World Class Wrestling Association January 10, 1987

Taped from Dallas, TX

Airdate: January 10, 1987 (taped 12/19)

Attendance: unknown

Hosted by Bill Mercer

How will Lance fare against Black Bart? Can Kevin and Mike defeat Madril and Adias? Do the tag champs survive in the main event? C’mon in and enjoy some Texas ‘rasslin’!

Opening montage.

Match 1: Lance Von Erich versus Black Bart


  • Black Bart fed Lance a fist drop and rammed him face-first into the mat.
  • When he landed a leg drop, Black Bart dealt Lance a knee lift.
  • He tossed Lance down to the blue floor, joined, and clobbered him with a double axe handle.
  • As he bounced Lance’s head off Lowrance’s table, Black Bart clotheslined him.
  • He scored with an elbow smash and got 1.
  • After Lance hooked a sunset flip, he got 2.
  • He countered a slam with an inside cradle for another 2.
  • While Lance countered a hip toss with a backslide, he couldn’t get 3.
  • Black Bart rebounded with a vertical suplex and whipped Lance into the corner.
  • Exploding from the corner, Lance caught Black Bart with a clothesline.
  • Black Bart guillotined him with the top rope, but Lance retaliated with a crescent kick.
  • Making Lance eat some mat, Black Bart got 2.
  • Black Bart returned him to the blue floor, but Lance caught him in the midsection.
  • Smacking Black Bart’s head onto Lowrance’s table, Lance made him HIT THE POLE.
  • He suplexed Black Bart for 2.
  • Backdropping Black Bart, Lance followed with a dropkick for another 2.
  • He reversed a cross corner whip and hip-tossed Black Bart.
  • Taking Black Bart down with a pair of flying headscissors, Lance caught him with a huracanrana.
  • 1-2-3.
  • Lance won at 10:51.


Rating: ***

Summary: Lance wrestles TOO much like Kevin and should really vary his moveset away from his “cousin.” Despite that, Lance defeats a former World champion, so this is a big feather in his cap.

Match 2 for the WCWA World tag team titles: Al Madril & Brian Adias (champions) versus Kevin & Mike Von Erich (w/ Kerry Von Erich)


  • This match occurred on 12/25/86 at Reunion Arena and was joined in progress.
  • As Kevin tagged in, Madril played mind games with him.
  • Kevin fed Adias a knee to the midsection followed by an elbow smash.
  • When Madril tagged in, he abruptly tagged out.
  • Kevin tossed Adias down to the concrete floor, and Kerry intimidated his former friend while exciting the female portion of the Dallas faithful with the removal of his warm-up jacket.
  • After Mike tagged in, Adias clotheslined him.
  • Adias landed an elbow drop and got 2.
  • While Madril tagged in, Mike ducked a clothesline and launched a cross body block for 2.
  • Kevin tagged in, mounted the top turnbuckle, and lowered the boom onto Madril.
  • Following that, Kevin trapped Madril in an Iron claw, and all four wrestlers were in the ring.
  • Adias purposefully knocked referee Bronko Lubich down to the mat, and Lubich called for the bell.
  • As a result, Kevin and Mike won by DQ at 6:09 shown.


Rating: **

Summary: Since Madril and Adias were tag champions, I would have preferred two singles matches where each Von Erich went over. The DQ finish on a major card doesn’t sit well with me.

After the match, Adias tosses Mike over the top rope down to the concrete floor and saves Madril from the Iron claw. Kerry leaps to the apron while Adias mounts the top turnbuckle. Getting his balance disrupted by Kerry, Adias crotches himself on the top rope to the delight of the Dallas faithful. The Von Erichs clear the ring to send the heels packing.

From Fort Worth, Mark Lowrance interviews Casey who cuts a promo on Black Bart. He discusses newcomer Bob Bradley before Dingo Warrior takes his turn vowing to regain the tag titles alongside Lance. Afterward, Tony Atlas details his path to pro wrestling stardom. Quite the plethora of babyface interviews!

Match 3 (non-title): WCWA World champion Kevin Von Erich versus the Grappler


  • Kevin escaped a wrist lock with a dropkick.
  • When he converted a test-of-strength into an arm drag, Kevin dropkicked Grappler a second and third time.
  • He mule-kicked Grappler twice before climbing to the top turnbuckle and unleashing a flying fist.
  • As he trapped Grappler in a bodyscissors, Kevin took him down to the mat.
  • 1-2-3.
  • Kevin won at 3:38.


Rating: *½

Summary: Showcase match for Kevin. I don’t think I’ve seen him win a match with that before.

Match 4 (non-title): WCWA World tag team champions Al Madril & Brian Adias versus Steve Simpson & Scott Casey


  • Due to licensed music removal, this match was joined in progress.
  • Casey tagged in, mounted the second turnbuckle, and lowered the boom onto Madril.
  • As Madril reversed a cross corner whip, Casey leaped to the second turnbuckle and floated over him.
  • Casey backdropped Madril and followed with a dropkick that sent Madril flying to the blue floor.
  • When the Dallas faithful chanted “trai-tor” at the heels, Madril popped Casey so hard he soared to the blue floor.
  • Casey climbed the ropes to re-enter the ring and dropkicked Madril.
  • After Madril summoned for him, Simpson tagged in.
  • Madril played some mind games by tagging in Adias.
  • While Adias leapfrogged him, Simpson responded with a dropkick.
  • Madril tagged in and hip-tossed Simpson.
  • Tagging in, Casey mounted the top turnbuckle and lowered even more boom onto Madril.
  • Adias tagged in and fed Casey a back elbow.
  • Dropping a knee, Adias tagged out.
  • Madril gave Casey a cross corner whip but came up empty on his follow-through.
  • Once tags were exchanged on both sides, Adias dealt Simpson a knee crusher.
  • Adias applied a stepover toe hold and rammed Simpson’s left knee into the ring post.
  • Slamming Simpson, Adias mounted the second turnbuckle, attempted a splash, but ate knees.
  • Hot tag Casey.
  • Powerslamming Adias, Casey only got 2 thanks to a save by Madril.
  • Simpson inserted himself into the match by dropkicking Madril.
  • With referee Ralph Pulley occupied with Simpson, Madril mounted the second turnbuckle and hammered Casey from behind. How dastardly!
  • Adias trapped Casey in an inside cradle and pinned him.
  • As a result, Adias and Madril won at 12:06 shown.


Rating: ***½

Summary: Heel chicanery enabled Adias and Madril to gain victory here.

Conclusion:  Solid main event combined with a good opener make this a worthwhile episode. Also, Kevin’s dominant match against Grappler makes his case as a strong World champion. Lastly, it’s great to see Kerry not only appear but get involved in a match. Hopefully, we see more of him in the coming weeks.

Next week, the “Maniac” and the “Master” return to action.

TV Rating: NONE

Stay tuned for WCCW 01-17-87!

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