World Class Wrestling Association February 28, 1987

Taped from Dallas, TX

Airdate: February 28, 1987 (taped 02/20)

Attendance: unknown

Hosted by Bill Mercer

Can Mike get the better of Adias? Who makes a big return to the WCWA? Are you starving for some awesome ‘rasslin’? Come on in!

Opening montage.

Match 1: “Maniac” Matt Borne (w/ Percy Pringle) versus Jeff Raitz


  • Raitz reversed a cross corner whip but ate boot on his follow-through.
  • When Raitz ducked a clothesline, he fed Borne a cross body block.
  • Borne landed an elbow drop and got 2.
  • As the sparse crowd chanted “go, Jeff, go,” their hero fucked up an Irish whip but hip-tossed Borne for 2 nevertheless.
  • Mercer warned that Gary Hart was deploying Jeep Swenson for “mercenary services” against Red River Jack.
  • After Borne countered a side head lock takedown with a belly-to-back suplex, he dealt Raitz another pair of elbow drops for 2.
  • Raitz reversed another cross corner whip and backdropped Borne.
  • While he scored with a pair of leg drops, Raitz suplexed Borne for 2.
  • Borne reversed a cross corner whip and delivered a belly-to-belly suplex.
  • 1-2-3.
  • Borne won at 5:32.


Rating: **

Summary: Showcase match for Borne.

Match 2: Red River Jack & Scott Casey versus Jack Victory & “Killer” Tim Brooks


  • Yea! Victory’s back in WCCW! He’d spent the last year in the UWF and sported a two-tone hairstyle.
  • Casey tagged in, mounted the second turnbuckle, and lowered the boom onto Brooks.
  • As Victory tagged in, Casey hooked an inside cradle for 2.
  • Jack tagged in and dumped Brooks down to the blue floor.
  • When Casey slammed Victory, Jack fed Victory a big boot.
  • He slammed Victory and got 1.
  • After the heels illegally switched, Casey tagged in legally and dealt Brooks a high knee.
  • He suplexed Brooks for 2.
  • While Mercer continued to discuss Swenson, the latter organized a challenge that he’d beat anyone “within two minutes.” He’d also keep the challenge going until he faced Jack.
  • All four wrestlers were in the ring, and the heels got rammed together.
  • Once Jack booted Victory over the top rope to the blue floor, Casey slammed Brooks.
  • Jack vaulted Casey atop Brooks, and Casey pinned Brooks at 6:02.


Rating: **½

Summary: Casey and Jack make a formidable team, and it’s great to see Victory back.

Look who’s back too! At ringside, Mercer interviews the Fantastics. Fulton wants a chance to win the World tag team titles while Rogers is ready to kiss all the pretty girls. As Mercer mentions the Rock’n’Roll RPMs, both Fulton and Rogers want them to “sign on the dotted line.”

Match 3: Al Madril versus Steve Doll


  • Doll leapfrogged Madril and followed with a dropkick.
  • When Doll fed him another one, Madril flew between the ropes to the blue floor.
  • Madril returned and popped Doll like a pimple.
  • As Doll reversed a cross corner whip, he hip-tossed Madril.
  • Madril popped Doll again and tossed him down to the blue floor.
  • After he joined Doll, Madril popped him once again.
  • Madril made Doll HIT THE POLE and guillotined him with the top rope.
  • While Madril clotheslined him, Doll rebounded with a back drop.
  • Madril reversed an Irish whip and backdropped Doll.
  • Upon hooking an abdominal stretch, Madril cinched it in tightly.
  • Doll submitted; thus, Madril won at 5:25.


Rating: *

Summary: Showcase match for Madril.

Match 4: The Fantastics versus the Grappler & Dusty Wolfe


  • For those unaware, Wolfe previously appeared in Central States before joining WCCW.
  • Rogers tagged in while Fulton slammed Grappler.
  • As he mounted the top turnbuckle, Rogers lowered the boom onto Grappler.
  • Wolfe interjected himself but got served a knuckle sandwich.
  • When tags were exchanged on both sides, Fulton whipped Wolfe into a Rogers hip toss.
  • Grappler distracted referee Ralph Pulley allowing the Fantastics to switch illegally.
  • After another distraction by Grappler, the Fantastics did it again much to the delight of the Dallas faithful.
  • Fulton played innocent and sat on a woman’s lap in the front row. HA!
  • While Fulton legally tagged in, the Fantastics continued to work on Wolfe’s arm.
  • Grappler interjected allowing Wolfe to gain the advantage.
  • Tagging in, Grappler backdropped Fulton for 2.
  • He guillotined Fulton with the top rope and followed with a knee lift.
  • Rejoining the match, Wolfe attempted a back drop but ate a knee lift.
  • Hot tag Rogers.
  • With all four wrestlers in the ring, the heels tried to ram the Fantastics together.
  • On the other hand, the Fantastics performed a do-si-do and dropkicked them.
  • The heels missed stereo elbow drops, but the Fantastics double-dropkicked Grappler.
  • Upon Fulton’s slam of Wolfe, Rogers mounted the top turnbuckle and launched a flying splash.
  • 1-2-3.
  • The Fantastics won at 5:25.


Rating: ***

Summary: Even within an enhancement match, the Fantastics proved just how awesome a team they were.

Match 5: Mike Von Erich versus Brian Adias (w/ Gary Hart)


  • At the bell, Mike dropkicked an unsuspecting Adias from behind.
  • 1-2-3.
  • Mike won in 0:07.


Rating: DUD

Summary: Shocking victory as Mike used the element of surprise to topple his nemesis.

After the match, Mike celebrates on his way back to the locker room while Adias and Hart are dumbfounded.

Since there’s more TV time remaining, we have a BONUS match!

Match 6: Bob “The Cat” Bradley versus Steve Simpson


  • Simpson hooked a body scissors, flipped Bradley over, and got 2.
  • As Bradley slammed him, he reversed an Irish whip and fed Simpson a back elbow.
  • Simpson leapfrogged Bradley and hooked a sunset flip.
  • 1-2-3.
  • Simpson won at 3:55.


Rating: **

Summary: Quick match since time was limited, yet Simpson used his agility and skills to achieve victory.

Conclusion: Mike’s extremely quick victory over Adias was a tremendous surprise on an action-packed episode. Returns by both Victory and the Fantastics truly enhanced the product while Mercer promised more incoming talent like Swenson and Nord the Barbarian. Simpson’s agility proved fruitful against Bradley while Madril and Borne won their matches.

Next week, Dingo Warrior battles Borne!

TV Rating: NONE

Stay tuned for WCCW 03-07-87!

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