World Class Wrestling Association February 14, 1987

Taped from Dallas, TX

Airdate: February 14, 1987 (taped 02/06)

Attendance: unknown

Hosted by Bill Mercer

Can Warrior defeat Gee, or will he be mastered? How will Simpson fare against Borne? Can Kevin retain the gold and gain $30,000? Who’s the new tag team? What’s new with Adias? It’s an action-packed show that you don’t want to miss, so catch it!

Opening montage.

Match 1: “Maniac” Matt Borne (w/ Percy Pringle) versus Steve Simpson


  • Due to licensed music removal, this match was joined in progress.
  • Simpson reversed an Irish whip and hip-tossed Borne.
  • When Borne fed him a series of back elbows, he gave Simpson a cross corner whip but came up empty on his follow-through.
  • According to Mercer, Nord the Barbarian will be arriving in WCWA soon by way of Gary Hart. Mercer also mentioned that Nord used to be a protégé of Bruiser Brody. Does that mean he might wear a mask and/or stop selling for Lex Luger?
  • Nevertheless, Pringle tried to interfere, but Lubich intervened.
  • Pringle jumped onto the apron to argue, and Borne dropkicked Simpson.
  • As he rammed Simpson face-first into the mat, Borne followed with a gutwrench suplex for 2.
  • Simpson reversed a cross corner whip yet came up empty on his follow-through.
  • After Borne hooked a German suplex with a bridge, he placed his right foot on the second rope and pinned Simpson at 7:59.


Rating: ***

Summary: Solid work from both wrestlers with their psychology and workrate, but will the decision stand?

No, referee Bronko Lubich yanks Borne’s arm down and raises Simpson’s having reversed the decision. In one of the most gawdy sportscoats I’ve ever seen, Pringle enters the ring to jaw with Lubich to no avail.

Match 2: Rock’n’Roll RPMs versus Roberto Soto & Jeff Raitz


  • Once again, the match was joined in progress due to entrance music removal.
  • For those unaware, the RPMs had recently wrestled in Memphis, Puerto Rico, and in Jim Crockett Promotions.
  • Soto took the RPMs down with a head lock and headscissors much to the delight of the Dallas faithful.
  • As tags were exchanged on both sides, Raitz leapfrogged Lane and slammed him.
  • Tags were exchanged on both sides again, and Davis backdropped Soto.
  • When Davis fed Soto a flying elbow smash, Lane tagged in and dealt him a fist drop.
  • Soto cleverly crawled between Lane’s legs and tagged in Raitz.
  • After Raitz delivered a back elbow to Lane, he missed a dropkick.
  • Davis tagged in, and the RPMs annihilated Raitz with a modified Hart Attack.
  • 1-2-3.
  • RPMs won at 4:15.


Rating: *

Summary: Showcase match for the newest tag team in WCWA.

In a pre-taped interview, Marc Lowrance interviews Kevin who discusses a challenge from Al Madril who recently won $30,000 in a battle royal. In exchange for a title shot, Madril offered the money. Lowrance mentions controversy, let’s go to the videotape:

Match 3 for the WCWA World title: Kevin Von Erich (champion) versus Al Madril


  • This match occurred on 2/2 in Ft. Worth and was joined in progress.
  • When Madril clotheslined him, Kevin reversed a cross corner whip, gave him another one, and took him down with a flying headscissors.
  • Kevin mounted the top turnbuckle and soared with a cross body block.
  • 1-2-3.
  • Kevin retained at 0:50 shown.


Rating: NONE

Summary: Too short to rate, but I’m betting said controversy happens after the bell.

According to ring announcer Joe Rinelli, Kevin won $30,000. Before Kevin can take it with him, Madril nails him. Kevin drops the briefcase enabling Adias to storm the ring and blast him with it. The World tag team champions skedaddle backstage with the money. Nefarious!

We return to the interview, and Kevin’s rather miffed about getting ripped off. He’s ready to get his money back.

Match 4: Brian Adias (w/ Gary Hart) versus Perry Jackson


  • According to Lowrance, Adias had just signed a “personal services contract” with Hart prior to the match.
  • Hart grabbed the microphone and challenged Mike Von Erich “anytime (on) worldwide TV.”
  • As Adias hip-tossed him twice, he got 1.
  • Jackson reversed an Irish whip but got punted.
  • When Adias connected with a side Russian leg sweep, he pinned Jackson at 3:38.


Rating: DUD

Summary: Showcase match for Adias with his new manager.

Match 5: Red River Jack versus “Killer” Tim Brooks


  • This match occurred on 2/2 in Ft. Worth.
  • In an onset interview, Gary Hart wasn’t fooled by Silver King’s stocky physique Red River Jack.
  • Speaking of Jack, he demolished Brooks with a big boot causing him to be tied up in the ropes.
  • Jack fed him another pair of big boots, slammed Brooks, and got 2.
  • When the match segued to the floor, Brooks made Jack HIT THE POLE.
  • Jack rebounded by making Brooks HIT THE POLE too.
  • As Jack punted him, he dealt Brooks another big boot.
  • He landed a leg drop but only got 2, brother.
  • Due to hitting the ring post, Jack was BUSTED OPEN!
  • How’s he going to get that stain out of his white mask?
  • Brooks gave Jack a cross corner whip but ate boot on his follow-through.
  • After Jack mounted the second turnbuckle, he launched a flying knee drop.
  • 1-2-3.
  • Jack won at 4:36.


Rating: **½

Summary: Despite the disguise, Jack’s style resembles Brody enough so that the kids know who he is. Brooks must’ve gotten a bigger payout from this show since he gave it a better effort.

Prior to the next match, Warrior takes the microphone and introduces two young Warrior fans—Holly and Paula. Neither can roar, but Warrior’s grateful nonetheless.

Match 6 (non-title): WCWA Texas champion Dingo Warrior versus Master Gee (w/ Percy Pringle)


  • For those unaware, Warrior defeated Bradley on 2/2 in Ft. Worth for the title.
  • Warrior ducked a clothesline and scored with a cross body block for 2.
  • As he military-press-slammed Gee, Warrior got nailed from behind by Pringle. SNEAKY!
  • Gee clotheslined Warrior, got reversed on a cross corner whip, yet evaded him during the follow-through.
  • When Gee missed an elbow drop, Warrior missed one of his own.
  • The Dallas faithful chided Pringle about his alleged bedroom habits, but their nemesis hammered Warrior with his cane. How dastardly!
  • After Gee joined him on the blue floor, he rammed Warrior face-first into the apron.
  • Warrior rebounded with a boot to the midsection and rang Gee’s bell.
  • While Gee tossed him back down to the blue floor, Warrior returned via sunset flip aided a bit by referee Rick Hazzard.
  • 1-2-3.
  • Warrior won at 5:49.


Rating: **

Summary: With tremendous support from the Dallas faithful, Warrior not only survived but defeated one of Pringle’s charges.

After the match, Pringle LOSES HIS DAMN MIND over Hazzard’s assistance toward Gee’s defeat. In response, the Dallas faithful continue to chide him derogatorily.

Before the episode ends, Mercer interviews referee David Manning at ringside. Manning will face Hart next week and cuts a promo on him.

Conclusion:  As the NEW Texas champion, Warrior looks strong against a formidable Gee. Kevin retains the World title but loses his grip on some serious cash. Also, Adias joins Hart’s stable alongside Abdullah the Butcher and an incoming Nord the Barbarian. Borne almost beat Simpson if not for Lubich’s conscience. Lastly, the RPMs offer their wares to the heel locker room, but who will they face?

Next week, the World tag team champions will challenge Simpson and Raitz.

TV Rating: NONE

Stay tuned for WCCW 02-21-87!

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