World Class Wrestling Association February 21, 1987

Taped from Dallas, TX

Airdate: February 21, 1987 (taped 02/06)

Attendance: unknown

Hosted by Bill Mercer

How will Manning fare against Hart? Will Red River Jack be involved? Will Atlas triumph over Bradley? Can Mike defeat Brooks? What’s the latest on Kerry? Find out on the next episode of…

Opening montage.

Match 1: The Rock’n’Roll RPMs versus Scott Casey & Roberto Soto


  • Casey reversed a cross corner whip and hip-tossed Lane.
  • When Casey dropkicked Lane, tags were exchanged on both sides.
  • Davis hip-tossed Soto who leapfrogged and dropkicked him.
  • As tags were exchanged on both sides again, Lane leapfrogged Casey.
  • Speaking of Casey, he immediately fed Lane a double underhook suplex.
  • He trapped Lane in an abdominal stretch until Davis interjected himself.
  • After Davis tagged in, Casey countered a side head lock with a backbreaker.
  • Casey missed an elbow drop, and Lane tagged in to slam him.
  • While Lane dealt him a pair of fist drops, Casey reversed a cross corner whip but ate a shoulder block on his follow-through.
  • Lane missed an elbow drop allowing Casey to make the…
  • TAG caliente.
  • It didn’t last long as Lane delivered a back elbow and tagged in Davis.
  • Flattening Soto with a Hart Attack, Davis along with Lane pinned Soto at 6:00.


Rating: *

Summary: Showcase match for the RPMS who didn’t seem very impressive.

At ringside, Mercer interviews Hart who mentions Red River Jack appearing during the next match.

Match 2: Gary Hart versus David Manning


  • This match occurred in Fort Worth on 2/2 and was joined in progress.
  • As they grappled on the mat, Hart “backdropped” Manning.
  • Looking at them, this appeared to be a mismatch.
  • Manning stood on the second turnbuckle to bite Hart who slithered out of the ring.
  • When Manning tried to join him, Hart blasted him with the microphone. SNEAKY!
  • He clotheslined Manning and got 2.
  • After Hart tossed referee Rick Hazzard down to the concrete floor, Red River Jack charged the ring and slammed him.
  • Manning mounted the bottom turnbuckle and hit a flying splash.
  • With Jack’s hat still in the ring, Manning pinned Hart at 3:44 shown.


Rating: *

Summary: If you watch this as a manager versus manager type of match, it’s fun and harmless. Otherwise, it’s junk. I’ll accept it as the former since I don’t expect either to have much more ring time in the future.

Afterward, Mercer continues the interview with Hart who advises him to visit Chicago to speak with “some of the brothers on the corner” to convince him that Jack is indeed Bruiser Brody.

Following a commercial break, the interview continues as Manning joins them. Hart challenges him to a street fight “with no Red River Jack in the building.” Confidently, Manning accepts.

Match 3: Tony Atlas versus Bob “The Cat” Bradley


  • Atlas blocked a pair of cross corner whip attempts and hip-tossed Bradley across the ring.
  • When he sloppily connected with a flying headscissors, Atlas leapfrogged him twice before feeding Bradley another hip toss.
  • A criss cross ensued, but Atlas applied the brakes embarrassing Bradley.
  • As Bradley locked a full nelson, Atlas broke it instantly.
  • Bradley rang his bell, but Atlas dazzled him with punches and a head butt.
  • After Atlas military-press-slammed him twice, Bradley went SPLAT on the blue floor.
  • Bradley took a powder and retreated to the locker room.
  • Therefore, Atlas won by countout at 5:25.


Rating: *

Summary: Hopefully this is just a tease for a match soon as the match had something going before the abrupt finish. On the other hand, if Bradley refused to job to Atlas, he’s in the wrong territory. Babyfaces go over on TV unless the heel implements chicanery.

Match 4: Mike Von Erich versus “Killer” Tim Brooks


  • Before Mike could remove his ring jacket, Brooks ambushed him.
  • Brooks countered a side head lock with a knee crusher.
  • As he hooked a toe hold, Brooks held the top rope unbeknownst to referee Bronko Lubich. Clever!
  • Mike rebounded with a back elbow and applied a sleeper.
  • When Brooks used momentum to break the hold, he sent Mike face-first into the top turnbuckle.
  • Mike attempted an Iron claw, but Brooks blocked it.
  • After Mike leapfrogged him, he secured an Iron claw upon Brooks.
  • 1-2-3.
  • Mike won at 6:52.


Rating: **

Summary:  Mike’s muscular development is evident in his latissimus dorsi; however, his timing is still a bit off. Despite Brooks’ heel shenanigans keeping the Dallas faithful in Mike’s corner, his psychology tells a story about Mike’s overcoming a brief injury to attain victory. Let’s hope he continues to improve.

Match 5 (non-title): WCWA World tag team champions Al Madril & Brian Adias versus Steve Simpson & Jeff Raitz


  • Due to licensed music removal, this match was joined in progress.
  • Simpson hip-tossed Adias, scored with a cross body block, and got 2.
  • When Madril tagged in, Simpson came off the ropes and SMASHED Adias. The latter must really need the money because he’s so broke he can’t afford to pay attention.
  • Nevertheless, Raitz tagged in, but Madril popped him.
  • Adias tagged in and dropkicked Raitz.
  • As Madril tagged in, he tossed Raitz down to the blue floor.
  • Adias returned him to the ring so that Madril could destroy Raitz with a clothesline.
  • After Adias tagged in, he connected with a back elbow.
  • Madril tagged in, gave Raitz a cross corner whip, but came up empty on his follow-through.
  • Hot tag Simpson.
  • While he gave Madril a cross corner whip, Simpson followed with a monkey flip.
  • He dropkicked Madril as well as an incoming Adias.
  • Rejoining the match, Raitz got reversed on an Irish whip and ate a shot to the midsection.
  • Adias tagged in and fed Raitz a side-Russian leg sweep.
  • 1-2-3.
  • Adias and Madril won at 6:18.


Rating: **

Summary: Considering Raitz was involved, the outcome was never in doubt.

Prior to the culmination of the episode, Mercer interviews Mike who’s ready for revenge against Adias. He also stated that on 2/2 Hart rammed Kerry’s injured leg against the ring post during his match against Adias. How dastardly! Nonetheless, Mike’s ready to destroy both Adias and Hart.

POINT OF ORDER: Mike mentioned that Kerry rebroke his foot during the match against Adias. Although it sounds like kayfabe, Kerry literally broke his foot while wrestling Adias. During a podcast, Adias described working with Kerry in that match. Kerry would need his foot amputated above the ankle and be out for several months.

Conclusion:  The foundation has been laid where Mike and Adias will go one-on-one. In addition, Hart and Manning will compete down the road in a street fight. The World tag team champions took care of business as did the Rock’n’Roll RPMs. While Atlas was victorious, the finish needed something extra. Since Mike is featured prominently, I’ll offer my strongest recommendation. Enjoy!

Next week, Mike battles Adias!

TV Rating: NONE

Stay tuned for WCCW 01-10-87!

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