WCW Monday Nitro August 31, 1998

Live from Miami, FL

Airdate: August 31, 1998

Attendance:  12,481 (sold out)

Hosted by Tony Schiavone, “Iron” Mike Tenay, & Bobby “The Brain” Heenan

Can Sting and Luger upend Hogan and Hart? Goldberg is here! Will Disco regain the TV title? What’s going on with Arn Anderson? What are Saturn and Lodi up to? Since Nitro’s unopposed, they’re gonna break out all the big guns, right?

Eric Bischoff leads “Hollywood” Hogan through the entrance and to the ring. As he declares a concealed weapon, Bischoff reveals a pen. He mandates that Eddie Guerrero will wrestle tonight, but Warrior will not. Hogan vows that he’ll win WarGames thanks to nWo Hollywood namely Stevie Ray and Bret.

Meanwhile, the Miami faithful LOUDLY chants “Gold-berg” to antagonize Hogan. It must have worked because Hogan inadvertently says “Ultimate Warrior” which is a no-no. When he mentions Goldberg, the Miami faithful taunts him further. He calls out Warrior, and the lights flicker.

Warrior emerges, and the Miami faithful cheers. While Hogan cuts a promo on him, the lights flicker again. Smoke fills the arena, and Warrior disappears. The Warrior signal flashes in a corner of the arena.

Opening montage.

Normally, I don’t remark about the broadcast table’s babbling to begin the episode; however, a member of the Miami faithful holds up a sign behind them that reads: “La Parka is Mike Tenay.” HA!

At a then-Florida Marlins game, Goldberg signed autographs and shook hands with Mark McGwire. For those unaware, McGwire, along with Sammy Sosa, were chasing the baseball home run record of 61.

Match 1: Wrath versus Jim Powers


  • Powers fed him a knee lift, but Wrath no-sold it.
  • When he dealt Powers a sidewalk slam, Wrath landed a series of elbow drops.
  • He whipped Powers into the corner but ate a back elbow on his follow-through.
  • As Powers unleashed a ten-punch count-along, Wrath shoved him halfway across the ring.
  • Powers tried again, but Wrath delivered a painful inverted atomic drop.
  • After he hit a flying shoulder block, Wrath decimated Powers with a Meltdown.
  • 1-2-3.
  • Wrath won at 3:14.


Rating: *

Summary:  Showcase match for Wrath. Interestingly, Tenay mentioned that Powers may have blown out his right knee after the inverted atomic drop. Powers wouldn’t return to WCW until December.

At the broadcast table, the Nitro Girls dance.

From Wapakoneta, OH, “Mean” Gene Okerlund gets mobbed by the local high school cheerleaders.

Match 2: Scott Norton (w/ Vincent) versus Norman Smiley


  • Norton headbutted Smiley down to the mat and followed with a short-arm clothesline.
  • As he powerslammed Smiley, Norton pulled him up at 2.
  • He destroyed Smiley with an inverted shoulder breaker yet pulled him again at 2.
  • When he powerbombed Smiley, Norton ultimately pinned him at 1:29.


Rating: DUD

Summary:  Showcase match for Norton who does NOT work by the hour.

The lights flicker again and go out. Upon their return, Warrior stalks nWo Hollywood from the rafters.

Earlier today, Tenay interviewed Saturn who will “uphold (his) end of the bargain” by being Lodi’s second.

nWo Wolfpack enters the ring, and Kevin Nash grabs the microphone. He recites his catchphrase before Konnan recites his. When Luger’s goatee gets its turn, he accepts the challenge for the main event tag match alongside Sting against Hogan and Bret.

Nash takes the microphone again and announces Sting, Luger, and Nash will be their contingent in WarGames at the PPV. Next, he gives DDP a week to unveil his allegiances. He turns his attention to Piper and threatens him. After all, they have some backstage history. Lastly, he warns Warrior with an old proverb.

In the ring, Schiavone interviews JJ Dillon who invites Arn Anderson to the ring. The “Enforcer” receives a decent ovation as he walks to the ring. As the Miami faithful LOUDLY chants “We Want Flair,” an old video of Arn Anderson making his Mid-Atlantic debut airs. Dillon challenges Arn that he doesn’t “get it.”

Afterward, Chris Benoit and “Mongo” McMichael join the party and have a private pow-wow with Arn. While Arn tries to leave, Dillon stops him. Arn questions matters, and Dillon calls him out on it. That leaves Arn with no reason to stay, so he leaves.

HOUR #2!

We revisit Nitro from two weeks ago when Eddie cut a worked shoot against Bischoff.

Match 3: Brian Adams (w/ Vincent) versus Eddie Guerrero


  • Upon Adams’ entrance, the Warrior signal was shown at the top of the arena again.
  • Warrior stood in the rafters to keep his eye on nWo Hollywood.
  • When the bell rang, Eddie laid down despite making zero contact with Adams.
  • Adams was confused, but referee Charles Robinson counted despite Eddie’s protest.
  • As Eddie only played defense, Adams challenged him to fight.
  • Eddie continued to protest, so Adams put one foot upon him.
  • 1-2-3.
  • Adams won at 2:24.


Rating: DUD

Summary:  More storyline than match as Eddie’s protest must lead to something, right?

After the match, Eddie grabs the microphone and chastises Bischoff. He subtly refers to WCW’s lawsuit against Ric Flair, so his microphone gets cut off.

We revisit Thunder when Miller flattened Disco Inferno with one kick and claimed to be “the greatest.”

Match 4: Ernest “The Cat” Miller versus Riggs


  • Riggs dropkicked Miller out of the ring and followed with a plancha.
  • As he poked Riggs in his good eye, Miller dismantled him with a thrust kick.
  • He gave Riggs a cross corner whip and knocked him silly with a spin kick for 2.
  • When he gave Riggs another cross corner whip, Miller fed him another spin kick.
  • 1-2-3.
  • Miller won at 2:39.


Rating: DUD

Summary:  Showcase match for Miller, but the Miami faithful was too busy getting popcorn.

Following the match, Miller grabs the microphone and cuts the same promo as last week.

At the entrance, Nitro Girls dance in periwinkle.

At the remote Nitro party, Okerlund interviews a high school football player who reveals his nWo Hollywood colors for his main event choice. Another football player chooses nWo Wolfpack as the winner of WarGames. Nitro is C-O-O-L.

Match 5: Konnan versus Marty Jannetty


  • Jannetty reversed a cross corner whip, but Konnan floated over and hip-tossed him.
  • When Konnan connected with a somersault clothesline, he fed Jannetty a seated dropkick.
  • Jannetty obliterated Konnan with a superkick and followed with a flying back elbow for 2.
  • As Jannetty delivered a side-Russian leg sweep, he hit a standing dropkick for another 2.
  • Konnan reversed a cross corner whip but ate a back elbow on his follow-through.
  • After Jannetty landed a fist drop, he planted a knee into the midsection.
  • He scored with a clothesline but couldn’t get 3.
  • While he guillotined Konnan with the top rope, Jannetty earned another 2-count.
  • Konnan reversed another cross corner whip but came up empty on his follow-through.
  • Mounting the top turnbuckle, Jannetty launched a cross body block.
  • Do we have an upset?
  • 1-2-NO!
  • Konnan reversed an Irish whip, but Jannetty snap-suplexed him.
  • In the meantime, stunned silence settled throughout the Miami faithful.
  • A second fist drop by Jannetty led to another 2-count.
  • Reversing another Irish whip, Konnan leapfrogged Jannetty and landed a thrust kick.
  • Konnan rammed Jannetty face-first into the mat and trapped him in a Tequila Sunrise.
  • With nowhere to go, Jannetty submitted; thus, Konnan won at 9:08.


Rating: **

Summary:  Jannetty gave Konnan a solid match, but the Miami faithful wasn’t buying it. Also, this was Jannetty’s final WCW match. Wikipedia says he endured a shoulder injury during this match, but Dark Side of the Ring advises that Jannetty’s substance abuse problems led to his dismissal from WCW. “God’s Amusement Toy,” indeed.

1-800-COLLECT sponsors the replay.

Prior to the next match, Raven grabs a microphone and advises Lodi that Saturn can touch neither Raven nor Kanyon tonight. Lodi obliges. As Kanyon takes the microphone thrown at him by Raven, he berates Saturn for his “pride and integrity.”

Match 6: Saturn & Lodi versus High Voltage


  • Saturn tagged in, but Rage fed him a gorilla-press slam.
  • As Saturn clotheslined him, he dealt Rage a head-and-arm suplex.
  • Lodi tagged in but wanted no part of Kaos.
  • When Saturn tagged back in, Kaos delivered a gutwrench suplex.
  • He gave Saturn a cross corner whip but ate boot on his follow-through.
  • After Rage blindly tagged in, he launched Saturn with an overhead belly-to-belly suplex for 2.
  • Kaos tagged in, and High Voltage hit a drop toe hold/springboard leg drop combo for another 2.
  • While Saturn rebounded with his own overhead belly-to-belly suplex, he disintegrated an incoming Rage with a T-bone suplex.
  • Kaos clotheslined Saturn leading to a tag to Rage.
  • Sandwiching Saturn in the corner, Rage slammed him.
  • Rage hooked a single-leg crab, and Kaos mounted the top turnbuckle before scoring with a guillotine leg drop.
  • Attempting another double-team, High Voltage failed with a springboard shoulder block.
  • Saturn dispatched Kaos with a thrust kick and dumped Rage with a Death Valley Driver.
  • Seeing an anxious Lodi begging for the tag, Saturn tagged him, and Lodi pinned Rage at 5:14.


Rating: **

Summary:  Workrate and storyline were the only factors in this match. The Miami faithful cared more about chastising Lodi than the actual ringwork.

In the ring, Schiavone interviews DDP who informs Bischoff that his pen “ran out of ink.” He cuts a promo on Hogan and introduces “Rowdy” Roddy Piper. While Piper rambles about Bret, he challenges Bret to step up. Methinks Bret liked to step out instead. Abruptly, Giant jumps into the ring and destroys both of them. WCW Security arrives to handcuff him while Heenan clamors for cigarettes. HA!

HOUR #3!

Big Poppa Pump and Dr. Cecil Schwartz head to the ring. When he mentions that he’ll have a panel of doctors to prove he’s “not 100%,” BPP asks Schwartz about bringing another doctor to the ring. Suddenly, Buff Bagwell dressed like a Rastafarian approaches the ring. His accent fluctuates in and out before he spreads powder around BPP.

While the Miami faithful cries “bullshit,” Bagwell “heals” BPP. To thank him, BPP says “I love the voodoo that you do” and runs down Rick. Speaking of Rick, he climbs into the ring to scatter the heels and cuts a promo on BPP. Before the segment ends, the Warrior signal shines a third time, and Warrior overlooks nWo Hollywood.

Match 7 for the WCW Cruiserweight title: Juventud Guerrera (champion) versus Evan Karagis


  • Karagis reversed an Irish whip and gorilla-press-dropped Guerrera guillotining him on the top rope.
  • Meanwhile, the Miami faithful must have been witnessing the ejection of a fan or two because their heads were turned away from the ring.
  • Karagis fed Guerrera a flying back elbow, got reversed on a cross corner whip, and barely vaulted him to the apron.
  • When Guerrera launched a springboard dropkick, Karagis reversed another cross corner whip but ate boot on his follow-through.
  • Guerrera charged, but Karagis caught and powerslammed him for 2.
  • As he clotheslined Guerrera, Karagis got another 2.
  • He dealt Guerrera a standing dropkick that sent him between the ropes to the floor.
  • After the Miami faithful was allegedly distracted by a female fan, Karagis slammed Guerrera.
  • Using momentum, Guerrera sent Karagis down to the floor, mounted the top turnbuckle, and scored with a tope.
  • Upon returning Karagis to the ring, Guerrera mounted an adjacent top turnbuckle and landed a guillotine leg drop for 2.
  • He gave Karagis another cross corner whip but came up empty on his follow-through.
  • While the Miami faithful rang out a chant of “bor-ing,” they turned their attention back to scantily-clad female fans.
  • Karagis reversed an Irish whip, and they botched a flapjack.
  • Wow! That was horrendous!
  • Karagis caught and slammed Guerrera again before mounting the top turnbuckle.
  • Crotching Karagis, Guerrera joined and delivered a super huracanrana.
  • He mounted the top turnbuckle, but Karagis crotched him.
  • Really? This shitty match continued?
  • Karagis joined and connected with his own super huracanrana for 2.
  • I don’t give a shit about the high-flying. This match sucks.
  • Powerslamming Guerrera, Karagis missed a springboard moonsault.
  • Guerrera hit a Juvi Driver and pinned Karagis at 9:32.
  • Thankfully, it’s over.

Rating: -**

Summary:  Youth and inexperience combined with too much time caused this dreck to occur.

At the entrance, the Nitro Girls dance in red tops and jeans while Schiavone shills the Nitro Party contest.

We return to Ohio where Okerlund interviews the Nitro Party contest winner Scott Wilson.

Prior to the next match, Jericho grabs the microphone and runs through his spiel.

Match 8 for the WCW World TV title: Chris Jericho (champion) versus Disco Inferno


  • Disco fed Jericho a swinging neckbreaker and got 2.
  • As he reversed an Irish whip, Disco slammed Jericho but missed a fist drop.
  • Jericho slammed Disco and displayed an arrogant cover for 2.
  • When he attempted a Lionsault, Jericho ate knees.
  • Disco dealt Jericho an atomic drop sending him face-first into the top turnbuckle.
  • After he clotheslined Jericho, Disco got 2.
  • He delivered a spinebuster and got another 2.
  • While Jericho escaped a belly-to-back suplex attempt, he hooked a German suplex with a bridge for 2.
  • Disco scored with a Chartbuster but only got 2 thanks to a foot on the bottom rope. That was close.
  • Catching Disco, Jericho struggled but trapped him in a LionTamer.
  • Before Disco could reach the bottom rope, Jericho maneuvered to the center of the ring.
  • Disco had no choice but to tap out.
  • As a result, Jericho retained at 3:16.


Rating: **

Summary:  Disco had a great chance here, and I’m surprised that he can use the Chartbuster again. Where’s Disciple?

Prior to the next match, Nash replaces Tenay at the broadcast table. He’s ready to call a Goldberg match against his former tag team partner.

Match 9 (non-title): WCW World champion Goldberg versus Al Green


  • This match woke up the Miami faithful.
  • When Green attacked him before the bell, Goldberg landed a thrust kick.
  • He backdropped Green and followed with a slam.
  • As Green took a powder, Goldberg joined and made him HIT THE POLE.
  • Green tried a sleeper, but Goldberg shrugged him off.
  • After Goldberg bulldozed him with a spear, he hooked a Jackhammer.
  • 1-2-3.
  • Goldberg won at 2:17.


Rating: *

Summary:  Showcase match for Goldberg who’s 141-0.

Match 10: “Hollywood” Hogan & Bret “Hitman” Hart (w/ Disciple) versus the “Total Package” Lex Luger & Sting


  • Oh, there’s Disciple.
  • Buffer rambled and rumbled.
  • As Sting tagged in, Bret wanted no part of him and tagged out.
  • Sting fed Hogan a ten-punch count-along which caused Hogan to get nailed in the wrong corner.
  • When Luger tagged in, he gave Hogan a cross corner whip but ate boot on his follow-through.
  • Hogan clotheslined Luger and tagged in Bret.
  • After he dealt Luger a side-Russian leg sweep, Bret got 2.
  • Sting distracted referee Nick Patrick enabling Hogan and Bret to double-team Luger. SNEAKY!
  • While Hogan tagged in, the Miami faithful informed him that he indeed “sucks.”
  • Bret illegally switched with Hogan and delivered a backbreaker.
  • Landing a leg drop, Bret got another 2.
  • Luger blocked a vertical suplex and hit one of his own.
  • Following a double clothesline, Luger made the HOT TAG.
  • Sting gave Hogan a cross corner whip followed by a Stinger splash.
  • Upon trying again, Sting came up empty due to Disciple’s pushing Hogan away.
  • Hogan removed his weight belt and WHACKED Sting with it.
  • Strangely, Bret stole the belt from Hogan and sauntered down the aisle.
  • Hogan followed and questioned him.
  • Due to their argument, Hogan and Bret got counted out.
  • Sting and Luger won at 11:20.


Rating: **

Summary:  Bret brought the wrestling while Sting brought the excitement. They followed the formula to generate enough heat. Did Bret truly step up?

After the match, Bret, Hogan, and Disciple return to the ring, but smoke emits. Someone missed their cue. Nevertheless, a shoving match ensues, yet Disciple tries to separate them. The remainder of nWo Hollywood steps in to calm things down. Hogan reinforces his leadership role before more smoke fills the ring. As the lights flicker, Warrior reappears in the ring, and nWo Hollywood is OUT COLD. Warrior grabs the microphone and scares Hogan away to end the show.

Conclusion:   Now Bret’s playing mind games with Hogan? Nonetheless, both the semi-main and main event stirred up the Miami faithful for a show without much going for it. Since Nitro was unopposed, they felt the need to extend a couple of matches; however, those matches didn’t need extra time. The most exciting match happened to be Jericho-Disco. Warrior’s shenanigans contained cool effects but barely any storyline development. Lastly, the Horseman segment, sans Arn’s Mid-Atlantic video, was a whole lot of nothing. Hopefully next week’s effort will be better.

TV Rating: 6.0 (wow!)

Stay tuned for WCW Thunder 09-03-98!

Comments? Suggestions? Send them to me at rsg@rockstargary.com and follow me on Twitter (@rockstargary202).