WCW Thunder September 10, 1998

Live from Lexington, KY

Airdate: September 10, 1998

Attendance:  10,620

Hosted by Tony Schiavone, Bobby “The Brain” Heenan, & Lee Marshall

It’s the go-home show for Fall Brawl, so will WCW pull out all the stops? Will Jericho and Guerrera retain their titles? What’s the latest on Duggan? Anything new with Mongo? Prepare yourself, for a mighty thunderstorm is underway!

I would be remiss if I didn’t note that this is the show that made Tommy Hall famous as he attended this taping back in the day.

Opening montage.

nWo Hollywood saunters to the ring to open the show, and Hollywood Hogan spews his usual filth. As the Lexington faithful showers him with a “Gold-berg” chant, Hogan runs down Piper, Warrior, and Nash. Lastly, he cuts a promo on Bret promising to beat him up on Nitro.

Backstage, Jericho states that he is YOUR CHAMPION. Sorry, Jericho, but you’re no Gino Hernandez. Nevertheless, he wants the same treatment that Goldberg receives and promises Jericho Uncensored.

Match 1 for the WCW Cruiserweight title: Juventud Guerrera (champion) versus Silver King


  • Hopefully, Guerrera won’t be fooled by Red River Jack Silver King’s stocky physique.
  • Guerrera escaped a belly-to-back suplex attempt, got reversed on an Irish whip, and ate a dropkick.
  • When Silver King suplexed him, he mounted the second turnbuckle but missed a double springboard moonsault.
  • Guerrera migrated to the apron and launched a springboard dropkick.
  • As Silver King sought refuge on the floor, he grabbed a chair.
  • Guerrera followed, caught the chair, but ate it due to another Silver King dropkick. Gimmick infringement!
  • After the bell rang, Silver King dealt Guerrera a helicopter slam.
  • Referee Mark Curtis called for the bell again, and Guerrera won by DQ at 2:15.


Rating: *

Summary:  The opening segment must’ve run long for them to cut this match so short.

After the match, Silver King whips Guerrera with the Cruiserweight belt before Curtis ejects him.

At the entrance, Schiavone, with a horrendous mullet cut, interviews JJ Dillon who mentions that Bischoff appears to be giving Scott Hall “preferential treatment.” At the PPV, Hall will face Konnan.

Backstage, Neidhart and Smith brutalize Lex Luger before WCW Security stops them.

Match 2 for the WCW World TV title: Chris Jericho (champion) versus Wrath


  • Jericho’s security team contained the future Ralphus wearing a Jericho Personal Security sign on his front while another member wore a t-shirt reading “Jerichoholic Ninja.” HA!
  • As Jericho left his dressing room, he opened a door…to the broom closet.
  • Security opened some black drapes but only revealed a brick wall.
  • When he opened a green door, it led to the parking lot.
  • Of course, he’s gotten locked out.
  • The bell rang, and Wrath sauntered backstage after Jericho.
  • After the bell rang again, Wrath opened the door and chased Jericho halfway to Louisville.
  • No match.


Rating: NONE

Summary:  First, no way WCW puts the TV title on Wrath this early into his return. Second, no way Jericho beats him to spoil Wrath’s strong return. Third, shenanigans to explain things works as amusing TV.

At the broadcast table, Schiavone noted that “Hacksaw” Jim Duggan appeared at the WCW Saturday Night taping on Tuesday night in Mobile, AL. Per his book, he had kidney cancer. According to cagematch, Duggan would not return to WCW until next April. Emotional video of his announcement followed.

POINT OF ORDER: A lot of folks took potshots at Duggan for still wrestling in ’98 since he’s an integral part of the Golden Era. However, Duggan always wrestled a safe, easy match that enabled him to remain with us here in 2024. Long live “Hacksaw” Jim Duggan.

Prior to the next match, Kanyon grabs the microphone and puts himself over. He besmirches Dinsmore as his opponent and announces that he won’t wrestle tonight. Instead, he beckons Lodi to inform Saturn two things:

  1. Not allowed to hit Kanyon tonight.
  2. Must wrestle in Kanyon’s place again.

Saturn emerges while carrying a “LODI RULZ” sign. Upon entering the ring, Saturn holds up a “LODI is not here” sign. HA! Since Lodi’s not here, Kanyon’s message doesn’t resonate well. Saturn blasts Kanyon much to the delight of the Lexington faithful. As he gives Kanyon a cross corner whip, Saturn follows with a head-and-arm suplex. He feeds Kanyon an overhead belly-to-belly suplex and a T-bone suplex. When he places Kanyon’s thumb inside the turnbuckle, Saturn yanks HARD on it.

Saturn grabs the microphone and informs Kanyon that he has “nine more (fingers) to go.” Next, he snaps more of Kanyon’s fingers while Raven’s voice is overheard. At the entrance, Raven sics the Flock on Saturn, and Horace WALLOPS him with a STOP sign. Saturn swipes the sign and belts Horace with it. Following that, Sick Boy eats a thrust kick. Riggs gets kicked down from the apron, and Kidman gets suplexed over the top rope to the floor.

Sandwiching Riggs’ arm between the steps and the ring, Saturn crushes it. Sick Boy tries again but gets nailed. Sending a message to Raven, Saturn drops Sick Boy with a Death Valley Driver. Saturn grabs the microphone and wants to save his career. On the other hand, Raven advises him that he’ll lose at the PPV and be his servant “forever.”

Match 3: Kanyon versus Nick Dinsmore




Rating: NONE

In over 35 minutes of uninterrupted footage, we’ve had two minutes of actual wrestling. With commercial breaks, that’s almost an hour. C’mon, WCW!

REAL Match 3: Curt Hennig (w/o “Ravishing” Rick Rude) versus Steve “Mongo” McMichael


  • Mongo gave Hennig a cross corner whip followed by a corner clothesline.
  • When he bulldogged Hennig, Mongo fed him an elbow smash.
  • He gave Hennig another cross corner whip but came up empty on his follow-through.
  • As the Lexington faithful chanted “We Want Flair,” Hennig dealt Mongo a knee crusher.
  • He rammed Mongo’s left leg into the ring post twice and attempted to sweep the leg.
  • Conversely, Mongo countered with a tremendous slam and three-point stance tackles.
  • An even better color-coordinated Stevie Ray shuffled to ringside and distracted Mongo.
  • After the double-teaming began, referee Mickey Jay called for the bell.
  • Mongo won by DQ at 3:42.


Rating: **

Summary:  Good psychology from Hennig helps to save this one from the depths of suckitude.

Following the match, Stevie Ray CLOBBERS Mongo with a slapjack while Hennig disposes of Jay. Without question, Mongo is OUT COLD. Bagwell tosses a chair to Hennig who prepares to end Mongo’s career. Before that can happen, Dean Malenko storms the ring to save Mongo’s bacon. Malenko’s alone in the ring with an unconscious Mongo, so nWo Hollywood starts to creep in on him. Suddenly, Arn Anderson bolts from backstage with a 2×4 to aid Malenko. Trainer Danny Young checks on Mongo, and the EMTs arrive.

After a commercial break, Mongo gets stretchered out on a gurney. Schiavone stands in the ring alongside Arn Anderson and Dean Malenko and wants an answer for his involvement. As only he can, Arn challenges nWo Hollywood: “Did you get what you wanted? And that’s to get me back?” He equates the chicanery against Malenko and Mongo to a “message sent to (him).” He addresses Malenko and changes his stance: “if it was my call…I would be honored…to call you a Horseman.” Wow!

Sullenly, Bischoff skulks to the ring and exerts his power over the Horsemen. When Bischoff tries to hang it over his head, Arn doesn’t fall for it. Bischoff plugs Arn’s book and questions whether or not he received permission to write it. Taking credit for making WCW #1, Bischoff gets booed out of Rupp Arena. He shoots down the idea of a Horseman reunion and to “forget about Flair.”

Arn’s had enough and chokes Bischoff. Before he can inflict more damage, Arn regains his composure. While Bischoff threatens legal action, he asks Arn if he wants “Flair to wrestle again…the Four Horsemen back together again.” He challenges Arn to an arm-wrestling contest next week. Snidely, he says “left-handed” which doesn’t favor Arn due to his injury. Nevertheless, Arn accepts.

Following a commercial break, Lodi, covered in “seaweed,” claims that Saturn threw him in a river and pulls a fish out of his pocket. HA! He’s on the hunt for Saturn to make him pay for this.

Match 4 (handicap): The “Total Package” Lex Luger versus the “British Bulldog” Davey Boy Smith & Jim “The Anvil” Neidhart


  • Luger jumped into the ring, and the match was ON.
  • As he steamrolled Smith and Neidhart, Luger blasted Smith with a flying forearm.
  • He fed Neidhart a back elbow and slammed him.
  • When he landed a forearm smash to Neidhart, Smith tagged in.
  • Luger dealt Smith an inverted atomic drop before the Hart in-laws double-teamed him.
  • After Neidhart tagged in, Bret sauntered toward the ring.
  • He entered the ring, and Neidhart looked puzzled.
  • While the in-laws believed that Bret was on their side, they returned to their double-teaming of Luger.
  • Bret, to the surprise of many, fought against them siding with Luger.
  • To a shocked Lexington faithful, the “babyfaces” gave the Hart in-laws a meeting of the minds.
  • Bret requested a tag, and Luger obliged albeit somewhat reluctantly.
  • Doubling Neidhart over, Bret delivered a side-Russian leg sweep.
  • He mounted the second turnbuckle and scored with a flying elbow smash.
  • Rejoining the match, Luger hooked Neidhart into a Torture Rack as Bret disposed of Smith.
  • Neidhart submitted; thus, Luger and Hart won at 4:02.


Rating: *

Summary:  More storyline than match as Hart may or may not have turned babyface.

Afterward, Bret shares a high-five with Luger much to the delight of the Lexington faithful.

Cinnaburst sponsors the replay.

On WCW Saturday Night, Mongo battles Stevie Ray.

POINT OF ORDER: While Schiavone announced WCW’s return to the United Center in Chicago on 10/12 for Nitro, they’re just in Chicago back on 8/24. Why so soon? A-ha! The WWF is holding a PPV called Judgment Day on October 18. What WCW probably failed to realize is that the tickets for the PPV had already been sold, so they couldn’t affect the attendance for it. The battle for wrestling supremacy was definitely in and out of the ring.

Prior to the next match, Konnan grabs the microphone and runs down his catchphrases. Disco gets his turn and requests to join the Wolfpack tonight. Unfortunately for Disco, Konnan and his clique doesn’t “run with no saps.” BURN!

Wright takes exception, so Konnan mauls him.

Match 5: Konnan versus Disco Inferno (w/ Alex Wright)


  • With that, the match was ON.
  • Konnan gave Disco a cross corner whip followed by a hip toss.
  • When he leapfrogged Disco, Konnan fed him a thrust kick.
  • He rammed Disco face-first into the mat and dealt him a somersault clothesline.
  • As Konnan hooked a Tequila Sunrise, Disco tapped out at 1:07.


Rating: *

Summary:  What a sap that Disco is. He is NOT Wolfpack material.

Castrol sponsors the replay.

Earlier today, Tenay interviewed Scott and Steve Armstrong. Before Tenay could get a question finished, Ernest “The Cat” Miller interrupted. The Armstrongs objected, so Miller annihilated them with karate. Before the segment ended, Norman Smiley confronted him but to no avail. They’ll square off at the PPV.

In the ring, Schiavone interviews “Rowdy” Roddy Piper who plugs WarGames. He informs DDP that he doesn’t want DDP to tell him what to do. As DDP beckons him among the Lexington faithful, he advises Piper that due to the World title opportunity at stake, DDP’s immediately on board. He also states that Piper “volunteered” to join the WCW team. Also, he says that Warrior is “a tool to screw with ‘Hollywood scum Hogan.’” Some would leave it at “tool.” Nonetheless, he’s ready to earn that title shot much to the delight of the Lexington faithful.

Match 6 (non-title); WCW World champion Goldberg versus Rick Fuller


  • Fuller tried to nail him, but Goldberg dumped him quickly.
  • As he fed Fuller a modified belly-to-belly suplex, Goldberg went ground and pound.
  • Referee Mark Curtis curtailed Goldberg’s efforts allowing Fuller to come back with a big boot.
  • When Goldberg bounced off the ropes, he clotheslined Fuller.
  • He followed with a spear, but Hogan and Disciple jumped into the ring.
  • After they double-teamed Goldberg, Hogan and Disciple gave him a cross corner whip.
  • Goldberg speared Disciple while Hogan scurried out of the ring.
  • While he dealt Fuller a Jackhammer, Goldberg became 143-0 at 1:37.


Rating: *

Summary:  Showcase match for Goldberg with an ineffective Hogan infiltration included.

Prior to the main event, Nash grabs the microphone and recites his catchphrase.

Match 8: Kevin Nash versus Stevie Ray (w/ Vincent)


  • Nash reversed a cross corner whip and followed with a corner clothesline.
  • As he gave Stevie Ray another cross corner whip, Nash ate a back elbow on his follow-through.
  • Stevie Ray clotheslined him and followed with a thrust kick.
  • When Stevie Ray distracted referee Mickey Jay, Vincent gave Nash the business. How dastardly!
  • Stevie Ray fed Nash a knee lift followed by an elbow drop for 2.
  • After Nash escaped a rear chin lock with his trick knee, he reversed an Irish whip and dealt Stevie Ray a big boot.
  • Nash delivered a jackknife powerbomb, but Vincent jumped into the ring already having missed his cue.
  • While Jay called for the bell, Nash won by DQ at 4:03.


Rating: **

Summary:  Gotta protect the newest acolyte of the nWo, right?

Immediately following the match, Nash boots Vincent and flattens him with a jackknife powerbomb. When Nash returns his attention to Stevie Ray, Scott Hall storms the ring to attack him.

He grabs the slapjack and decimates Nash with it. As a result, Nash is OUT COLD. When Hall talks trash to Nash, nWo Hollywood surrounds the ring to celebrate. Hall isn’t done yet as he puts the boots to Nash. According to the members of the broadcast team, Hall appears to be under the influence.

nWo Hollywood heads backstage, but graffiti from Warrior (“Warrior oWns Hollywood Hogan”) is spray-painted on the wall much to Hogan’s chagrin. Quite the indelible mark.

Conclusion:  This is Thunder, right? Nothing really significant happens on this show? NOT TONIGHT. WCW goes full bore to put all the pieces in place for the upcoming PPV on Sunday. In addition, Bret returns from the dark side to help Luger, but what are his motives? Hogan and Warrior will collide within WarGames after all their shenanigans. Lest we forget, Arn Anderson bestows honor to Malenko while confronting Bischoff. Oftentimes, Thunder may be skippable, but…

Stay tuned for WWF RAW is WAR 09-12-98!

Comments? Suggestions? Send them to me at rsg@rockstargary.com and follow me on Twitter (@rockstargary202).