here too. Since a mercenary and a barbarian have invaded Dallas, what chaos are we in for?

Opening montage.

Match 1: Red River Jack & Dingo Warrior versus Bob “The Cat” Bradley & the Grappler


  • Warrior hooked a hammerlock and dropped Grappler on his affected arm. Psychology by Warrior? What drugs were they passing around back in the locker room?
  • When tags were exchanged on both sides, Jack booted down Bradley.
  • He slammed Bradley and got 2.
  • As Warrior tagged in, he military-press-slammed Bradley.
  • Bradley bowled over a back drop attempt by Warrior and landed a diving head butt.
  • After he fed Warrior a leg drop, Bradley tagged out.
  • Grappler dealt him a back elbow, but Warrior rebounded with a double noggin knocker to the heels.
  • While Jack distracted referee Ralph Pulley, Bradley illegally switched with Grappler. SNEAKY!
  • Warrior thwarted a back drop attempt with a FIELD GOAL down in southeast DC to Bradley. Methinks the Commanders became jealous.
  • Tagging in, Jack punted Bradley and got 2.
  • With tags being exchanged on both sides again, Warrior delivered a big boot to Grappler.
  • Bradley tagged in while the Dallas faithful chanted “Din- go.”
  • Ducking a clothesline, Warrior demolished Bradley with one of his own.
  • Jack tagged in and flattened Bradley with a big boot.
  • Slamming Bradley, Jack mounted the second turnbuckle and launched a flying knee drop.
  • 1-2-3.
  • Jack and Warrior won at 5:53.


Rating: **

Summary: Warrior’s selling was A LOT better in this match than last week’s effort. In a fascinating twist, the Grappler did NOT eat the pin. He must have paid his phone bill.

Match 2 (handicap): Jeep Swenson (w/ Gary Hart) versus Dusty Wolfe & Jeff Raitz


  • Again, this was a challenge, but Swenson in this instance must defeat both wrestlers within two minutes.
  • Raitz charged but ate a back elbow.
  • As Swenson destroyed him with a shot to the top of the head, he pinned Raitz at 0:30.
  • OK, but he can’t destroy Wolfe that quickly. Can he?
  • Wolfe mounted the second turnbuckle, leaped, but Swenson caught and dropped him like a bad habit.
  • When he fed Wolfe a short-arm clothesline, Swenson pinned him at 0:57.


Rating: DUD

Summary: Showcase match for Swenson.

At ringside, Mercer interviews Jack and Warrior, and the latter appreciates the former as his partner. An unselfish Warrior? Who is this guy? Nevertheless, he cuts a promo on Hart while Jack sounds A LOT like Bruiser Brody. Vehemently, he states he’ll accept Hart’s two-minute challenge against Swenson NEXT WEEK.

In the lobby of Truett Hospital in Dallas, Mercer mentions that orthopedic surgeon Dr. Adrian Flatt constructed hand exhibits of both surgeons as well as rather famous people. The latest exhibit is a bronzed replica of Fritz’s hands. As Mercer interviews him, Dr. Flatt describes the process of creating the exhibit with video of Fritz’s involvement.

Besides Fritz’s exhibit, other exhibits contain notable names such as Paul Newman, Wilt Chamberlain, Arnold Palmer, and Roger Staubach. That doctor sure seems like a sharp guy. Nonetheless, Mercer interviews Fritz who touts Baylor Medical Center for what they’ve done for both Mike and Kerry. He’s “very flattered” to have his hands immortalized at Truett Hospital. Hopefully, Flatt’s hands help to revive Kerry’s career.

Match 3: Tony Atlas versus Black Bart (w/ Percy Pringle)


  • It wouldn’t be an Atlas match without a criss-cross, and this one doesn’t disappoint.
  • When Atlas hip-tossed him, Mercer mentioned that Kevin regained the $30,000 purse he won from Al Madril back on 2/2. But where’s the video evidence?
  • Atlas reversed a cross corner whip and backdropped Black Bart.
  • As a frustrated Black Bart tossed a steel chair into the ring, Atlas set it up and took a seat. HA!
  • Black Bart rebounded with a running guillotine followed by a swinging neckbreaker.
  • After Black Bart mistakenly rammed him into the top turnbuckle, Atlas made him pay with a head butt.
  • Atlas dropkicked Black Bart and got 2.
  • While Black Bart fed Atlas a leg drop, he got 2.
  • Black Bart dealt him a knee to the midsection, but Atlas responded with a head butt from the second rope.
  • Inadvertently, Pringle tossed the branding iron into the ring at him, and Atlas caught it.
  • Atlas unceremoniously brought Pringle into the ring and branded him much to the delight of the Dallas faithful.
  • For understandable reasons, referee Bronko Lubich called for the bell.
  • For completely unintelligible reasons, Lubich awarded the bout to Black Bart at 7:41.

Rating: **

Summary: When the match began, I wondered why Pringle seconded Black Bart. I no longer wonder.

Match 4: Lance & Mike Von Erich versus Brian Adias & “Killer” Tim Brooks


  • Adias tagged in and slammed Mike.
  • As Mike hooked a sunset flip, he got 2.
  • Brooks tagged in, but Mike trapped him in a sleeper.
  • When Brooks escaped, he slammed Mike.
  • Adias tagged in and connected with a back elbow.
  • After he suplexed Mike, Adias missed a knee drop.
  • Lance tagged in, mounted the top turnbuckle, and lowered the boom onto Adias.
  • While Adias gave Lance a cross corner whip, he came up empty on his follow-through.
  • Tags were exchanged on both sides, and Mike climbed the ropes to lower some boom onto Brooks.
  • Hip-tossing Brooks, Mike ate a backbreaker.
  • Adias tagged in and clotheslined Mike for 2.
  • Placing a knee into the midsection, Adias tagged out.
  • Brooks and Adias fed Mike a double boot to the midsection, but Mike gave Brooks a cross corner whip that made him HIT THE POLE.
  • Tagging in, Lance dropkicked Brooks, hooked a sunset flip, and pinned Brooks at 6:18.


Rating: **

Summary: Not a real barnburner between the Von Erichs and Adias in this match, but what happens following it?

Mike and Adias brawl on the blue floor, but Adias takes him into the ring to get double-teamed. He slaps the BEJEEZUS out of Mike, and the heels attempt a double suplex. On the other hand, Lance catches Mike, and the Von Erichs send the heels reeling and the Dallas faithful into a state of euphoria.

Match 5: Steve Simpson versus Nord the Barbarian (w/ Gary Hart)


  • Nord slammed Simpson and followed with a vertical suplex.
  • When he guillotined Simpson with the top rope, Nord landed a knee drop for 2.
  • Simpson attempted a sunset flip but ate a knuckle sandwich.
  • As he fed Simpson a pair of leg drops to go with it, Nord sent him down to the blue floor.
  • He joined and made Simpson HIT THE POLE.
  • After he dealt Simpson a big boot, Nord blocked an O’Connor roll.
  • Simpson responded with two dropkicks, got reversed on an Irish whip, but ate another big boot.
  • While he applied a Canadian backbreaker, Nord won by submission at 3:51.


Rating: *

Summary: Dominating victory as you’d expect from a heel newcomer.

Conclusion:  Demonstratively, Nord attained victory in his debut. The Von Erichs triumphed, but the war with Adias isn’t over. Also, Jack challenged Swenson for next week so that Swenson doesn’t start receiving a pop for being undefeated. Fritz’s hands got immortalized at Truett Hospital probably due to a huge donation while Warrior must’ve snuck in to snag some stuff to “enhance” his performance this week.

Next week, Jack battles Swenson, and Kevin faces Borne.

TV Rating: NONE

Stay tuned for WCCW 03-21-87!

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