WWF RAW is WAR September 5, 1998

Taped from New Haven, CT

Airdate: September 5, 1998 (taped 08/31)

Attendance: 7,607 (sold out)

Hosted by Jim Ross & Jerry “The King” Lawler

What’s the deal with Undertaker and Kane? Will X-Pac defeat Brown to become European champion? How will the NAO fare against the NoD? And what’s on Al Snow’s mind? I know you’re ready, so let’s get raw!

Before I get started, this episode aired at 11pm ET on a Saturday which is not a typical time to attract wrestling fans. I can only wonder what the WWF has in store for us.

Opening montage.

To begin the show, Mr. McMahon enters the ring and previews the next PPV on 9/27—Breakdown. He prognosticates that Stone Cold Steve Austin “will no longer be WWF champion.” While the New Haven faithful chants “Aus-tin,” Mr. McMahon calls Undertaker “a damned fool” for not utilizing Kane to win the WWF title. He mentions Austin’s appearance on Regis & Kathie Lee and mocks his “respect for the Undertaker.”

Next, the New Haven faithful chants “ass-hole” at Mr. McMahon as he refers to the Brothers of Destruction as “two putrid pussies.” On cue, Undertaker and Kane storm the ring, but Mr. McMahon scampers through the New Haven faithful to escape. Kane and Undertaker follow in hot pursuit.

Prior to the opening match, we revisit RAW from two weeks ago when Blackman saved Shamrock’s bacon only to eat a belly-to-belly suplex for his efforts. Blackman returned the favor. Now I want bacon.

Match 1: Ken Shamrock & Steve Blackman versus Disciples of Apocalypse (w/ “Precious” Paul Ellering)


  • Shamrock unloaded a spinning heel kick to Skull followed by a leg lariat.
  • When Blackman tagged in, Skull gave him a cross corner whip followed by a corner clothesline.
  • Blackman unleashed a pair of kicks before dropkicking Skull.
  • As Blackman missed a second dropkick, Skull missed an elbow drop.
  • Blackman fed Skull a flying shoulder block, but the Brothers of Destruction sauntered toward the ring.
  • Avoiding a spin kick by Blackman, Kane deposited him with a chokeslam.
  • They decimated Blackman, and Undertaker obliterated his knee.
  • After the Brothers of Destruction chased DoA and Ellering back to the locker room, the segment ended.


Rating: NONE

Summary:  Pure devastation by the Brothers of Destruction.

We revisit the WWF tag team title match from Summerslam ’98 when Kane emerged from the dumpster with a sledgehammer and put Mankind’s lights out.

Prior to the next match, Venis grabs the microphone and compares himself to the family dog. Insert your own canine innuendo here.

Match 2: Val Venis versus Vader


  • Vader reversed an Irish whip and fed Venis a running body block.
  • As Dustin Runnels continued to hype the return of Warrior to WCW, Venis dealt Vader a cross body block. I know, but it’s still a funny running joke.
  • Vader gave Venis a cross corner whip but ate boot on his follow-through.
  • When Venis charged, he ate a standing body block.
  • Vader delivered a belly-to-belly suplex and got 2.
  • After he clotheslined Venis, Vader slammed him.
  • He mounted the second turnbuckle and launched a flying splash for 2.
  • While Vader hit a short-arm clothesline, Bradshaw approached the ring jawing at him.
  • Since they won’t develop that storyline right here, right now, the Brothers of Destruction appeared again.
  • Bradshaw hightailed it, but Venis and Vader stood tall.
  • Next, Kane chokeslammed and deposited Venis on the floor.
  • Brothers of Destruction double-chokeslammed Vader before exiting the ring.


Rating: NONE

Summary:  More annihilation by the Brothers of Destruction.

Backstage, Michael Cole interviews the NoD where the Rock cuts a promo on the NAO.

Backstage, Cole tries to interview the NAO, but Gunn sends him packing. They cut a promo on the NoD.

Prior to the next match, Road Dog recites his spiel while the New Haven faithful sings along.

Match 3 for the WWF tag titles: New Age Outlaws (champions) versus the Rock & Mark Henry


  • Over/under on when the Brothers of Destruction disrupt this match? I give it 90 seconds.
  • When the New Haven faithful informed Rock that he indeed “sucks,” Gunn hip-tossed their nemesis.
  • Rock rebounded with a slam, gave Gunn a cross corner whip, charged, but got clotheslined.
  • As tags were exchanged on both sides, Henry slammed Road Dog, landed a leg drop, and got 2.
  • Rock tagged in, slammed Road Dog, and followed with a People’s Elbow for another 2.
  • After Gunn distracted referee Earl Hebner, the NoD took liberties and blasted Road Dog down in Lower Alabama.
  • Henry illegally switched and applied a bear hug.
  • While Road Dog escaped, Henry clotheslined him.
  • Henry missed a splash, so Gunn made the HOT TAG.
  • Dishing out a back elbow, Gunn clotheslined Rock.
  • All four wrestlers were in the ring until Gunn sent Rock to the floor and joined him.
  • Blocking a shot to the ring post, Rock made Gunn HIT THE POLE.
  • Henry clotheslined Road Dog over the top rope to the floor leaving him by himself in the ring.
  • Suddenly, Chyna stormed the ring and speared Henry to a raucous ovation.
  • Hebner had no recourse but to call for the bell, so Henry and Rock won by DQ at 10:08.


Rating: **

Summary:  More angle than match as the Chyna-Henry war adds another battle to its resume.

After the match, NAO restrains Chyna allowing Henry to skedaddle.

In the ring, Tiger Ali Singh along with Babu rants about classless Americans while highlights of previous heinous acts are shown. Babu scarfs down some sardines, so Singh is willing to pay $500 to any woman to French-kiss Babu. Ew! As a rather attractive woman enters the ring with her headlights on, Singh ups the offer to $600. They kiss, but Singh keeps breaking his count to chastise the New Haven faithful.  Ultimately, she makes it to the count of five to earn $600.

Babu tosses the money down on the mat for the woman, but the Brothers of Destruction reappear to destroy another segment. When Singh shoves Babu toward them, Kane chokeslams the male servant. Undertaker prevents Singh from leaving and chokeslams him.

RAW is sponsored by Starburst, WWF: The Music Volume 2, and 10-10-321.

Match 4: Southern Justice versus the Headbangers


  • Southern Justice ambushed the Headbangers prior to the bell, and Canterbury clotheslined Thrasher over the top rope to the floor.
  • As Knight gave him a cross corner whip, Mosh fed him a flying headscissors that sent him to the floor.
  • Mosh dealt Knight a springboard clothesline, returned him to the ring, and got 2.
  • When Thrasher tagged in, he mounted the second turnbuckle and unloaded a flying forearm to Knight for another 2.
  • Canterbury tagged in, but Thrasher dropkicked him.
  • After he countered a leap frog with a powerslam, Canterbury delivered a wheelbarrow suplex for 2.
  • He slammed Thrasher and landed an elbow drop for another 2.
  • While Knight tagged in, Southern Justice hit Thrasher with a drop toe hold/elbow drop combo.
  • Thrasher rebounded with a sunset flip for 2.
  • Tagging in, Canterbury gave Thrasher a cross corner whip but ate boot on his follow-through.
  • Mosh distracted referee Mike Chioda, so Knight tagged in, gave Thrasher a cross corner whip, but came up empty.
  • Following a freezing cold tag to Mosh, he blasted Knight with a ten-punch count-along.
  • He gave Knight a cross corner whip followed by a standing senton.
  • Once Mosh mistakenly turned his attention to Canterbury, Knight deposited him with a Slop Drop Problem Solver.
  • 1-2-3.
  • Southern Justice won at 4:45.


Rating: *

Summary:  Waste of time as the New Haven faithful sought refreshments.

Backstage, the Brothers of Destruction break down Mr. McMahon’s office door with a sledgehammer. Unfortunately for them, their boss isn’t inside.


Prior to the next match, we revisit the locker room after the PPV where the remaining locks of Jarrett’s hair were shorn.

Match 5 for the WWF European title: D’Lo Brown versus X-Pac


  • The New Haven faithful informed Brown that he indeed “sucks,” so X-Pac hip-tossed their nemesis.
  • When X-Pac reversed an Irish whip, he leapfrogged Brown but ate a clothesline.
  • Brown landed a diving elbow smash and got 2.
  • As he gave X-Pac a HARD cross corner whip to injure the back, Brown clotheslined him twice.
  • X-Pac ducked a third attempt and scored with a leg lariat.
  • After X-Pac connected with a flying body block, he nipped up and fed Brown a Bronco buster.
  • He dealt Brown a running senton and attempted a second Bronco buster.
  • While Brown countered with a shot down near south Minneapolis, he attempted a gorilla press slam.
  • X-Pac escaped and delivered an X-Factor.
  • Do we have a new champion?
  • 1-2-NO!
  • Jeff Jarrett stormed into the ring to disrupt the count.
  • As a result, X-Pac won by DQ at 3:27.


Rating: **

Summary:  Solid chemistry, so I’d anticipate a rematch; however, this was more of a continuation of the Jarrett-X-Pac feud.

Following the match, Jarrett, with a buzz cut, tosses X-Pac over the top rope to the floor. He brawls with X-Pac until he gets launched into the front row. As X-Pac takes the brawl among the New Haven faithful, the Brothers of Destruction return to decimate Brown. Before that can happen, Rock arrives to assist his NoD teammate. While Rock fights with them, Brown scurries away with the European title belt.

Undertaker gives Rock a cross corner whip, and Kane follows with a chokeslam. When Undertaker spots him, Brown scurries further.

Match 6: “Marvelous” Marc Mero (w/ Jacqueline) versus Edge

  • Edge made his entrance through the New Haven faithful.
  • As Mero backdropped him, he clotheslined Edge for 2.
  • Edge gave Mero a cross corner whip followed by a flapjack.
  • When he bulldogged Mero, Edge clotheslined him over the top rope to the floor.
  • Edge launched a tope con hilo, but Gangrel appeared at ringside.
  • After Gangrel tossed him into the ring, Edge speared him.
  • They brawled while Mero and Jacqueline retreated to the locker room.
  • Before Mero could reach the exit, Undertaker emerged and clotheslined him.
  • Skirting around the Brothers of Destruction, WWF officials restored order in the ring.


Rating: NONE

WWF Breakdown will be LIVE on PPV on September 27. Order NOW!

AL SNOW INTERVIEW (part one): Video footage of Snow’s cult-hero days in ECW are shown. As Snow states he’s “ready to take the ball,” he compares not seeing God to not listening to the voices of Head. That’s a bit of a stretch. Glimpses of Avatar and Leif Cassidy air, and Snow clarifies that he “had an awakening.” When he mentions that Head wants to talk to Mr. McMahon, Head “interrupts” by distracting Snow. This was probably the best portion of the episode.

While Animal and Droz make their entrance, a “not suitable for competition” Hawk, wearing a tank top, Zubaz, and his helmet, waves his arms in the air for ICP’s music. Of course, ICP’s music doesn’t see the light of day on the WWE Network. Nonetheless, Hawk heads outside the ring to dance with ICP but nails Violent J.

Match 7: The Road Warriors & Droz versus the Oddities


  • Droz fed Golga a flying back elbow while Hawk flapjacked Shaggy 2 Dope on the floor.
  • When Droz dealt Golga an elbow drop, Hawk tagged in much to Droz’s dismay.
  • Hawk attempted a slam, but Golga landed on top of him for 2.
  • As Golga missed a leg drop, Hawk delivered a fist drop.
  • Disheveled, Hawk mistakenly tagged in Kurrgan who planted him with a big boot.
  • Chaos ensued until Silva powerbombed Hawk.
  • 1-2-3.
  • The Oddities won at 1:37.


Rating: DUD

Summary:  More Hawk unable-to-compete storyline that led to an Oddities victory. If it wasn’t so close to the truth, the angle would be acceptable. As it is…

From the parking lot, the Brothers of Destruction maul a stagehand.

Match 8: Los Boricuas versus Too Much


  • This match wouldn’t grace RAW in its normal timeslot with Nitro on the other channel.
  • As los Boricuas reversed stereo Irish whips, they fed Too Much stereo inverted atomic drops.
  • Stereo atomic drops sent Too Much into one another before los Boricuas double-dropkicked Christopher between the ropes to the floor.
  • When Taylor reversed an Irish whip, Christopher interfered with Jesus from the apron. SNEAKY!
  • Taylor dropkicked Jesus from behind sending him over the top rope to the floor.
  • After Taylor distracted referee Jim Korderas, Christopher suplexed Jesus on the floor. How dastardly!
  • Taylor delivered a pumphandle Samoan drop, nipped up, and scored with an elbow drop for 2.
  • While Christopher tagged in, Too Much double-leapfrogged Jesus and followed with a Hart Attack.
  • Perez distracted Korderas allowing Christopher to headbutt Jesus down in southern Puerto Rico.
  • Nailing Jesus with a standing dropkick, Christopher only got 1.
  • Taylor tagged in and suplexed Jesus.
  • Planting Jesus with a seated dropkick, Taylor got reversed on an Irish whip and inadvertently sent Christopher flying face-first into the steel railing. This show sucks too much for a restaurant recommendation.
  • Jesus clotheslined Taylor and tagged in Perez.
  • Hitting a series of dropkicks to Taylor, Perez clotheslined him for 2.
  • Christopher made the save, but Jesus obliterated him with a spinning heel kick.
  • Double-clotheslining Christopher over the top rope to the floor, los Boricuas double-powerbombed Taylor.
  • Korderas was preoccupied with Jesus which only enabled Perez to earn a false pin.
  • Mounting the top turnbuckle, Christopher demolished Perez with a Tennessee Jam and draped Taylor across him.
  • 1-2-3.
  • Too Much won at 5:06.


Rating: ***

Summary:  Decent match but with ZERO heat. Thank goodness even the Brothers of Destruction didn’t give a shit about this match.

Prior to the next match, Jarrett grabs the microphone and tries to get “piss me off” over as a catchphrase.

Match 9: Jeff Jarrett versus Too Cold Scorpio


  • This is the main event?
  • When Jarrett gave Scorpio a cross corner whip, he ate a back elbow on his follow-through.
  • Jarrett powerslammed Scorpio and got 2.
  • As Scorpio fed Jarrett a German suplex with a bridge, he got 2.
  • Jarrett reversed an Irish whip and backdropped Scorpio.
  • After Jarrett dropkicked him, Scorpio rolled to the floor.
  • He flipped over the top rope, rolled up Jarrett, and got 2.
  • While Scorpio scored with a thrust kick, Jarrett rolled to the floor.
  • Scorpio fed him a baseball slide, but Jarrett rebounded with a flapjack.
  • Reversing an Irish whip, Scorpio hooked a sunset flip for 2.
  • Jarrett clotheslined Scorpio and countered a huracanrana with a powerbomb for another 2.
  • Evading a back elbow, Scorpio landed a spinning heel kick for 2.
  • He slammed Jarrett, mounted the top turnbuckle, but missed a moonsault.
  • Hoisting Scorpio atop the top turnbuckle, Jarrett launched a superplex for 2.
  • X-Pac stormed the ring and blasted Jarrett with a leg lariat.
  • As a result, referee Mike Chioda called for the bell, and Jarrett won by DQ at 4:53.


Rating: **

Summary:  More X-Pac-Jarrett feud storyline than match.

Afterward, Jarrett and X-Pac brawl at ringside, and Jarrett vaults him into the front row. While the brawl resides among the New Haven faithful, the Brothers of Destruction make their final appearance and obliterate Scorpio.

Meanwhile, Mr. McMahon resurfaces in glee over tonight’s atrocities. After Undertaker chokeslams Scorpio, the Brothers of Destruction disintegrate Scorpio with a spike tombstone. Mr. McMahon approves with a shit-eating grin on his face.

When the Brothers of Destruction notice him, Mr. McMahon flees like there’s no tomorrow.

Thanks, Apollo.

Conclusion:  Only one word can sum up this episode…

Seriously, it appears that McMahon allowed Vince Russo to book this episode, and Russo ran it completely into the ground. How do you have a post-PPV show without the WWF champion? This show was…

TV Rating: 2.6

Stay tuned for WWF Sunday Night Heat 09-06-98!

Comments? Suggestions? Send them to me at rsg@rockstargary.com and follow me on Twitter (@rockstargary202).