WCW Fall Brawl ’98

Live from Winston-Salem, NC

Airdate: September 13, 1993

Attendance:  11,528 (sold out)

Hosted by Tony Schiavone, “Iron” Mike Tenay, & Bobby “The Brain” Heenan

Who will win WarGames to become the #1 contender for the World title? What happens when BPP faces his brother? Will Saturn be victorious and get the Flock disbanded or lose to become Raven’s indentured servant?

As the broadcast team welcomes us to the show, the Winston-Salem faithful LOUDLY chants “We Want Flair.” Considering what they witnessed last year at this time, I don’t blame them.

Earlier tonight, Miller was restrained by WCW Security. Perhaps he saw a mouse or a bird.

At the entrance, “Mean” Gene Okerlund runs down the card until Jericho interrupts him. Jericho badmouths Goldberg’s complaint regarding Jericho’s “backstage footage” from Thunder. Next, Jericho promises a “title versus title” match against Goldberg TONIGHT. You know, if everything plays out like it should, this show could be a barnburner.

Match 1: The Dancing Fools (w/ Tokyo Magnum) versus the “British Bulldog” Davey Boy Smith & Jim “The Anvil” Neidhart


  • This match took place in ring #1. Keep that in mind.
  • When both Wright and Smith were in the ring, the Winston-Salem faithful LOUDLY chanted “U-S-A” to piss off both of them. HA!
  • Smith hip-tossed Wright and followed with a gorilla press slam.
  • As tags were exchanged on both sides, Disco escaped a slam attempt and fed Neidhart a knee lift.
  • Smith illegally switched with Neidhart who convinced referee Billy Silverman otherwise.
  • After Wright put a knee into Smith’s back, he tagged in, gave Smith a cross corner whip, and followed with a monkey flip.
  • Smith, on the other hand, flipped out of the monkey flip but ate a spinning heel kick. Wright got 2.
  • While he gave Smith another cross corner whip, Wright ate a back elbow on his follow-through.
  • Smith clotheslined Wright but got punted.
  • Rejoining the match, Disco mounted the second turnbuckle and dealt Smith a flying elbow smash for 2.
  • Disco delivered an inverted atomic drop, but Smith launched him over the top rope to the floor.
  • Once Smith distracted Silverman, Neidhart trapped Disco on the steel railing and gave him the business. SNEAKY!
  • He sent Disco reeling oblique-first into the steel railing before returning him to the ring.
  • Planting a knee into Disco’s midsection, Smith subdued him.
  • Wright distracted Silverman so Neidhart jumped into the ring to double-team Disco. How dastardly!
  • Attempting a sunset flip, Smith yanked him back to his feet but got his foot stomped.
  • Smith reversed an Irish whip and hit a stungun. Unfortunately for Disco, it appeared he glanced the top rope and inhaled the second rope instead. Yikes!
  • Taking his turn, Neidhart rammed Disco into Smith’s boot and got 2.
  • The “We Want Flair” chants erupted again, and Smith tagged in.
  • Slamming Disco, Smith propelled Neidhart over the top rope, but Disco evaded him.
  • Ice cold tag Wright.
  • Mounting the top turnbuckle, Wright unleashed a missile dropkick.
  • Smith interjected but ate a dropkick.
  • Backdropping Smith, Wright slammed him. That back drop incidentally occurred on a steel trap door to be used later in the show. Eventually, it would lead to Smith’s exit from WCW for medical reasons as well as an unfortunate opiate addiction.
  • Neidhart took a cheap shot by nailing Wright from behind, and Smith primed for the running powerslam.
  • Instead, Disco yanked Wright off his shoulder, and the Dancing Fools double-clotheslined Smith.
  • Disco tagged in, but the Dancing Fools miscommunicated due to a Smith leapfrog.
  • Struggling to get him on his shoulder, Smith decimated Disco with a running powerslam.
  • 1-2-3.
  • Smith and Neidhart won at 11:54.


Rating: **½

Summary: Seriously? Smith and Neidhart had been jobbing left and right, and they pick up a PPV victory? Odd.

Backstage, Okerlund knocks on BPP’s dressing room door, and BPP answers albeit obnoxiously. He claims to be injured, and Bagwell provides a bogus medical exemption from their doctor—Cecil Schwartz. Remember the “right on” dude? Yeah, that guy. Regardless, JJ Dillon intercedes and confirms my assessment of their doctor’s note as “bogus.” Dillon brings up the stipulation that BPP must wrestle his brother tonight or be suspended from WCW “for life.” Let’s hope the match holds true.

Match 2 for both the WCW World title and World TV title: Goldberg versus Chris Jericho


  • Why would this be the second match from the bottom?
  • From backstage, Jericho and his personal security team meandered their way to the ring but almost ended up outside again.
  • Ultimately, he made his way to the ring although his pyro failed to ignite. Sounds like a personal problem.
  • Goldberg’s music played, the pyro ignited, and a Goldberg imposter emerged. Oh, brother.
  • According to Meltzer, the imposter was Johnny Attitude.
  • This “match” occurred in ring #2.
  • As Jericho clotheslined “Goldberg,” the Winston-Salem faithful cried “Bullshit!”
  • Jericho suplexed “Goldberg,” displayed an arrogant cover, and got 2.
  • When the Winston-Salem faithful chanted “Gold-berg,” the imposter speared Jericho.
  • Jericho bounced back with a big boot and applied a LionTamer.
  • After “Goldberg” tapped out, Jericho “retained” at 1:15.


Rating: -*

Summary:  Comedy or not, this was gross negligence purporting to be the real Goldberg. Bait-and-switch scumminess at its worst. C’mon, WCW!

At the wcw.com table, Lee Marshall interviews Rick who’s ready to teach BPP “a lesson.”

We revisit Thunder when Miller interrupted an interview with the Armstrongs. When he’s dismissed, Miller went on the attack. Smiley intervened, yet folks separated them immediately.

Prior to the next match, Miller grabs the microphone and warns Smiley. He gives Smiley five seconds to vacate the ring before “eating (him) alive.” Smiley, of course, does not comply.

Match 3: Ernest “The Cat” Miller versus Norman Smiley


  • This match occurred in ring #1.
  • When Miller reached the count of five, Smiley belted him.
  • He headbutted Miller and followed with a dropkick.
  • As referee Scott Dickinson distracted Smiley, Miller flattened Smiley with a crescent kick.
  • He rammed Smiley back-first into the steel railing as the majority of the Winston-Salem faithful sought popcorn.
  • After Smiley fed him a belly-to-back suplex, he landed a leg drop.
  • He nipped up and scored with an elbow drop for 2.
  • While he gave Miller a cross corner whip, Smiley got taken down with a double leg sweep.
  • Miller caught him with another crescent kick, but Smiley rebounded with a slam.
  • Hooking a delayed vertical suplex, Smiley got 2.
  • Smiley hoisted Miller atop the top turnbuckle, joined, but got shoved down to the mat.
  • Mounting the top turnbuckle, Miller stunned Smiley with a Feliner.
  • He gave Smiley a cross corner whip and demolished him with another Feliner.
  • 1-2-3.
  • Miller won at 5:05.


Rating: *

Summary:  While Miller’s martial arts allow him to control his opponent, it can only carry him so far. Let’s hope he improves while Smiley finds better competition.

After the match, Miller grabs the microphone and announces that he is “the greatest.” At what? Eating scattered, smothered, and covered at Waffle House?

Video airs the breakup of the Steiners followed by the transformation of Scott into BPP.

Match 4: Big Poppa Pump (w/ Buff Bagwell) versus the “Dog-Faced Gremlin” Rick Steiner


  • This match occurred in ring #2.
  • As the bell rang, a donnybrook took place.
  • BPP reversed an Irish whip, but Rick fed him a Steinerline.
  • When Rick dealt him an elbow drop, BPP took a respite on the floor.
  • Rick joined and made BPP taste the steel railing. It must have tasted like a Dirty South burger at Foothills Brewing.
  • After Rick attempted an overhead belly-to-belly suplex, BPP countered with his trick knee.
  • The match segued to the floor, and BPP rammed Rick face-first into the steps.
  • Next, he made Rick taste the steel railing. Waiter, could you give the scruffy eared wrestler a Shane-wich?
  • BPP delivered a Steinerline and attempted a double underhook maneuver.
  • While Rick escaped, he planted BPP with a DDT.
  • Rick mounted the second turnbuckle, but Bagwell jumped onto the apron.
  • Throttling Bagwell, Rick made him HIT THE POLE.
  • BPP tossed Rick down to the floor, joined, and made him HIT THE POLE.
  • With Bagwell laying limp in the corner, BPP ceased wrestling.
  • Referee Mark Curtis called for the EMTs, and the match ended without an outcome.


Rating: NONE

Summary: Bagwell had better be injured for real. If he’s goldbricking…

Afterward, WCW trainers stabilize Bagwell until EMTs place him on a board and then a gurney. They wheel him backstage as Eric Bischoff shows concern. After Bagwell’s wheeled into the ambulance, BPP joins him. They close the doors as Rick looks despondent having reinjured Bagwell. All of a sudden, they both exit the ambulance to attack Rick. Oh. My. God.

Bagwell’s not hurt as he and BPP double-team Rick until WCW Security arrives to chase them off. Got your scorecard ready? That’s bait-and-switch #2!

Match 5 for the WCW Cruiserweight title: Juventud Guerrera (champion) versus Silver King


  • This match occurred in ring #1.
  • When Guerrera escaped a vertical suplex attempt, Silver King fed him a dropkick.
  • Silver King leapfrogged him, but Guerrera caught him with a flying headscissors.
  • As they played cat-and-mouse in and out of the ring, Guerrera dealt Silver King a springboard flying headscissors.
  • He clotheslined Silver King and got 2.
  • After Silver King reversed an Irish whip, he vaulted and dropkicked Guerrera.
  • He delivered a helicopter into a guillotine on the top rope.
  • While he snapped Guerrera in two with a tilt-a-whirl backbreaker, Silver King got 2.
  • He hoisted Guerrera atop the top turnbuckle and crunched him with a muscle buster for another 2.
  • Dropkicking Guerrera to the floor, Silver King soared with a springboard tope. Woohoo!
  • Silver King backdropped him, attempted a powerbomb, but Guerrera countered with a huracanrana for 2.
  • Clotheslining Silver King, Guerrera smashed him with a ten-punch count-along.
  • He gave Silver King a cross corner whip, got vaulted to the apron, mounted the top turnbuckle, and launched a missile dropkick for 2.
  • Reversing an Irish whip, Silver King planted a superkick for 2.
  • He gave Guerrera a cross corner whip but came up empty on his follow-through.
  • With Silver King on the second turnbuckle, Guerrera joined and obliterated him with a reverse huracanrana for 2. Amazing!
  • Guerrera attempted a Juvi Driver, but Silver King countered with an inside cradle for 2.
  • Snap-suplexing Guerrera, Silver King mounted the second turnbuckle, attempted a springboard moonsault, but there wasn’t any water in the pool.
  • Guerrera connected with a Juvi Driver, mounted the top turnbuckle, and hit a 450°.
  • 1-2-3.
  • Guerrera retained at 8:38.


Rating: ***

Summary: Despite the apathy from the Winston-Salem faithful, the chemistry between these two allowed them to showcase a pretty darn good match. Let’s hope this momentum continues.

Back at the wcw.com table, Marshall interviews Konnan, but Hall interrupts. Oh boy. Hall has a beverage and slurs his insults in Konnan’s general direction. When Konnan stands up, Hall tosses his drink at him.

L-O-N-G video airs featuring the drama involving Raven, Saturn, Kanyon, and Lodi.

Match 6: Raven (w/ Lodi & Kanyon) versus Saturn


  • This match occurred in ring #2.
  • If Saturn wins, Raven must relinquish the Flock.
  • However, should Raven win, Saturn must become Raven’s indentured servant for the remainder of his career. Someone should notify Raven about the 14th
  • Also, Kanyon will be handcuffed to the ring much to his chagrin.
  • WCW Security Director Doug Dellinger handcuffed Kanyon to the ring post and gave the key to referee Mickey Jay.
  • As Raven grabbed the microphone, he vowed to sentence Saturn to permanent indentured servitude.
  • Saturn got his turn and informed Raven that despite the outcome he’ll maintain his integrity.
  • When Saturn grabbed him, Raven caught and guillotined him with the top rope for 2.
  • He gave Saturn a cross corner whip and followed with a full body shot to the midsection.
  • After Raven fed him a knee lift, Saturn rebounded with a series of kicks in the corner.
  • He gave Raven a cross corner whip and uncorked a thrust kick.
  • While he slammed Raven, Saturn got 2.
  • He dealt Raven an inverted atomic drop and springboard forearm smash for another 2.
  • Slamming Raven again, Saturn mounted the top turnbuckle, launched a flying splash, but couldn’t get 3.
  • Lodi distracted Saturn enabling Raven to attempt a suplex from the apron to the floor.
  • Blocking it, Saturn blasted Raven causing him to fly off the apron and taste the steel railing. It must have tasted like the Morning After burger at Small Batch.
  • Saturn delivered a plancha taking out not only Raven but also Lodi.
  • Tossing Raven back into the ring, Saturn got manhandled by Lodi, yanked, and tasted the steel railing himself. Waiter, could you give the bald, tattooed wrestler a Figgy Piggy burger?
  • Raven mounted the second turnbuckle and planted a flying elbow drop atop Saturn.
  • Mounting the adjacent second turnbuckle, Raven landed another flying elbow drop for 2.
  • Saturn reversed an Irish whip, but Raven hooked a sunset flip.
  • Escaping, Saturn rolled up Raven for 2.
  • Raven clotheslined Saturn and followed up with a sleeper.
  • Once again, Saturn escaped this time via a jawbreaker but couldn’t capitalize.
  • Raven earned another 2-count, but Saturn countered a snap mare with a backslide for 2.
  • Subduing Saturn with a pair of side-Russian leg sweeps, Raven got 2.
  • Saturn caught him down in south Philly, but Raven rebounded with another shot to the midsection.
  • Taking a chair from Kanyon, Raven set it up and annihilated Saturn with it via a drop toe hold.
  • Sick Boy and Horace brought a table to the ring and positioned it between the apron and the steel railing.
  • Since Jay was distracted, Kidman mounted the top turnbuckle but nailed Raven with a missile dropkick. WE HAVE A FACE TURN!
  • The Flock chased Kidman back to the locker room, and Saturn disintegrated Raven with a Death Valley Driver.
  • Due to Lodi’s distraction, Jay couldn’t make an immediate count, but upon doing so he only reached 2.
  • The Winston-Salem faithful chanted “Sat-urn,” and their hero flattened Raven with a T-bone suplex.
  • Clotheslining Raven, Saturn hooked an overhead belly-to-belly suplex followed by another slam.
  • Saturn connected with a springboard leg drop for another 2.
  • Decimating Raven with a Michinoku Driver, Saturn couldn’t get 3.
  • Raven played possum until he secured an inside cradle for 2.
  • Trapped in the Rings of Saturn, Raven didn’t submit because Lodi grabbed Saturn’s boot.
  • Raven summoned Lodi to the top turnbuckle and held back Saturn.
  • Using his trick knee, Saturn freed himself of Raven and crotched Lodi with a thrust kick.
  • Raven reversed a cross corner whip causing Saturn to sandwich Jay in the corner.
  • With Jay OUT COLD, Kanyon located the key and unlocked his handcuffs.
  • He jumped into the ring and destroyed Saturn with a Flatliner.
  • Placing Raven atop Saturn, Kanyon played dumb by returning to the corner, locking himself, and awakening Jay.
  • Will Kanyon’s chicanery pay off with a Raven victory here?
  • 1-2-NO!
  • Saturn hammered Raven’s eggs, placed Lodi upon his shoulders, and pulverized him with a Death Valley Driver through the table.
  • Upon Saturn’s return to the ring, Raven buried him with a DDT but somehow only got 2.
  • Saturn got to his feet and devastated Raven with a Death Valley Driver.
  • 1-2-3.
  • Saturn won at 14:04.


Rating: *****

Summary:  What a match! Great storytelling as Saturn went up against every obstacle Raven could throw at him and overcame all of it. Included within the story was Kidman’s face turn, but the match was spectacular from beginning to end without any mistakes. Bravo, gentlemen!

Schiavone announces that “Hacksaw” Jim Duggan had a tumor “the size of a football” removed from his kidney, and he is believed to be cancer-free. To honor him, the broadcast team lets out a “Ho!” Way to go, Hacksaw!

Video airs featuring the Malenko-Hennig saga beginning with the cage match from Nitro. Afterward, Arn gives Malenko props and is considered Horsemen material in his eyes.

Match 7: Curt Hennig (w/ “Ravishing” Rick Rude) versus Dean Malenko


  • This match occurred in ring #2.
  • When Hennig sought refuge on the floor, Malenko joined and dropkicked the knee against the steel railing.
  • Meanwhile, the Winston-Salem faithful LOUDLY chanted “We Want Flair.” Will he appear during this match?
  • Rude grew tired of Malenko’s attack on Henning and intervened.
  • As Malenko obliterated him, he rammed Hennig’s knee into the ring post.
  • He gave Hennig a cross corner whip but ate boot on his follow-through.
  • After Hennig attempted a slam, Malenko fell on top of him.
  • He attempted a Texas Cloverleaf, but Hennig blocked it.
  • While Henning rang his bell, Malenko came back with a modified knee crusher.
  • Rude assisted Hennig to the floor, but Malenko halted their premature exit.
  • Ramming Hennig into the cameraman stand, Malenko returned him to the ring and dropkicked the knee again.
  • Malenko continued to work on the knee and applied a knee bar.
  • Following Hennig’s escape, Malenko fed him a belly-to-back suplex.
  • Malenko came off the ropes, but Rude, who was on the apron, kicked him in the back. Nefarious!
  • Clocking Malenko with an Axe, Hennig attempted a Hennigplex, but his knee prohibited him from doing so.
  • Malenko hooked his own Hennigplex, but Rude interjected himself.
  • As a result, referee Mark Curtis called for the bell, and Malenko won by DQ at 7:38.


Rating: **

Summary: Heavy use of psychology by Malenko, but it was all for naught as Rude stood up for his longtime friend.

Following the match, Rude demolishes Malenko with a series of elbow smashes. The heels vault Malenko into a gutbuster from Rude. Suddenly, Arn Anderson sprints to the ring to rescue Malenko. When he enters the ring, Hennig nails him in the back of the neck with a double axe handle. While that might subdue a wrestler for a minute, Arn’s had major neck fusion surgery, so he might be incapacitated.

Nevertheless, the heels work on Arn’s nerve-damaged left arm, and Rude holds four fingers down to mock the Horsemen. Where’s Flair? Why are the Horsemen, or potential Horsemen in Malenko’s case, left laying in Horsemen country yet again?

Halloween Havoc will be LIVE on PPV on October 25. Order NOW!

Prior to the next match, Hall grabs the microphone and performs his survey. Wolfpack wins again! Woohoo! Konnan gets his turn and runs through his catchphrases. Amazingly, he gives a shoutout to the NC State Wolfpack football team. I’m over the moon! Why would he mention them? Because on 9/12, NC State upset #2 Florida State 24-7 in Raleigh.

Match 8: Scott Hall (w/ Vincent & cocktail) versus Konnan


  • This match occurred in ring #2.
  • As Hall migrated to ring #1, Konnan and referee Billy Silverman followed him.
  • Hall returned to ring #2 and paint-brushed Konnan.
  • When Konnan returned the favor, he ignited the Winston-Salem faithful with a Wolfpack gesture. In turn, the Winston-Salem faithful chanted “Wolf-pack!”
  • Konnan fed Hall a somersault clothesline, yet Hall tried to escape to ring #1.
  • After Konnan met him between the rings, he stomped Hall into the space between the aprons. For a normally sized person, that’s a small space. Conversely, Hall was 6’7”.
  • Hall crawled under ring #2 and appeared on the far side.
  • In the meantime, Vincent jumped onto the apron to distract Konnan.
  • Not to be outsmarted, Konnan turned around and clobbered a slithering Hall.
  • Taking a respite outside the ring, Hall grabbed a swig of his cocktail.
  • Konnan countered a surfboard with one of his own, but Hall countered with his trick knee.
  • Since Silverman didn’t see it, he counted 2 for Hall.
  • Speaking of Hall, he dealt Konnan a fallaway slam for another 2.
  • He applied an abdominal stretch and drank more of his cocktail thanks to Vincent.
  • Hooking the top rope, Hall fooled Silverman until he got caught.
  • Konnan hooked his own abdominal stretch, but Hall hip-tossed him immediately.
  • While Hall missed a series of elbow drops, Konnan gave him a cross corner whip but ate boot on his follow-through.
  • Hall clotheslined him, hoisted him atop the top turnbuckle, joined, and delivered a belly-to-back superplex.
  • Before signaling for his move, Hall needed another spot of go-go juice.
  • Konnan kicked the beverage from Hall’s hand and rammed him face-first into the mat.
  • Trapping Hall in a Tequila Sunrise, Konnan won at 12:03.


Rating: **½

Summary: Nothing truly special as Hall’s demons began to affect his work albeit through kayfabe.

Match 9 (WarGames): “Hollywood” Hogan, Bret “Hitman” Hart, & Stevie Ray versus Kevin Nash, Sting, & the “Total Package” Lex Luger versus Warrior, “Rowdy” Roddy Piper, & Diamond Dallas Page


  • This match began in ring #2.
  • Per usual, Buffer rumbled and rambled.
  • In lieu of two teams with a mission of submit or surrender, this year’s event had three teams and pinfalls were permitted AT ANY TIME.
  • When the cage was lowered, Schiavone mentioned that Bret and DDP would start.
  • DDP fed Bret a shoulder block and got 2.
  • As Bret reversed an Irish whip, DDP blocked a hip toss and dealt him a belly-to-belly suplex for another 2.
  • DDP attempted a Diamond Cutter, but Bret escaped.
  • After DDP attempted a ten-punch count-along, Bret used momentum to plant him face-first into the top turnbuckle.
  • Bret demolished DDP with a DDT and landed a leg drop.
  • With two minutes remaining in the opening period, Bret reversed a cross corner whip and delivered a backbreaker.
  • DDP blocked a vertical suplex attempt and drove Bret’s shoulder into the mat for 2.
  • Dropping DDP with a side-Russian leg sweep, Bret got 2.
  • Bret hooked an inside cradle for another 2.
  • While DDP leveled Bret with a discus clothesline, the opening period expired.
  • Stevie Ray joined the match and made the save for Bret.
  • Ducking a double clothesline, DDP uncorked one of his own.
  • Stevie Ray stymied DDP with an inverted atomic drop as the period expired.
  • Next, Sting joined the match, but Stevie Ray intercepted him at the door.
  • Stevie Ray made his way to ring #2, so Sting vaulted over both ropes and clotheslined him. Wow!
  • Although DDP caught Bret with the great equalizer, they clotheslined one another.
  • Concurrently, Sting rammed the back of Stevie Ray’s head into the cage.
  • He literally flattened Stevie Ray against the cage with a Stinger splash, and Bret piledrove DDP.
  • Mounting the second turnbuckle, Bret hit a flying elbow smash.
  • Maniacally, Piper joined the match and pounded on EVERYBODY.
  • Luger took his turn and blasted Stevie Ray with a flying forearm.
  • Hooking a sleeper, Piper got countered by being dumped by Luger between the rings.
  • Piper escaped a slam and secured a sleeper on Stevie Ray.
  • In ring #2, DDP nailed Sting with a jawbreaker.
  • Nash jumped into the cage and annihilated Piper.
  • In the aisle, Hogan didn’t wait for his turn and WHACKED Nash and Piper with a slapjack.
  • Luger had Bret in the Torture Rack, but Hogan hammered him and Sting with the slapjack.
  • Positioning Nash, Hogan obliterated him with a leg drop.
  • Frustrated, the Winston-Salem faithful informed Hogan that he indeed “sucks.”
  • Their nemesis subdued Nash with another leg drop, but smoke enveloped the rings.
  • When it cleared, Warrior emerged in ring #1.
  • Hogan pounded Warrior from behind, but smoke filled the rings again.
  • Once it dissipated, Warrior VANISHED.
  • Warrior emerged and sprinted toward the cage.
  • Attacking Hogan, Warrior rammed him face-first into the cage.
  • Stevie Ray pummeled Warrior from behind, and Hogan inexplicably exited the cage.
  • Sending Stevie Ray face-first into the cage, Hogan instructed Disciple to destroy referee Scott Dickinson. Evil!
  • If you were seeking a Hogan-Warrior showdown within this match, you’d be greatly disappointed.
  • Warrior sauntered after Hogan from within the cage until he BROKE LOOSE.
  • Chasing after Hogan, Warrior caught up to him in the aisle only for security to separate them.
  • Bret held DDP for him, and Stevie Ray tried to hit DDP with the slapjack. Instead, he CREAMED Bret.
  • Catching Stevie Ray with a Diamond Cutter, DDP pinned Stevie Ray at 20:06.


Rating: **

Summary: What a convoluted mess that was. Nonetheless, DDP became the #1 contender to the World title.

POINT OF ORDER: How was Warrior in two places? Let’s revisit 1995 when WCW inserted Renegade in what would have been Warrior’s place. That’s exactly what happened here. The trap door that injured Smith was used for Renegade instead of Warrior. Also, when Warrior broke through the cage, he fell to the floor and twisted his ankle. According to Meltzer, he also had a minor bicep tear in the pull-apart with Hogan.

Conclusion: Whoever booked this show should be FIRED. Last year, WCW, in kayfabe, killed Ric Flair in this town. Could they have had him return to destroy Hennig this year? Nope, they’re probably saving it for Nitro. Instead, the main event was flat, the Horsemen got destroyed again, and Jericho basically insulted both live audience and PPV buyers with his stunt. Yuck!

On the plus side, the Guerrera-Silver King and Raven-Saturn matches kept this show from being the all-time worst show ever. WCW had better have a palette-cleansing with Nitro tomorrow night, or their goose will be cooked against the WWF.

Whatever you do, do NOT watch this PPV.

Buyrate: 0.70

Stay tuned for WCW Monday Nitro 09-14-98!

Comments? Suggestions? Send them to me at rsg@rockstargary.com and follow me on Twitter (@rockstargary202).